ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4

Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by

ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4


r/hearthstone - ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4

r/hearthstone - ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4

r/hearthstone - ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4

  • ChaosShadow's Avatar
    Rexxar 245 45 Posts Joined 06/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4


    r/hearthstone - ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4

    r/hearthstone - ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4

    r/hearthstone - ramp druid 8 mana on turn 4

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5558 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I think team5 are simply waiting for Overgrowth to get thrown back to wild rather than solve the damn problem now. I get that druid ramps, and ramping is probably the only thing broken this class can do since it can't really deal with snowballing minions all that well, but are we going to play this charade every expansion until overgrowth rotates next year?

    But there's always a good chance there's some tech card to be revealed that will slow it down. Cult Neophyte already does it pretty well, just too bad traditional aggro decks cant usually beat druid consistently enough.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    or otherwise, turn 3 with coins

    Knowledge is Power

  • Echo's Avatar
    Staff Writer Cupcake 860 318 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Honestly, I don't see Overgrowth as that much of an issue right now. Druid already has a 3 card combo to get to 7 mana on turn 4 (used to say 8 but I cannot count apparently) in Nature Studies -> Wild Growth on 2 -> Overgrowth. The issue in my opinion comes from how quickly Druid can recover the board after spending the first 3-4 turns ramping. The class is incredibly reliant on hitting their powerful 7 drops to actually start using all their extra mana because otherwise they are just dead in the water.

    If they continue to make cards reliant on druid getting to 7 mana, maybe Overgrowth will get touched? The card is still around all of next year after all and that is a pretty long time to just let issues fester. On top of that, Overgrowth is pretty much the only thing keeping the class from being actual trash tier and so I don't think breaking its legs even more would be a great fix.

    Cardboard wizard and dog haver.

  • ChaosShadow's Avatar
    Rexxar 245 45 Posts Joined 06/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Echo

    Honestly, I don't see Overgrowth as that much of an issue right now. Druid already has a 3 card combo to get to 8 mana on turn 4 in Nature Studies -> Wild Growth on 2 -> Overgrowth. The issue in my opinion comes from how quickly Druid can recover the board after spending the first 3-4 turns ramping. The class is incredibly reliant on hitting their powerful 7 drops to actually start using all their extra mana because otherwise they are just dead in the water.

    If they continue to make cards reliant on druid getting to 7 mana, maybe Overgrowth will get touched? The card is still around all of next year after all and that is a pretty long time to just let issues fester. On top of that, Overgrowth is pretty much the only thing keeping the class from being actual trash tier and so I don't think breaking its legs even more would be a great fix.

    turn 1  Nature Studies  -> turn 2 Wild Growth for  2+1 mana -> turn 3 Overgrowth for 3+2+1 mana > turn 4 6+1=7 mana

    You do nothing for The first 3 turns 

    my combo is one turn

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Don't forget that Druid have lot of card draws in it's arsenal, it's easy to fill your empty hands once you reach higher mana pool.

    Drawing a lot and having higher mana can already gives way to getting important finisher combo, or play dream dragon, and guess what, new C'thun is coming, and adding one more win condition for druid, because you need a lot of mana to combine C'thun (20 mana) and draws a lot to get the shuffled C'thun. (Plus the Lunar Eclipse itself is so great to discount C'thun cards, since they are all spells.)

    In the end, I think, both Solar and Lunar is a target for nerf, and I'll keep all my copies for horrible card design like this.

    EDIT. I know It's not everytime you'll have good mulligans, but I can feel if it does, some players will simply concede when his opponent has 8 mana on turn 4.

    Knowledge is Power

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5558 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Echo

    Honestly, I don't see Overgrowth as that much of an issue right now. Druid already has a 3 card combo to get to 8 mana on turn 4 in Nature Studies -> Wild Growth on 2 -> Overgrowth. The issue in my opinion comes from how quickly Druid can recover the board after spending the first 3-4 turns ramping. The class is incredibly reliant on hitting their powerful 7 drops to actually start using all their extra mana because otherwise they are just dead in the water.

    If they continue to make cards reliant on druid getting to 7 mana, maybe Overgrowth will get touched? The card is still around all of next year after all and that is a pretty long time to just let issues fester. On top of that, Overgrowth is pretty much the only thing keeping the class from being actual trash tier and so I don't think breaking its legs even more would be a great fix.

