New Hunter Minion - Professor Slate
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Legendary Hunter Minion, Professor Slate, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Hunter Minion, Professor Slate, has been revealed!
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Okay, someone at Blizzard really adores hunters. Dual class legendary +1/+1 to all beasts in deck, then dual class legendary immune to all attacking chars and now poison spells, hello Rapid Fire
Wow, pretty strong card! Rapid Fire will find more play than before. Also Spells like Arcane Shot can now be utilized for removal not only for weak minions :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Goddamn, that's a strong one.
Rapid Fire is absolutely nuts with this. It's basically 5-mana for double [Hearthstone Card (Assasinate) Not Found]...and we haven't even seen any support for this from this expansion yet.
This is a legit comeback tool for any slow Hunter deck. Is this perhaps finally the time of combo hunter?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
not so useful for Hunters ...
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Okay it's not too late isn't it, finally got chance to put my Arcane Fletcher to work. Slate is quite flexible i suppose, but maybe he is intended to run in spell heavy deck or sth.
This expansion is Custom Hearthstone Official.
Not an amazing card, just because hunters don't run that many damaging spells that they want to point at minions, and this one synergy card is not enough to change that on its own.
It this does see play, I doubt it will be in any aggressive hunter decks, but maybe midrange hunters need hard removal so much that they are willing to run this?
This post is discussing the wild format.
Whoah, this is a very creative card. Rapid Fire is now a 2x [Hearthstone Card (Assasinate) Not Found]. Is this the rise of control/combo Hunter? I'm intruiged.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Hunter have no aoe spells, and not many damage spells are currently ran in standard, but this card is a reason to go that direction so.. We need to wait and see if this gets enough support.
This expansion is Custom Hearthstone Official.
Hunters get AOE spells from time to time, it’s just usually stuff that hits 2 or 3 minions.
Its hard to say how good this card actually is though, because there’s a good few small pings Hunter gets with its spells that were never quite good enough to run, and this makes them a lot better
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
its not really that good for hunter. I've always been skeptical about hunter cards that need something else to work, and when the end result is not really that great, I can't see any future for it.
Such is this card, unfortunately.
I can see a world where face hunters will run this as taunt removal so the rest of the other minions can go face. They already run Rapid Fire and Arcane Shot, so I see a possibility they can fit this in.
That is just silly powerful.
This guy is evil. Looks very promising, in reality it’s probably one turn of board clears and then he’s gone. Still not bad at all.
That's what I meant, hunter doesn't really have full board aoe spells the only ones he has are Explosive Trap and Deathstalker Rexxar one is wild and one will NEVER trigger with this card on board unless your opponent has negative iq.
sure it makes most spell viable but this card is not enough to ditch the dragon package hunter currently uses and that package has one damage spell.
A really good card. I am surprised. And now I kinda wonder which class will draw the short stick.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
You'd think it's support for combo or control, but face hunter will probably benefit most.
Can't wait for that Trolden video: Wandering Monster + Explosive Trap
I am kind of skeptical of this one. Giving all of your spells poisonous is pretty huge, but I just feel like he is kind of situational. You have to have him, a spell that deals damage, and a minion that you want to kill that you wouldn't be able to kill otherwise. And then he only has 4 health and a big bullseye on his forehead, so he won't survive until next turn.
I am not saying that the effect isn't good, I am just a bit skeptical about how much he will actually be played.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Well, this card certaintly helps a Vereesa Windrunner combo deck.
Professor Slate doesn't specify damage dealing spells so I wonder if summon spells like Unleash the hounds would come with poisonous.
This is very powerful, but it is also limited by the fact that hunter is not a damaging spell-focused class. Sure there's some good ones, but it's far from the classes core identity and its effectiveness will be determined by how many spells it has to work with.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
3 mana, 3/4 for stats is playable in any deck, heck it's even good in arena on curve.
This legendary minion will want hunter to utilize their damaging spells for the most effective of removal available - Rapid fire which does only 1 damage now becomes a 1 mana removal. Snipe now kills anything your opponent plays and could be a huge blowout if your opponent doesn't play around it appropriately.
However like all value minions, it will become a target once it's on the field for your opponent to remove, and 4 health is pretty modest against most of the removal that's available in standard these days. Hunter as a class doesn't have the means to increase their minions health if their not a beast, and would have to resort to neutral minions to protect Professor Slate with either extra health from Beaming Sidekick or divine shield with Augmerchant.
Something else to consider, if all of your spells have poisonous, does that mean buff spells that are played could potentially kill your own friendly minions? would minions summoned by spells such as Animal Companion, Swarm of Locusts and Nagrand Slam! come into the field with poison?
With all of the spells revealed hunter's new damage spell is beast dependent, but cheap, possibly having a soft synergy with Prof Slate. However, it seems like Hunter's Beast package has been greatly improved, and this minion may not have room in Hunter's already crammed 3 mana slot.
