New Warlock Spell - Supreme Archaeology
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
A new Legendary Warlock Spell, Supreme Archaeology, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warlock Spell, Supreme Archaeology, has been revealed!
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The moment I saw it, I immediately thought of Plot Twist. This has direct synergy with the quest the same way Possibility Seeker synergized with the Timebound Giants. As for the empty-deck issue, I would play Augmented Elekk and reduce my expensive cards to 0. There might be a person who would think of a more elegant way to abuse those two spells, so I am eager to see what the busted combo would be.
I think that this is probably very good. Kibler has been showing that Plot Twist is almost there as a deck, and this quest lets it extend it's late game. There are still early game issues to clean up, but in the end game, you can start dropping double bombs every turn.
This Quest Complete
Plot Twist with Elekk on board
Shuffle two DK GulDans into your deck
I make bad custom Hearthstone cards sometimes.
Dear god, this card seems bonkers. I'm assuming control Warlocks will either all revolve around this card or not exist at all because *insert Warlock healing weakness here LUL*
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Quests are back! What a Plot Twist!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
The requirements for completion are far too steep. Draw 20 cards so that the last 10 cards can cost 0? I don't know about that.....
worst community ever
From a Wild perspective, i am not sure it works.
Sadly, because the flavor is absolutely masterpiece, considering also Plot Twist
It feels like manipulating the power of storytelling...
I hope more synergy can be provided.
PLot twist and Elekk
i think it should work
idk about this one Wilfred Fizzlebang never saw much play but willfred also costs 6 mana so.. lets see what the future holds
404 skill not found
This seems strictly worse than Jungle Giants, and that card never really worked. You can't control which cards get the reduction, so this wont work with combos. Unless there's some insane support, I don't see this getting play
Communism is just a red herring
It's not even that good. Draw 20 cards so half the last 10 can cost 2. You have to hero power for the reduction, not just dra
Communism is just a red herring
Idk, obviously you can complete it really quickly with Plot Twist and the fact that you no longer have to actually spend mana to get the quest reward is also helpful and means a mild effect like this is far easier to justify
On the other hand it's basically a permanent Wilfred Fizzlebang who was never used despite not even being that bad and having a number of buildaround cards to make him somewhat work.
At the end of the day you can't really target draw so the only deck which this would even matter in is one that contains cards worth reducing.
Basically unless we get a card that works REALLY well with this entire concept Plot twist Warlock will just remain a meme
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Die 90% of the time before being able to pull it off.
Yeah, no.
This might be decent in standard but wild won't give a damn unless some broken synergy or combo with it emerges.
Warlock is going to need more than two plot twists and their hero power to make this work. If more hand shuffling shenanigans comes out then this might work.
Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done.
Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!
Well, let's look at the bright side of this: the Quest does not really require you to warp your deck around it. Not heavily at least.
So that ditching the Quest in mulligan will be perfectly ok, if you need Tempo plays.
But the quest does next to nothing unless you build your deck around it. If you were to just put this in Zoo, you'd be discounting a handful of cheap minions in a stage of the game you never want to reach to begin with.
This card demands to be played alongside Plot Twist, and then you might as well go all in on draw & shuffle shenanigans: Elekk, Morrigan, Betrug, Dollmaster, etc.
I like that this card enable warlock memes a bit, shuffling portals into your deck and plot twist.. still really gimmicky and bad but it seems like a fun deck.
probably won't see actual play at least for now but maybe if we get more card shuffling memes.
it's good with rafaam for 0 mana legendaries.
Ofc you would never play this in Zoo.
But it's not hard to come up with a Midrange list that includes some key cards for the Quest, while being balanced on the Curve distribution.
At that point, the deck is something that can apply early pressure to contrast Aggro, or go down with the Quest to close the game with big swings in lategame.
Not saying it's gonna be good, especially in Wild (where Even Mechathun might still be better), but we can hope...
This with plot twist seems really strong. Hope control Warlock will get back on its feet this expansion
As a warlock, i did not have enough ways to fatigue myself!THX BLIZZARD!
I am soooo looking forward to this. Plot Twistjust became super viable.
Yesterday, after I logged off, I decided to check the standard sets and see HOW EXACTLY warlocks would abuse the new hero power. I couldn't come up with anything exciting in particular, but this is why imho we should always return to this card, whenever a new warlock/neutral minion is being revealed. Imho Tome of Origination holds a lot of potential and it could be used in some kind of combo decks (if we see more support that is). As a control player I would gladly play this alongside Augmented Elekk and Plot Twist and deny my fatigue counter, but I am aware, that not all users here are willing to follow this strategy. So, how would this enable combos? With minions that shuffle others like Baleful Banker. Before I continue, I want to get something out of this discussion - the wild format.
Just like RavenSunHS said, Mecha'thun warlock would be stronger there. And it would really be. With Tome of Origination you have to reach fatigue and only then you can start making the combo set-ups, while in Mecha'thun's case you just win by playing the 10-drop, Bloodbloom and Cataclysm. So since this win-condition is faster than any theoretical build, which can come from the new warlock quest, wild is not worth any discussion, since the quest won't be used there competitively (maybe only in some control decks, but that's another topic).
And now back to the main discussion. As I said, I don't really know how warlocks would abuse this spell in standard. I have come up with some win-conditions, but those look rather counterable and fair. For example:
Glinda Crowskin (0-cost) + Summoning Portal x2 + Leeroy Jenkins x4 = 24 damage for 10 mana, which is vulnerable to taunts and weaker than Holy Wrath Paladin.
