New Neutral Minion - Enchanted Cauldron
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Epic Neutral Minion, Enchanted Cauldron, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Enchanted Cauldron, has been revealed!
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wouldn't want to go without the absolute memes, right?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The art reminds me of the hilariously bad CGI cave of wonders from the old kingdom hearts games.
Living like that.
obligatory epic meme card.
Another wonderful tool for Casino Mage, but won't see any serious constructed play.
Not very likely to be impactful, as is true of all random minion summoning effects.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Not very good, but the effect is funny and the artwork is super cool. If I open this I will play it in my casino mage, if I don't open it then fine. It is obviously not meant for competitive games, it is just a fun little card if you want to shake things up and play something random.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
That moment when you cast Divine Spirit on it and it casts Shadow Word: Pain on itself! Really cool art though!
That face is nightmare material.
The effect is funny, but it's too random for it to be practical for competitive play.
God, why is this epic, I hope I don't open this.
yes, if you're worried you're winning a little too easily, just play this and simulate russian roulette, because why not.
Your opponent should likewise emote thanks as this eventually kills you not least because you lost the roulette, but proceeded to play a nasty 1/6 for 3.
Not sure about this one - looks like a meme card ...
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Funfunfun. Yes, there will be much salt created by this card, but at least one player will be laughing!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Too random for serious use, but games don't have to be serious all the time, right.
Simalar to Summoning Stone, but it's cheaper and 1 time use. This will certainly see experimentation, and guaranteed play in some kind of RNG casino deck in both standard & wild. (Maybe standard Trick Totem Casino Shaman, or WILD Casino mage)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Why are the biggest meme cards always epic? *sigh*
Hard on RNG and never hitting the brakes. I guess this card doesn't surprise me.
I like the artwork tho. Funky.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Filler card imho. Too random and must survive 1 turn in most case. Too situational for me
Honestly, a bit on the underwhelming side.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
nOT THAT into it
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I don't like it at all
Has a lot of health, but I don't think it will make the cut.
Too random to see any serious play. The statline gives it a solid chance to survive longer, but also prevents it from being an actual threat. I wonder if there's a mana cost with guaranteed positive outcomes...
Earthquake x2 is coming!
Soul Fragment collector.
Rather bad meme card, but it will have its moments. Maybe I put one of those in my Highlander mage list
I can’t see this seeing much play, the randomness of the one time effect will probably be more of a hinderance than a boon.
Just pack filler.
Excesively random, even for arena.
By The Holy Light!
A 3 mana 6 health minion is hard to kill, as [Hearthstone Card (Flying Carpet) Not Found] has proven. I just don't think that it's effect is good enough.
Wait: a random spell? From your class, or from any class? In one case, it can be great if you have encyclopaedic knowledge of your class cards, in the other case it is casino royale.
For DH: 1 and 2: all good, but not very impactful. 3mana spells are all removal, 2/3 are specific enemy minion targeted. 4: to situational. 5: could work weirdly, or give you a strong advantage. 6: there is only Skull of Gul'dan, I wonder whether the second one will also be cast as outsider? If so, this is a massive powerplay. 7: If you play Cycle of Hatred, it has 50% to play the same - which is a big board clear.
Won't do the other classes, since they have way more cards.
If it is not class specific, it get's weird: (only looking at 3mana +)
value is everything that helps you, but doesn't have an immeadiate impact on the board. (armor gain, good deathrattles, card advantage, mana gain)
friendly buff is everything that can already help you this turn -hero attack and buffs on friendly minions.
onesided boardclear is not targeted, but can effect either side.
weird is everything else, including invoking cards.
4 mana: 36 cards. Weird: Glide, Fiendish Rites. Since the swingy random cards are mostly not strong enough to fuck you over, and there is a lot of value, most cards will help you.
5 mana: 27 cards. ([Hearthstone Card (Duel) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Metamorphorsis) Not Found] are the weirds ones.This is a wide variety of spells, and 14 of the 27 are just as likely to be bad as to be good for you.
6mana: 16 cards here: weird: Darkest Hour - ugh. that's 9 mostly good out of 16, while the other 7 can majorly swing the situation the other way.
7mana: will mostly be good if you have an empty hand and are behind on board.
I like this card. Trush but fun. =)
Pitty they wasted Spellburst on a pack filler, but shaman won't be sad when he evolved into this at least
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Seems underwhelming, however it could be interesting to get a 10 mana spell. Meme machine anyway.
Fun meme, I can see it being played by Wowhobbs but not anywhere else.
Another RNG card that can go greatly well or amazingly bad
All hail the banshee queen.
They must have heard just how much We just loooooove random shit ..!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Another cool idea with great flavor, but I don't think this will see any play outside of fun/meme decks.
The stat line with cost might actually make this potentially playable, but the RNG spell probably isn't going to cut it in any competitive deck.
More RNG nonsense. Thanks, but no thanks.
This isn't good to play on turn 3, and even if you trigger the spellburst with a high cost spell, the effect isn't consistent enough to provide any inherent synergy for any deck. A meme card if I ever saw one.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This is going to be a fun card, but certainly not a card that will decide any matches.
Due to the pool of spells available, it will never be consistent. And since it has no impact on the board, unless you play a board clear spell the turn it lands your opponent will most likely use their own resources to clear this minion on the next turn so it won't snowball.
There will probably be a Tavern Brawl focused around this minion, I betcha. It's too meme worthy for Team 5 not to play with.
Way too much variance on this to be good, lots of spells can screw you over or just benefit your opponent
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Good art, bad card
Yogg's cauldron for the memes!
I don't think they do. If I wanted serious, I would play Bridge.
I missed this in the full reveal, but I really like it. I like the idea of running this in Priest and casting Psyche Split on it. Get two minions, a random 5 mana cast, and the second copy likely still has spellburst for a later turn.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
It's just awful stats and RNG. Not worth the crafting unless Spellburst is refreshed.
Ok so the 1 combo I would do with this card is
1 Enchanted Cauldron
2. Use Maeiv Shadowsong to hide my cauldron
3. When it awakens play puzzle box
4. Sit back and watch the fireworks praying cauldron survives
Thinking about it more the most juicy cost to use this with is 7 cost spells and 10 cost spells
Avoid 8 cost and 9 cost like the plague
Ah, Epics. Just when I thought you were actually becoming useful in niche situations.
That said, I don't think this card is bad, just very unpredictable. A 3-cost 1/6 may stand a chance of hanging around for a turn, but it won't accomplish too much.
Also, the art is very un-Hearthstone-like, at least to my eyes.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Summoning Stone, but only once.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Knowing my luck this card will only have upsides for my opponents and downsides for me.. I'll pass and same myself the aggravation.
Great art, but not that great a card unfortunately.
It's bad, but god if that art isn't convincing me to play it anyway. It's just so... smug.
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