New Hunter Minion - Maxima Blastenheimer
Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by
A new Legendary Hunter Minion, Maxima Blastenheimer, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Hunter Minion, Maxima Blastenheimer, has been revealed!
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difficult to imagine a suitable deck ...
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Not good, very unreliable without more support
A very interesting card for something like big beast hunter.
This can potentially land 24 damage in one turn if it pulls King Krush, then you play two Revenge of the Wilds.
Not likely to slot into any competitive decks.
This post is discussing the wild format.
It's a bit hard to work with. If you can cheat a large Deathrattle minion out (wink wink, Darkmoon Tonk, wink wink), then it can surely be strong and then that can be summoned again with Nine Lives. The downside to this is that you can't really run other types of minions since it might summon those instead. It'll surely receive some support in this set.
Pretty interesting card. The first thing that comes to mind is that it reminds me of Kathrena Winterwisp, but significantly more aggressive. The issue comes with the fact this card doesn't have some form of criteria you can build around as easily. Either you shaft your early game by running no creatures (which might be possible given enough support), or you risk this card not hitting for a high amount, which I'd consider to be anything above 5 damage, which means you also miss out on running the suite of strong early game cards that Hunter is currently having fun with.
All that said, I don't think we can write this card off yet, there's tons of potential still and it'll be interesting to see if anything comes from it.
Oh, any of the big deathrattle/reborn minions are hilarious with this. 6 mana 4/4 with Battlecry deal 10 summon a 10/1 divine shield is pretty silly.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
well it is kinda heavy end faceish hunter with Savannah Highmane and her at the top... but kinda weird...
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
If something like a Big Hunter becomes viable then this might be a thing. But that would need a lot of support, so probably this card wont see play.
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
I want to shoot a Supreme Abyssal at people. You can’t stop me.
Edit: okay, looks like I stopped myself. Because now the plan is to shoot The Darkness at people’s faces. Now you can’t actually stop me.
This ain't no place for a hero
I gotta say ... meh. I'm sure it will find a home in some kind of deathrattle deck, but I'm less than impressed
Honestly any deck with minions that have high attack and strong death rattles benefit from this lady.
Savannah Highmanes, The Darkmoon Tonk and Primordial Drake are some examples just in standard of this lady being able to deal good damage and then setting up a board.
In Wild she's a great include if you're playing Sylvannas Windrunner.
I think she'll be a blast in midrange hunter, I wouldn't want to put this in highlander since they have so many battlecries they want to play, and aggro face hunter has so many wimpy minions that this will just be wasted on
An agressive Flark's Boom-Zooka.
As other guys said, It can fit only on a Big deathrattle deck.
Funny, but not competitive.
By The Holy Light!
How does this card interact with Freezing Trap?
Its just bad. But because it finishes games, we can sort of overlook the supposed atrociousness of the card. Turn 6 deal x damage to face and draw 1 with a 4/4 body is worth considering. But ultimately, the question would be whether there's any justification for this card to leap over the much superior Dinotamer Brann, and my answer is a firm no.
It gets worse when you consider what kind of deck a hunter can fit this card in comfortably. What hunter doesn't play 1 drops, or play something like Phase Stalker? But there will come a time where even dealing a mere 1 damage to the face is invaluable enough that players will start running this card for that massive highroll potential that will no doubt further infuriate the playerbase about hunter's core design.
I want to know if either of these will work. My guess is that Abyssal will work, but Darkness won't.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
There were a bunch of things we were wrong about Hunter legendaries before, specifically Deathrattle ones. Oblivitron looked like an absolute meme until it actually saw play in Deathrattle Mech Hunter. I think this is practically similar to Oblivitron except that you are a bit more (or less perhaps?) restricted in deckbuilding. It acts in the same way that it immediately acts as a Deathrattle trigger and depending on what other Deathrattles we may get this could be a pretty good card.
For now, it's probably a meme.
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
The real power of this will come through if lots of low cost support cards with high attack are printed.
like the original quest Druid, it’s not about having lots of high cost minions, just some 3 or 4 cost 5/1’s with sticky or strong deathrattles.
It has good synergy with the likes of [Hearthstone Card (Teacher’s Pet) Not Found]
That is such a cool idea. Not sure whether it will work as the Darkness starts dormant..
Very interesting card. It's very comparable with Flark's Boom-Zooka, because both cards want to trigger Deathrattles. However Flark's Boom-Zooka was more of a control tool, BUT Maxima Blastenheimer is more of a SMOrc card. (Both might fit into 1 deck in wild i guess? probably still a bad deck though...)
In standard: Maxima Blastenheimer will be run in deathrattle decks, but i don't think the archetpe will be that good. Mainly because FACE hunter already is a good deck, and way better in terms of "going FACE". However it can all change depending on a few factors. 1: The support deathrattle hunter gets this expansion. 2: how much support control decks get.
In wild: This will have 0% impact on the wild meta. Aggro decks in wild generally end the game before turn 6. For example Token druid ends the game between turns 3 and 5. Also hunter is one of the worst classes in wild, and i don't think new deathrattle hunter cards are going to make a impact.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This could become a terror with the right support.