Glinda Crowskin (0-cost) + Blood Troll Sapper + ??? (a warlock version of Animated Berserker, or something that immediately destroys friendly minions) + Wisp x30
I expect some people to mention Jepetto Joybuzz and I can't deny the fact, that he is faster than Tome of Origination and would be better in some cases, but he isn't always reliable. With the new warlock HP and Baleful Banker you can reliably reduce the cost of 6-drops to 0. So as I said earlier, keep a close eye on this card whenever a new neutral/warlock minion is being implemented. There has to be a missing link, which would combine all of the aforementioned cards into one viable deck.
Warlock still looks like it's on the downwards trend, and I don't think this is the support that Plot Twist was looking for.
That´s what i thought too - but maybe it can work with Plot Twist or something like that
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
And warlock getting scammazed yet again , whats new...
Make Warlock Great Again.
this and jungle giants are very diferent cards.
they are both quests and they both make things cost 0. this is it basically.
I think this card is great! for one, the requirement is not that hard, as many have mentioned, plot twist can work out with this. but also, just simply playing control warlock means you will be drawing cards. also, the reward is not a clunky 5 mana card, but it automatically upgrades your hero power, which makes it much more usable.
I personally would rate this card 4 stars.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
You can rate it in the card page btw
This will need a lot of support to be good. Why? Because the reward only improves an existing deck by a little bit. How good is Shuffle-lock right now? Not very good.
Second thing to think about is that by the time you complete this, you're very likely to be in the later stages of the game, where mana cost matters less. The way to take advantage of this would be to make your deck really top heavy with a bunch of late game bombs. and in order to do THAT, you'll need much better early game defense and survival tools, which Warlock is currently lacking.
worst community ever
^ all the EVIL classes are getting a plague card which is a full board clear. And I'd argue WL control tools aren't bad right now, it's just the payoff that is lacking, which is what this quest is trying to address.
Right? But Warlock already has an expensive clear. Another DOOM! might sound nice for the draw synergies, but Warlock really needs a new cheap clear on par with Defile, or at least close to that, since many feel that was too efficient. Maybe something akin to Demonwrath. Shriek is terrible
Communism is just a red herring
Don't forget about The Soularium
Let me light the way.
I already have a sort of decent plot twist lock with a missing card slot to fit this in, for the moment i have betrug there but it's not performing as much as i wish he would. I'll post the list here
: here it is, if i could play it right now i would go for a list like this (my current list which performs "decently" feels like it needs just a little push to become meta and the quest might just do the trick.
I dont know why, but just now i read it as Supreme Apology and that made me chuckle :D
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Compared to Shaman's quest, this looks bad. So much effort to get what? 5-10 random cards for 0 mana? This effect seems to be rather difficult to achieve, but even if you succeed, it's far from being a win condition, because it's too random. It only makes sense if it serves as an additional benefit of drawing cards. Building specifically around this effect is unprofitable.
^ 0 mana cards are nothing to sneeze at. Consider the effort to which rogues go to get their hands on Wondrous Wands in tempo rogue, a deck where most of the cards drawn will be inexpensive anyway.
Yes, this quest takes more time to pull off, but presumably whatever deck runs it is designed to draw cards & fully exploit the mana discount upon quest completion with big expensive minions.
It looks promising, the question if it's going to be fast enough. Very interesting, a cool design, and just one 0 mana card a turn might not be broken (at least I can't think of a Warlock 0 mana OTK that is worth building a deck around). But I am sure it's going to be fun experimenting with. 4/5
As a Plot Twist Warlock player for a while, this card makes me very excited.
You may be asking: But why?
Well, for the simple reason that now you don’t take damage when I draw a card + its free. The Rafaam synergy is godly. Very excited
This ain't no place for a hero
Effort? Play 6 mana minion with solid stats, while controlling lackey (super good card on it's own)? It's more comparable to Shaman's quest, since you can easily finish it by just playing the game and doing your thing (you probably would have these 6 battlecry cards in your deck anyway).
Warlock's quest on the other hand, need heavy setup and a lot of luck (survive vs aggro, not draw your expensive cards too early, get your draw cards on time) and all that for what? It's not even a win condition, just small and random advantage (because you can as well get 0 mana cards that are useless in late game). It's like Nomi Priest, but much worse. Nomi isn't perfect either, because some decks can counter it, while Warlock has nothing to counter really. Playing 2 big dudes per turn in late game, instead of 1 dude, is far from being good. You would have to get it around turn 7-8 to make impact, but that's super random (depends on Plot Twist). And remember, after you finish quest, you will still draw 1 card per turn with normal cost (with rather limited card pool at this point), which makes whole reward even less profitable. Rafaam could be good, but it's 100% random.
As I said before, I believe Warlock needs more cards that benefits on drawing. Quest is not good enough to build entire deck around him.
I think its meant to be combined with Plot Twist. So with a full hand, which you created by 3 times hero Power early on, your Plot Twist will give you an extra 9 so you only need 5 more which could be 3 turns. So I think you can have quest completed as soon as turn 7? And then you still have 20-ish cards in your deck that can be drawn for 0-cost using your hero power. If you get 2 Plot Twists early then quest can be completed even sooner obviously.