A very powerful effect to be sure, but I think Professor Slate will only go into decks that already run cheap damaging spells. Face Hunter already does this, and they like efficiently stated minions that help them maintain control of the board like Dwarven Sharpshooter. The issue with using Professor Slate outside of Face Hunter is that you have to cut cards to include a few cheap damaging spells that are mediocre without having the one-of build-around card to play them with, so they'll be mediocre more times than they are that poisonous removal.
For glory, honor, and gold!
A decently cool effect I am sure I've seen on a couple of custom cards, but I don't have high hopes for this card. Hunter's only AoE spell right now is Explosive Trap, which is easy to play around, and Twin Shotworks well with this card, but not well enough to justify its inclusion. There are still a ton of hunter cards to be revealed so there might be some synergy, but this won't work as it currently stands.
Hunter is in a weird situation here. This guy provides amazing reach to your low damage spells, allowing Hunter to bypass their "weakness" dealing with big minions. But the deck that would abuse this effect is a deck that historically ignored big minions anyway. So, I guess this might be slapped in Face Hunter just because it can use its effect? I don't expect the decks' winrate to skyrocket because of it, but it can increase slightly because you killed the odd Taunt minion allowing you to push extra face damage.
On highlander or midrange, since they combat the board mostly on minion combat, this card will most likely shine less. That being said, it is still a very powerful and design restricting effect. Toxmonger actually allowed cards like Elven Archer to become a threat in the original Quest Hunter, driving the deck almost to tier 2 status in decks highest point, iirc.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Love this. Fun new concept. Calling it right now, I'm the idiot who will go face into an Explosive Trap while my opponent has this on the board.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
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The effect is absolutely insane, although Hunters don't have that many spells to take advantage of this effect.
Rapid Fire in particular is insane with Slate, although you're not going to want to hold onto Rapid Fire just to combo it with this guy and destroy two minions. I'm not so sure about this one. The effect is really cool and strong, but I don't feel like Hunter has enough spells to fully utilize it yet.
As a Hunter main, I have conflicting feelings about this card.
But hey, it's great fodder for the dream Control Hunter.
I thought for sure this guy would be a hero card, but i guess in retrospect you turn into him after he becomes an undead so it doesn't really make sense, in a prequel like this expansion. Dang.
Living like that.
Really like this Card!
Control Hunter would be the Dream, but I guess it's best for Midrange, cause you can turn your Burn, like Kill Command or Rapid Fire into essentually Hard Removal, and get rid of a big Taunt and go for Lethal that Way.
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Sure...the effect is cool, but how much can we exploit this in Hunter? Rapid Fire and the new 1 mana Overwhelm isn't enough to put Professor Slate in my deck imho.
I hate it. This means I'm definitely getting it as the free legendary
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Solid but only really good with Rapid Fire for now.
Wonder if this affects Buff spells at all.
Aww geez rick we got sucked into a card game
It is a legendary so you can only have one. I don't think this one will work out.
Really nice stats and the effect can be amazing with low cost spells or flame trap if you can keep it on board
All hail the banshee queen.
Darn, Rapid Fire just got a lot scarier. Might not be enough to ensure a slot in some decks but I might fly around with it in Highlander.
OMG this card is a monster!
Pretty cool, but it only really works with Rapid Fire. Unless hunter gets more cheap damage spells, like Fan of Knives, it will not be very good.
This is such an awesome and terrible effect. I'm excited to use this effect, but I know it is going to be tilting to have my minions Rapid Fire'd down.
I'm excited to experiment with this in some kind of hunter deck, but I'm not sure it will be consistent enough to be any good.
Rapid Fire loves this, but anybody thinking they'll get the Explosive Trap dream is really kidding themselves. Surely, nobody is stupid enough to attack a hero with this guy and a Secret on the board...
Right stats for it's cost, turns Rapid Fire into double, almost free Assassinate. Too bad thats pretty much it. You need to be cornered to combo it on Explosive Trap and any half smart player will remove Professor Slate first. Everything else is just subpar, so I guess this one lacks the tools to perform right now.
I think this card will see some play at least. It has a good cost and a great effect.
Nice statline, solid card
Not sure about that card.
The effect is powerfull, but can hunter build a pseucdocontrolish deck?
By The Holy Light!
MarkMcKz will make an awesome video of this card being the mvp of the deck
Just another Rick trying to find his Morty.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
I feel like I missed a spell in this set that turns Professor Slate into a pickle...
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Now developers can't print cheap target/splash spell for hunter anymore.
Another classic custom hearthstone mechanic finally realised in-game.
Obviously amazing for any deck that runs a good amount of damaging spells, but I don't know that you start running, say, Rapid Fire just because you have Slate unless you were already going to be running it.
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This is probably my favorite card of the expansion. just so many cool things that can come out of it and in the future.
Very interesting legendary. Will be hilarious when randomly generated, evolved into or discovered by other classes.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Simple but very strong. Aggro Hunter now has one more tool to get rid of Taunt minions and do what it does best (FACE).