New Demon Hunter Minion - Il'gynoth
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Legendary Demon Hunter Minion, Il'gynoth, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Demon Hunter Minion, Il'gynoth, has been revealed!
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A very interesting combo card, especially if you play Aldrachi Warblades the turn before, letting you effectively give your hero double damage.
Viability will, of course, depend on what this set brings. So far there has been another lifesteal card spoiled, so maybe this will be a new major mechanic for demon hunter?
This post is discussing the wild format.
Soul DH now can double it's damage while having warglaives!!
also annoying to remove with minions/weapons cause you will get damaged while doing it..
but priest likes to change it's mind (here you go flux a clue for next scavenge hunt)
I've though exactly the same.
That legendary will see play for sure.
By The Holy Light!
Wow, because DH needed MORE burst right? Warglaives already seem to heal DH for a bajillion health, now it can instead convert that into killing you! We already know about Lapidaries and Second Slice nonsense, but this can turn even terrible cards like that Shooting Star clone you may get off of Wandmaker into a 1 mana deal 3 to face! This card is broken and will definitely see play, unless some disastrous event occurs that can even powercreep this monster
This ain't no place for a hero
WOAH! This is a cool card, and fits with DH very well. Turning healing into damage works way better for DH than priests too lmao.
Il'gynoth has good stats for it's cost, turns Eye Beam into a deal 3 damage to a minion AND your opponents hero. Aldrachi Warblades damage gets basically doubled. Soul Cleave is also strong. Ashtongue Battlelord gets even stronger, and that new Felscream Blast is insane alongside Il'gynoth. The only bad thing about Il'gynoth is that it prefents you from healing, meaning that you can get bursted down way faster than normal, if you opponent decides to go FACE and keep your Il'gynoth alive.
Standard: This will see play in Soul DH, as it fits in nearly perfectly. BUT i feel like Il'gynoth might actually give rise to another archetype: Heal DH. This new archetype will probably play similarly to heal zoo-lock.
Wild: It's even costed, so luckely it can't get slotted into ODD DH, but i still think it will be a viable DH card. This is because most DH archetypes are still strong in both Standard AND Wild. And as long as it goes in a fast aggro deck, it will certainly be a great card/deck.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
DH lifesteal tools are very small, thinking of Eye Beam and Aldrachi Warblades but we still need to see all the cards before making an accurate decision. Did not expect Il'gynoth to be a DH class card though
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
This is insane! What are they thinking? Yes, it requires a bit of setup, but don't forget how many cards DH can draw in a typical game, including some potential Skull discounts. It's going to be VERY unfun to get killed by this BS.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
What else is there to say? With Aldrachi Warblades you're effectively dealing double damage.
Even something as easily dismissed as Felscream Blast is suddenly a major threat. With Mo'arg Artificer, there's no end of face damage you can do with just this card existing. In fact, why this card is printed is beyond me, since it effectively restricts design by requiring that any lifesteal card designed henceforth to take this into consideration.
Dangerous card. Soul Frag DHs can already deal 10+ damage with Soulshard Lapidary + Twin Slice + weapon, so going face with an Aldrachi Warblades with Il'gynoth has serious OTK potential. As if DH needed to be given double damage with the crazy amount of damage they're already dealing...
The card design is neat, though. It's a little boom or bust since DHs need healing sometimes, so a control opponent could just leave this up to prevent that.
AH so now we know what this guys effect is (there's an achievement for dealing 10 damage with this guy's effect).
this makes the lifesteal cards more efficient, but there's no way you're going to run a deck with ALL the lifesteal cards just to play this guy.
Like more members have already predicted, this minion will probably see home in a Soul Demon Hunter deck list, since the Aradachi Warblades and Soulshard Lapidary are usually combined for 7 burst damage together.
Although all the cards are expensive enough that you would not be able to play them on the same turn without a discount from Skull of Gul'dan, it is still worth mentioning just how powerful that combo can be, since even if you have to attack a taunt minion, you will also go face. This means you don't HAVE to draw Kayne if you need to attack face.
Heck, one of the selling points of this minion is that your lifesteal just goes face.
very strong and interesting effect, will slot into my DH deck list somehow
I absolutely love how creative this card is. It can definitely be strong in certain situations and give you a lot of surprise lethals.
