New Demon Hunter & Hunter Spell - Demon Companion
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Hunter/Demon Hunter Spell, Demon Companion, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Hunter/Demon Hunter Spell, Demon Companion, has been revealed!
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Could this be the winner card of this expansion?? Is there any DH or Hunter deck that won't include it?
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
I don't get why people hype this so much. the minions are really basic for 1-mana and it's not like they scale or anything.
RNG is also just like Animal Companion, meaning 1/3 of the time you migt just get screwed. Demon Hunter will run because they want 1-drops, but I don't see what Hunter would do with it that isn't also accomplished by more consistent cards
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Great stand-alone 1-drop for both classes. Sure, it'll suck to get [Hearthstone Card (Kelok) Not Found], but it's not that far off from Battlefiend, and the other two options are insane on turn 1, which are both 1 mana discounts on Bluegill Warrior and Frostwolf Grunt.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Good value for the cost, my only problem is that it is too similar to animal companion, I would have prefer different minions with different abilities, like posion, lifeasteal and deathrattle, or whatever.
Strong, but unreliable. A nearly-always strong 1-drop is probably worse than a consistently great 1-drop like battlefiend or squire.
This is probably less good for aggressive hunter decks, where beast synergy is very important.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Unreliable, but you always get something pretty strong. Really strong in tempo decks and anything that focuses on board presence, so this will almost definitely see play in one of the two classes.
So you are getting an animal companion like spell for 1 mana.. there are some 1 drops that are weaker thna this like the vanilla 2/2 that sees play.. I guess it will be tested not sure if it will replace that card.
Pretty good for any DH/Hunter deck. Hunters like playing Animal Companion just for the 1/3 chance for Huffer, so i don't see why they won't play Demon Companion for a cheap 2/1 with charge. Solid tempo card that will see plenty of play.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Nice t1 play for both classes and kinda for any deck archetype out there. I guess we will see a whole lot of this card in the upcoming months.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
This card will be a staple 1-drop in both Hunter and Demon Hunter for ever from now on. 5 star card. love it.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Hard to have an opinion without seeing the companions... but a 1-drop is a 1-drop and cheap spells could always be of use for spellbursts etc.
They are mini-versions of hunter companions - 2/2 taunt, 2/1 charge, 1/2 give all minions +1 attack.
What's the most powerful card in Hearthstone?
A credit card.
Could be decent, though it is competing against the 1 drops of both other classes, which might just be better than this
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
What a cheep, useful, and strangely adorable card you are.
"All the better to crush you with my opening play dear."
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
This card is neat and has pretty good value. I like how it plays off Animal Companion, but I wish it wasn't just exactly a scaled down version. I mean, there are so many other abilities like Rush and Lifesteal they could have used.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Animal Companion sees play, and what you're getting here is half the stats for a third of the mana cost. Sounds pretty good.
Fine card, will see experimentation for sure. Not 5 stars busted crazy or anything like that, but you won't be sad to slot a copy of it into a highlander deck.
Stupidly enough, its the leokk lookalike that will likely be the best outcome of this card. Whether this sees any play will depend on whether both sides are going token. From the looks of the card set, it seems like theres more than a little support to push token dhunters this time round.
Blazing Battlemage is already one of the more common 1 drop, and this one more or less gives you that, except 66% of the time it will give you something better past turn 1.
But I still think its real power is more achieved through a token deck.
This will be just like Animal Companion but toned down to 1 mana. We have a precedent so, nuff said.
Seems weaker than Animal Companion to me. What makes that card great is that the minions are great regardless of when you play the card. This is why it has always been played throughout the history of HS. These companions fall off in the mid game already, except Kelok who can be great in a token deck.
I think this is very strong for both classes. Decent Card for the first turn!
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So the names are [Hearthstone Card (Shima) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Kolek) Not Found]
I really wonder what will be the Huffer's demon version. Fuhrer maybe ? :P
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Basically Animal Companion on a smaller and better mana cost (1 mana instead of 3, while the demon companion have half the stats of their animal counterparts). 4/5, will definitely see play.
Animal Companion usually finds it's way in Hunter decks due to how cost effective the minions they summon are - they also synergy with Hunter's beast reliant cards like Kill Command or Hound Master.
Demon Companion, being a third of the cost with minions that have half the stats of their basic counterparts (same effects, though - rush, taunt and additional attack to friendly minions) means this spell will definitely see play in the future.
I suspect that this card will find a home in more Demon Hunter decks than Hunter, since Hunters received a VERY strong 1 drop this expansion and like to focus on their beast synergy, but I suppose that for any aggressive or tempo game plan this card can fit anywhere.
cheap, flexible, summons very cost effective minions, it's a 5 star card that will see play in standard until rotation.
(1) mana ..! Holyshit, this is broken already
Hate it ... no, wait, I love it
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Easy 5 star for this card. The 1 mana cost is crazzy and also is a cheap activator for spellburst (if it is needed). We are going to see it a lot for sure
I figure this card will compete with Blazing Battlemage in current DH and Hunter lists, while possibly being run alongside it in Highlander versions.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Love the idea, the minions and the names. All very flavourful.
Animal companion in esteroids... Will love to make a wild hunter deck full of companions
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Super good card for both classes, will see play alot.
A one mana Animal Companion, there is no way this won't be in all the hunter/demon hunter decks.
I'm waiting for DH's version of
It is good, but Demon Hunter has so many good cards.
Can be amazing or horrible dependent on your luck. Not sure if you can get out of rotation cards but if you can you might pray for a void lord, malganis... or you might get a wrath guard or useless imp
All hail the banshee queen.
1 mana for a powerful minion. Nice addition to Tempo/aggro decks.
An utterly fantastic and terrifying card that is such high value. I think you cut Battlemage for this.
I'm not sold on this card. The minions are significantly less impactful as their Animal Companion counterparts. The 2/1 charge can be pinged down unlike Huffer, who often forces the opponent to use some form of removal/trade in a creature to deal with, the 2/2 taunt gets contested by almost every one drop that sees play, as well as running horribly into Bonechewer Brawler, and the 1/2 attack buffer isn't a good one drop as a 1/2 trades horribly with almost every single one drop that sees play. The bset one is probably the 2/2 taunt but at that point I don't see why you wouldn't just run Blazing Battlemage over it for the consistency of having good one drop.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
This card is bonkers, it will be amazing in any type of agressive hunter or DH list.
Can't wait to take 2 damage to face turn 1.
Animal Companion is still a card run in Hunter because it provides over-statted minions for the cost; this does the same, but a little better, so I expect to see this played everywhere.
Animal Companion is solid. I can't see why this wouldn't be...though maybe a little LESS solid.
Any of the 3 (mini Huffer, mini Leokk or mini Misha) is so worth for (1). Any aggro or midrange would run 2 copies of this card if given the chance. The demon tag is worthless to Hunter but still a bonus to DH. This is a premium card.
Not worth, much worse then Animal Companion. They should make this 5 mana bigger bodies
This will be a wonderful/terrible thing.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
More tokens, they are really pushing that demon hunter archetype
Super cute, but I have one question: shouldn't Demons be more powerful than Beasts?
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Definitely using this in any version of Spell Hunter I run in the future. This is a great card!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
All of them are good 1 drops and every aggro deck will run 2 of them.
By The Holy Light!
I think it's adorable that the tokens are all anagrams of the original Animal Companions. Card's incredibly strong, too, so we'll be seeing them a fair bit.
Welcome to the site!
Amazing flavour and art, I really love this card. Can't wait to see what all the different companions look like!