Interesting. It can work as burn damage to end the game, or with Deathrattles. It seems rather difficult to use since it wants you to build your deck a certain way, but doesn't give you a whole lot of reward for doing so. I am very interested to see what people do with this and whether or not we can find a suitable deck that makes good use of the ability.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I make no promises but based on the wording of the cards, Freezing Trap should trigger. If you'll get the minion in hand or if it dies before that, I'm uncertain (I'd even guess the latter).
I really like when they design cards that encourages different strategies for classes that are usually one dimensional (like Hunter currently is). This card is interesting but it might suffer from the same problems that caused Dr. Morrigan to be one of the worst cards ever printed. It lacks consistency. It can pull literally anything from the deck and it restricts the usage of minions a lot. Low attack minions and high value minions (Zephrys, Dinotamer Brann) can't coexist with this in the same deck. Even Beastmaster Leoroxx is bad with this. Hunter is lacking some form of late game sustainability or comeback potential (like Zul'jin) in standard so this might limit the usability of this card a lot.
"True mastery takes dedication."
I'm excited for this card and will probably unpack it... and find out its bad, but hey, that's hearthstone!
Love cards that make you think about deck construction. Should be a fun time trying to get it used well. If I get this may have to craft an Oblivitron and see what shenanigans I can get up to! :)
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Considering the amount of good deathrattle cards hunter has and that it is one of the best classes where damage to face matters, I think this is pretty good.
Also pretty good with the new Darkmoon Tonk.
Seems like an interesting build around, but Flark's Boom-Zooka makes me pessimistic about this card.
I see deathrattle hunter coming again
The card text on Supreme Abyssal is likely irrelevant for the purposes of this card. However, I don't think the card text on The Darkness is irrelevant. Pretty sure it will play out as dormant, and you won't even get the candles to make it possible to become active. "Starts Dormant" has no qualifier attached to it.
Spell Hunter used to be a thing in the past. Big Beast Hunter also used to be a thing. This card can work in a similar deck, but unfortunately, most cards that made those decks work are in wild now.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Interesting card but I don't see it fitting in any existing archetype.
It has a nice effect, deal X amount of damage to face that ignores taunt. However, to get value the minion you pull needs to have a lot of damage (like Darkmoon Tonk) and/or have deathrattle. The current hunters don't have that.
If a slower midrange-y mech hunter rises from this expansion, this is will find a home.
Seems rather clunky, if you were to build your whole deck around optimizing this effect, you would probably be wasting your - and your opponent's -time
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Very interesting. I see her being used in a Big Hunter build. Load the deck with spells and weapons for the early game and then slam this down for an 8 drop with a nasty deathrattle.
Considering this card targets the opponent's face, there will be some wild OTK combo that will be meme worthy. Let the Trolden highlights begin! :D
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Plagued Protodrake
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
Cute and flavorful effect, but direct damage in hunter scares me. Even if the deathrattle/mech archetype doesn't pan out or get top tier, she will still be a keystone in its viability and that gives her a higher rating.
Face damage that actually doesn't support Face Hunter, nice! Looks like a fun card for Deathrattle Hunter and Darkmoon Tonk was clearly printed for this.
Interesting card but i guess we will have to wait to see more from the new cards to know how good this one will be.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Ok, the quiz meme...
Pull The Darkness, Will it dunk 20 or stay letargic forever?
good meme
Feels too inconsistent to be a card that can be reliably run. Plus, it is the only payoff card for playing a deck with only large minions that I can think of. Might get better as future sets come out with more support.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
usefully useless I think it might be a bit too random for my tastes but hey might work in spell hunter or something
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Which deathrattle Hunter deck will this fit into I wonder?
Considering all of the cards in this set, I don't think there are enough ways to cheat out big minions to make a Maxima Blastenheimer deck consistent enough. There aren't enough good big minions as well as enough minion summon spells and good weapons to make the Big Hunter deck akin to something like Spell Hunter of old. Maybe Maxima will work in the future with more support.
For glory, honor, and gold!
If Face Hunter becomes top of the meta, it's because of this card. Insane amounts of damage if you build a deck around her.
Oh, I so want to play dumb Deathrattle decks with this card. I don't think she'll ever be amazing, but I just love the idea of her.
Welcome to the site!
Just seems to inconsistent to pull off.
Big deathrattle minions might be good with this one, seems great and fun
All hail the banshee queen.
Would... Would that actually work? Or would it make a hilarious squeaky noise of a null value/null value bounce off?
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
This will be just my luck to open in a pack. Hunter doesn't really run big minions or meaningful deathrattles which are the two you would want to pull with this. Needs more support for standard.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
It's a little expensive for cheating out bigger minions, but there are a lot of cool expensive Deathrattles (Plagued Protodrake, Scrapyard Colossus) that leave behind a meaningful body after they die. The big problem is that Hunter can't stall into the late game as well as other classes, which makes playing this a dangerous proposition. That being said, it is undoubtedly a very fun card.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
It could work as a charm or it could work totally badly. Will see play on DR hunter but you have to build around it perfectly with your deck.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
This is Face Hunter incarnate