Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Foundations Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

Revealed Cards for Foundations


Lux Card Image Garen Card Image Fiora Card Image Lucian Card Image Brightsteel Formation Card Image Tianna Crownguard Card Image Judgment Card Image Cithria the Bold Card Image Laurent Chevalier Card Image Dawnspeakers Card Image Reinforcements Card Image Remembrance Card Image Redoubled Valor Card Image For Demacia! Card Image Back to Back Card Image Swiftwing Lancer Card Image Radiant Guardian Card Image Vanguard Bannerman Card Image Stand Alone Card Image Riposte Card Image Mageseeker Inciter Card Image Laurent Bladekeeper Card Image Vanguard Sergeant Card Image Senna, Sentinel of Light Card Image Mobilize Card Image En Garde Card Image Mageseeker Persuader Card Image Battlesmith Card Image Vanguard Cavalry Card Image Detain Card Image Vanguard Firstblade Card Image Silverwing Vanguard Card Image Silverwing Diver Card Image Relentless Pursuit Card Image Vanguard Squire Card Image Vanguard Redeemer Card Image Succession Card Image Prismatic Barrier Card Image Mageseeker Investigator Card Image Laurent Protege Card Image War Chefs Card Image Vanguard Lookout Card Image Vanguard Defender Card Image Single Combat Card Image Purify Card Image Laurent Duelist Card Image Brightsteel Protector Card Image Radiant Strike Card Image Plucky Poro Card Image Mageseeker Conservator Card Image Fleetfeather Tracker Card Image Cithria of Cloudfield Card Image Chain Vest Card Image


Tryndamere Card Image Anivia Card Image Braum Card Image Ashe Card Image Warmother's Call Card Image She Who Wanders Card Image Winter's Breath Card Image Scarmother Vrynna Card Image Tarkaz the Tribeless Card Image Avarosan Hearthguard Card Image Battle Fury Card Image They Who Endure Card Image Pack Mentality Card Image Icy Yeti Card Image Ancient Yeti Card Image Heart of the Fluft Card Image Scarmaiden Reaver Card Image Rimetusk Shaman Card Image Harsh Winds Card Image Bloodsworn Pledge Card Image Avarosan Outriders Card Image Avalanche Card Image Take Heart Card Image Rimefang Wolf Card Image Flash Freeze Card Image Starlit Seer Card Image Poro Herder Card Image Entreat Card Image Iceborn Legacy Card Image Alpha Wildclaw Card Image Troop of Elnuks Card Image Catalyst of Aeons Card Image Bull Elnuk Card Image Babbling Bjerg Card Image Wyrding Stones Card Image Tall Tales Card Image Scarthane Steffen Card Image Poro Snax Card Image Mighty Poro Card Image Kindly Tavernkeeper Card Image Avarosan Trapper Card Image Avarosan Marksman Card Image Stalking Wolf Card Image Icevale Archer Card Image Feral Mystic Card Image Avarosan Sentry Card Image Yeti Yearling Card Image Unscarred Reaver Card Image Shatter Card Image Omen Hawk Card Image Lonely Poro Card Image Elixir of Iron Card Image Brittle Steel Card Image


Karma Card Image Yasuo Card Image Yasuo Card Image Shen Card Image Zed Card Image Minah Swiftfoot Card Image Windfarer Hatchling Card Image The Empyrean Card Image Shadow Flare Card Image Ren Shadowblade Card Image Silent Shadowseer Card Image Yone, Windchaser Card Image Zephyr Sage Card Image Stand United Card Image Dawn and Dusk Card Image Cloud Drinker Card Image Yusari Card Image Jeweled Protector Card Image Ritual of Renewal Card Image Kinkou Wayfinder Card Image Deny Card Image Solitary Monk Card Image Rivershaper Card Image Death Mark Card Image Steel Tempest Card Image Sown Seeds Card Image Insight of Ages Card Image Greenglade Duo Card Image Fae Bladetwirler Card Image Will of Ionia Card Image Spirit's Refuge Card Image Kinkou Lifeblade Card Image Shadowshift Card Image Shadow Assassin Card Image Scaled Snapper Card Image Greenglade Elder Card Image
Greenglade Elder Card Image Emerald Awakener Card Image Twin Disciplines Card Image Navori Highwayman Card Image Navori Conspirator Card Image Ki Guardian Card Image Keeper of Masks Card Image Herald of Spring Card Image Greenglade Lookout Card Image Sparring Student Card Image Shadow Fiend Card Image Rush Card Image Recall Card Image Nimble Poro Card Image Navori Bladescout Card Image Inspiring Mentor Card Image Health Potion Card Image Greenglade Caretaker Card Image Ghost Card Image