    Druid ramping have always been a problem in standard, and that's usually because there's no end of stuff they can do to recover back the disadvantaged first few turns. From Overflow to recover health and card advantage (usually at turn 5), to just plain mountseller on turn 5 with something like Ironbark or even simpler things like Innervate into Crystal Power to keep tempo with one massive taunt minion. Let's not even talk about how stupid facing down both Twilight Runner and Lake Thresher on 5-6 feels like.

    The problem is that druid pulls its stunts a little too consistently, and when they do, it feels unfair like the bank teller closing for lunch the minute its your turn after a long queue. It never feel like you're in control of the game. Either they draw them cards and you lower your weapon Ben Kenobi style, or you beat them to kingdom come because they just played shit cards for the first 6 turns.

    I don't think overgrowth's too major a problem to be honest. Cult neophyte properly punishes it hard enough. The real culprit is Lightning Bloom, and the proper way to fix it was to simply make it so it refreshes mana instead of giving it out.

  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    And then we have to remember the times Druid does not draw Overgrowth... their whole hand bricks and they lose the game. They sacrifice consistency for those big games where they absolutely steamroll people. Of course, Overgrowth is still a huge problem and the game should not be decided because of your mulligan.

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • Echo's Avatar
    Staff Writer Cupcake 860 318 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Quote From ChaosShadow

    You do nothing for The first 3 turns
    my combo is one turn

    Completely miscounted that, thanks for counting that.

    As for the whole spending the first 3 turns of the game ramping as opposed to this new combo only taking one turn, I'm not exactly sold on it still. As of right now, Druid does not have many great ways of spending their early mana hence why it's been relinquished to being ramp turns, I don't think its inherently bad to spend the first couple of turns where you typically cannot do anything great to accelerate to swing turns faster. As for the line you suggest, it does accelerate faster, but you'd only get to 7 mana on the next turn to try and recover the board. This is totally possible given that Exotic Mountseller and the 0 mana spells still exist, but it doesn't give that much larger of an advantage in my opinion since at the 1 extra mana crystal doesn't translate to a whole lot more action.

    All that said, both lines still look pretty good and I don't see one becoming strictly better while Ramp Druid still does not have much stuff to do for the first 3 turns besides just Hero Power and possibly Wrath something.

    Quote From dapperdog

    Druid ramping have always been a problem in standard, and that's usually because there's no end of stuff they can do to recover back the disadvantaged first few turns. From Overflow to recover health and card advantage (usually at turn 5), to just plain mountseller on turn 5 with something like Ironbark or even simpler things like Innervate into Crystal Power to keep tempo with one massive taunt minion. Let's not even talk about how stupid facing down both Twilight Runner and Lake Thresher on 5-6 feels like.

    The problem is that druid pulls its stunts a little too consistently, and when they do, it feels unfair like the bank teller closing for lunch the minute its your turn after a long queue. It never feel like you're in control of the game. Either they draw them cards and you lower your weapon Ben Kenobi style, or you beat them to kingdom come because they just played shit cards for the first 6 turns.

    I don't think overgrowth's too major a problem to be honest. Cult neophyte properly punishes it hard enough. The real culprit is Lightning Bloom, and the proper way to fix it was to simply make it so it refreshes mana instead of giving it out.

    As someone who plays a lot of a format where early game ramping dictates the entire game, I full heartedly agree that Druid's ramp can make it feel unfair to play against. Hell, I'm not sure how often you use the OOC discord, but I'm probably the biggest anti-Druid fanatic there to the point where I made a brand new account just to show how brain dead the class could be before Guardian Animals got nerfed. There is definitely something inherently toxic with how Druid plays, being probably the biggest Feast or Famine class in the game, where either they roll all over you close the game out turn 6 with a massive board of dudes, or they go all the way to turn 7 playing 3 cards and then die whimpering in the corner, which is something you also mentioned yourself.

    As for Lightning Bloom, I also just don't like the card, yet unfortunately they've pigeonholed the class into relying on the card to be playable. Taking a quick glance at HSreplay and you see that most of the well performing decks have two copies of it because OG innervate is still a really good card. Nerfing the card would make the card feel more fair to play against while still making it decent in a lot of circumstances, but there's also a solid chance it throws Druid further into the dumpster, hence why the card is fine for now. 

    The class just doesn't feel good to play right now to say the least. For every time you curb stomp someone and make them consider quitting Hearthstone, there are other games where you draw into your ramp payoffs and want to just concede turn 4 and there is not much inbetween. I'm really hoping that Darkmoon Faire fixes that.

    That or Druid just gets deleted, Hearthstone only needs 9 classes in the game.

    Cardboard wizard and dog haver.

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