Arcane Beasts

Last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by
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Works well in both PvE and PVP  (currently at 4000 rating)

1. Start with Milhouse, Cariel and Tyrande
2. Defend others with Cariel and build +Arcane Damage with Milhouse, focusing 1 enemy down with Tyrandes Arcane shot also
3. Either turn 2 or 3 use Tyrandes Elunes grace depending on situation
4. Use Milhouses Arcane Missiles when CD is ready, Cariel is probably close to death now
5. If Cariel is down, send in Blink Fox for the Arcane combo + reset cooldowns, do same as above 
6. If Milhouse or Tyrande down, send in Anacondra or Tavish to build and start building beast/ survival combo

Best case Scenario - turn 4: Arcane damage is built up, 1 or two enemies have been killed with first wave of double Arcane Missiles, cariel has just died, place blink fox and reset cooldowns.  you can use Milhouses Arcane missiles and Tyrandes Elunes grace 2 turns in a row to unless utter destruction and make your opponent concede

Tips: In my experience Tavrish is never focused. Highest priorities I've noticed are Milhouse and Anacondra.

Long game: Play out Arcane tactic and slowly phase into beast gameplay, asses situation depending on enemies wether to send in Tavish or Anacondra, usually Tavish.

Strong VS: Triad of Red, Blue and Green gameplay
Weak VS: High DMG reds/greens (nasty orcses)

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