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[Mercenary 'The Lich King' Not Found] [Mercenary 'Jaina Proudmoore/mercimg]
Spam Flurry 3+ on Varden Dawngrasp
Alternate between Ice Flores and Water Elemental on [Mercenary 'Jaina Proudmoore/mercimg]
Consider skipping attacks with [Mercenary 'The Lich King/mercimg] when up against [Mercenary 'Xyrella/mercimg]
First off the bench: [Mercenary 'Diablo/mercimg] Fire Stomp
[Mercenary 'Blademaster Samuro/mercimg] is there cause he's strong
Using [Mercenary 'Grommash Hellscream/mercimg] for Staggering Slam but will consider [Mercenary 'Cairne Bloodhoof/mercimg] when built up.
Decent success so far. Merc equipments are just what I have right now.
' Not Found]' Not Found]' Not Found]' Not Found]' Not Found]' Not Found]' Not Found]' Not Found]
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