Big Demon Quest Warlock

Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

This deck takes the Quest Warlock shell from Ashes of Outland, and replaces the Dragon package featuring cards like Malygos and Nether Breath by a big demon package.

Quest package

We want to cheat out big stuff for free, which is why we play Supreme Archaeology. We want to complete this quest as soon as possible, which is why we play Plot Twist and draw cards like Questing Explorer, Mortal Coil and The Dark Portal.

Big Demon Package

Archwitch Willow allows you to cheat out huge threats like Enhanced Dreadlord and Siegebreaker, while Lorekeeper Polkelt allows you to tutor her and play her for free after completing Supreme Archaeology. Use The Dark Portal to cheaply get big minions from your deck, and Felosophy to copy your huge demons for even more late-game threats.

Survival Package

Of course, we need to stay alive in order to play our beefy demons in the late game. We do this with removal spells like Mortal Coil, Soul Shear, Dark Skies, School Spirits and Twisting Nether. The two Soul Fragment cards also add some much-needed healing to this deck. Being a quest deck, we can play Sky Gen'ral Kragg which gives us a nice tempo swing. We also have Keli'dan the Breaker for removal, and Aranasi Broodmother for healing.

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  • Anomaly1998's Avatar
    Gul'dan 140 9 Posts Joined 07/28/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Uhh, besides missing the other pay off cards like the 5 mana earth elemental demon, U should probably add Kanrethad Ebonlocke??!

    Also, 0 point running the quest and polkelt because shuffling Fragments messes up your polkelt and the fragments being drawn from the hero power render the discount useless. Using something like Vectus will be better imo.

    Plot twist will ruin the Fragments as you will draw them and again, just destroy your fragments.

    Polkelt is a very overhyped card and will see very situational play like the scenario you mentioned of Polkelt into a 0 mana Willow. That isnt even worth all that lol. Another 4/5 isnt going to change the threat that the willow board creates. Whether the 4/5 is there or not, isnt game changing when the other 3 things will be atleast bigger than 4/5 anyways.

    TL:DR Cut quest and just invest in demons!

    • Erodos's Avatar
      Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

      The Soul Fragment package is more here to support the deck and to help the quest along than the focus of the deck. The 5 mana demon is strong, but it's terrible to get off Archwitch Willow and isn't really better than Abyssal Summoner.


      Kanrethad Ebonlocke could work, but the second half has some anti-synergy with Archwitch Willow. You could consider cutting 1 Siegebreaker for him.


      You're also greatly underestimating how good Lorekeeper Polkelt will act in this deck, since he actually directly counters your other points. You play him after you finish the quest, putting all your Soul Fragments on the bottom of your deck as to not accidentally grab them with your hero power. At this point you'll be able to stabilise with your big taunts and free cards, so you won't need to shuffle Soul Fragments into your deck anymore. The point also isn't to add a 4/5 to the Archwitch Willow board, but to double your chances of drawing her.


      The point of the quest is to counteract the heavy curve of this deck. Because of the big demon package, we want to have a chance to play them for free. You could make a Soul Fragment/Big Demon deck, but that would just be a completely different deck from this one. I look forward to seeing your spin on that archetype though.

      • Anomaly1998's Avatar
        Gul'dan 140 9 Posts Joined 07/28/2020
        Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

        My issue with Polkelt is how terribly easy it is to reshuffle the deck like your opponent shuffling a bomb/albatrosses into your deck or being unable to play more soul fragments of your own for that matter. But I see that you aren't really vested into the fragments for the payoff cards, more just for sustain purposes, I guess that can work. I hope to see how your final version shakes out an give it a spin.

        My Hand/DemonLock is a work in progress and some advice on that would be much appreciated!

  • SaberTJ's Avatar
    135 8 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I like what you are building here.  Seems like hitting on Soulciologist Malicia might be a better fit here than Sky Gen'ral Kragg.  Especially with two The Dark Portal

    • Erodos's Avatar
      Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

      I think that depends on the meta. She could fit, but with Plot Twist we have a large chance of pulling all the Soul Fragments out of our deck leaving her with only a few rushing souls. She could be nice in a slower meta though, as another big board-in-a-card. Kragg is better in a more aggressive meta.

  • CarCar's Avatar
    Scholomance Surveyor 75 2 Posts Joined 07/26/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Cool deck! Survival seems tough without the dragon package, but if meta slows down it could easily be viable

    • Erodos's Avatar
      Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

      I agree, but thankfully today we got 2 more amazing control cards which also give healing: Soul Shear and School Spirits. These two cards add some much-needed healing to the deck and hopefully some more survival. I substituted Unstable Felbolt and Hellfire for them.


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