Darius Card Image Vladimir Card Image Katarina Card Image Draven Card Image Captain Farron Card Image Reckoning Card Image Battering Ram Card Image Kato The Arm Card Image Shiraza the Blade Card Image Legion Veteran Card Image Savage Reckoner Card Image Minotaur Reckoner Card Image Decimate Card Image Intimidating Roar Card Image Decisive Maneuver Card Image Arachnoid Host Card Image Trifarian Assessor Card Image Crowd Favorite Card Image Crimson Awakener Card Image Basilisk Rider Card Image Vision Card Image Noxian Guillotine Card Image Culling Strike Card Image Trifarian Gloryseeker Card Image Death Lotus Card Image Crimson Disciple Card Image Arena Bookie Card Image Arena Battlecaster Card Image Trifarian Shieldbreaker Card Image Shunpo Card Image Legion General Card Image Whirling Death Card Image Reckless Trifarian Card Image Might Card Image Legion Marauder Card Image Crimson Curator Card Image Arachnoid Sentry Card Image Trifarian Hopeful Card Image Transfusion Card Image Legion Grenadier Card Image Legion Drummer Card Image House Spider Card Image Crimson Aristocrat Card Image Brothers' Bond Card Image Blood for Blood Card Image Precious Pet Card Image Legion Saboteur Card Image Legion Rearguard Card Image Guile Card Image Elixir of Wrath Card Image Draven's Biggest Fan Card Image Blade's Edge Card Image Affectionate Poro Card Image

Piltover & Zaun

Heimerdinger Card Image Jinx Card Image Ezreal Card Image Teemo Card Image Corina Veraza Card Image Progress Day! Card Image Trueshot Barrage Card Image Jae Medarda Card Image Augmented Experimenter Card Image Purrsuit of Perfection Card Image Plaza Guardian Card Image Hextech Transmogulator Card Image Unstable Voltician Card Image Midenstokke Henchmen Card Image Chempunk Shredder Card Image Sumpsnipe Scavenger Card Image Statikk Shock Card Image Shady Character Card Image Professor von Yipp Card Image Funsmith Card Image Eminent Benefactor Card Image Chump Whump Card Image Get Excited! Card Image Assembly Bot Card Image Intrepid Mariner Card Image Chempunk Pickpocket Card Image Counterfeit Copies Card Image Thermogenic Beam Card Image Unlicensed Innovation Card Image Back Alley Barkeep Card Image Used Cask Salesman Card Image Sump Dredger Card Image Rising Spell Force Card Image Puffcap Peddler Card Image Parade Electrorig Card Image Golden Crushbot Card Image Flash of Brilliance Card Image Amateur Aeronaut Card Image Sumpworks Map Card Image Scrapdash Assembly Card Image Rummage Card Image Mystic Shot Card Image Flame Chompers! Card Image Eager Apprentice Card Image Clump of Whumps Card Image Boomcrew Rookie Card Image Academy Prodigy Card Image Zaunite Urchin Card Image Mushroom Cloud Card Image Jury-Rig Card Image Daring Poro Card Image Astute Academic Card Image Caustic Cask Card Image

Shadow Isles

Hecarim Card Image Thresh Card Image Kalista Card Image Elise Card Image The Harrowing Card Image The Ruination Card Image Commander Ledros Card Image Spectral Matron Card Image Rhasa the Sunderer Card Image The Undying Card Image Scuttlegeist Card Image The Rekindler Card Image Atrocity Card Image Soulgorger Card Image Brood Awakening Card Image Tortured Prodigy Card Image Possession Card Image Ethereal Remitter Card Image Wraithcaller Card Image The Box Card Image Ancient Crocolith Card Image Splinter Soul Card Image Phantom Prankster Card Image Iron Harbinger Card Image Fresh Offerings Card Image Frenzied Skitterer Card Image Shark Chariot Card Image Fading Memories Card Image Vengeance Card Image Withering Wail Card Image Grasp of the Undying Card Image Chronicler of Ruin Card Image Scribe of Sorrows Card Image Mist's Call Card Image Darkwater Scourge Card Image Black Spear Card Image Vile Feast Card Image Stirred Spirits Card Image Soul Shepherd Card Image Onslaught of Shadows Card Image Mistwraith Card Image Haunted Relic Card Image Glimpse Beyond Card Image Cursed Keeper Card Image Arachnoid Horror Card Image Warden's Prey Card Image Sinister Poro Card Image Oblivious Islander Card Image Mark of the Isles Card Image Hapless Aristocrat Card Image Crawling Sensation Card Image Absorb Soul Card Image Ravenous Butcher Card Image


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