Anyfin Holy Wrath Paladin

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
  • Fun

Been a while since I last played Hearthstone, but I felt like popping back on for some fun and deckbuilding. I decided to craft Lorekeeper Polkelt and make some decks around him, the first being this Anyfin Can Happen Holy Wrath Paladin.

I believe a similar deck popped up in the Wild Meta somewhat recently that used Lorekeeper Polkelt and High Abbess Alura to more consistently get Tip the Scales and Anyfin Can Happen, this deck, however, does not use Abbess because of its negative synergy with Holy Wrath. While it may not be as good as traditional Anyfin Lists, Lorekeeper Polkelt enabling a consistent Holy Wrath sure is fun! If you wait till you have 9 mana or boost your way there early with Nozdormu the Timeless, you can guarantee a 25 Damage Holy Wrath providing you haven't drawn Shirvallah, the Tiger yet. Alternatively playing Lorekeeper Polkelt into Holy Wrath on curve you can deal 20 Damage with it on turn 5!

The Holy Wrath Package

Lorekeeper Polkelt Card Image Holy Wrath Card Image Shirvallah, the Tiger Card Image

Shirvallah, the Tiger and 2x Molten Giant are the heavy hitters for Holy Wrath, but if they've been drawn already or you have to play HW before Lorekeeper Polkelt Anyfin Can Happen and Tip the Scales can sometimes give the reach you need too. High Priest Thekal is also included to enable early Molten Giants if they are drawn.

The Anyfin Package

Prismatic Lens Card Image Tip the Scales Card Image Anyfin Can Happen Card Image

The typical Anyfin OTK Murloc squad is included; 2x Grimscale Oracle, 2x Bluegill Warrior, 2x Murloc Warleader, and Old Murk-Eye. I have also decided to include Murgur Murgurgle just to see how he works in the deck and for a bit more fun. Prismatic Lens and Nozdormu the Timeless are how the deck will get early Tip the Scales or Anyfin Can Happens out. 

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  • Shosupply's Avatar
    Soulgorger 740 220 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Really aggressive and it has some great finishers!

  • UVE's Avatar
    1180 832 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I have a similar deck with [Hearthstone Card (spiteful sumoner) Not Found] (I don't have Shirvallah, the Tiger) and i think that Murgur Murgurgle doesn't fit with Tip the Scales and Anyfin Can Happen.

  • Bruthor's Avatar
    Grave Horror 640 24 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    This deck made me play Wild again :D


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