But the problem with this card is that the more Lifesteal cards you run, the less effective their Lifesteal effect actually is because you're more likely to be at full Health. How many Lifesteal cards are you running, and how many are actually playable? If you're at full Health, then you have several useless Lifesteal effects in your hand. That and if you want to use them with Il'gynoth, they'll need to sit in your hand for several turns until you draw Il'gynoth. Granted, in a class with a shitload of draw, drawing Il'gynoth is generally not a problem.
Pretty interesting effect. I mean I often would heal for 8-10 with Aldrachi Warblades in single turn with 4 mana leftover too... with this you might just win the game instead when doing that...
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
On the one had, love to see my good boi Il'gynoth in the game finally. On the other, sweet baby rngesus that can be a lot of damage. I dig the creativity and uniqueness behind it, but boi am I not going to dig taking double digit burst from behind taunts against DH.
This is a very strange card and I think we can really only know how powerful it is after we have played it some. Being able to damage on lifesteal means that you can now trade with your lifesteal weapon without losing any face damage. There aren't too many lifesteal cards for demon hunter right now, but just Aldrachi Warblades with some extra attack bonuses is enough for this guy to see play.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
"4 mana, double the attack of your Aldrachi Warblades if you're swinging face."
There are some worlds where I am playing this card. But I'm not sure how many.
The side synergies with other lifesteal cards do not seem beneficial enough to be significant.
Aldrachi Warblades + all the really gross ways to kick up your attack in one turn make this a ridiculous swing turn card. I already hate it. If you punch a minion you are basically Knuckles
Not sure how good it is, but I give it 5/5 since I love cards that add passives that affect general ruling of other cards.
Awful design, might seem like fun now but greatly limits design space in the future.
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
Incredible OTK potential with some set up
Same thoughts.
An opponent pre-equipping Aldrachi Warblades seems scary lol.
Lifestealing on crack - so agressive - wowzer
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
And if you punch faces, you basically have a double edge sword ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This card is the most interesting of the lot so far.
Given the stats it's probably borderline broken.
Wings: check
Claws: check
otherworldy name: check
Isn’t this a demon?
Winner winner chicken dinner
There was an image of the upcoming achievements somewhere that had an Il'gynoth related thing listed under Demon Hunter, so based on that it was expected. Flavorwise there definitely isn't any reason though. I guess all classes will get some madness, and Il'gynoth had to find a home somewhere.
Looks like a Demon but isn't, is it some kind of Old God spawn? Really cool and interesting effect but I suppose it could be abused a lot. Maybe too much? Anyway I would love to open it!
I can see this being a problem card, and the war blades will probably get nerfed because of this.
To me the thing that stands out the most is not the very powerful effect but the fact that it is a 4 mana 2/6. If it had bad stats, Il'gynoth would be solely used for its effect but with that statline, it can also be simply slapped on the board T4 as setup.
Remember when Druids played with Fandral Staghelm because not only of their effect, but because it had to be dealt with immediately if played on curve or you'd risk getting very outvalued very fast? That's the same feeling with this card, except Il'gynoth has more health and is therefore harder to remove overall and the outvalued part is instead risking your health being dropped very hard very fast.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
god this is too good
Time to put 2 Kobold Stickyfingers in each deck...
I think this would have been alright even just on its own, but DH having other Lifesteal cards that are already played pushes this into strong card territory. There's defiantly some OTK with the Warblades that I'm gonna hate to play against.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
This by itself could allow at least 2 damage just from being removed granted that's only if they have a 6 attack minion and no spells but regardless this looks solid too bad you wont be able to heal with him up
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This doubles the damage that Aldrachi Warblades do and you don't even need to be damaged to trigger the effect. Easy addition into Soul DH for that use alone.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Finally a use for all those lifesteal minions for aggro DH..............................
Living like that.
Hands down most op card of this expansion
Very interesting card, requires some drastic build around themed deck though. I predict it will see some play in the first few weeks only.
Absolutely OP. This with Aldrachi Warblades is essentially double damage, on a class that already has high burst damage with weapons.
Equipped Aldrachi + Lapidary + This = 14 immediate face damage in an existing deck without huge setup. There will make a ladder-viable OTK in no time.
I can see a cool otk deck around this, alot of dmg with lifesteal basically hits twice
All hail the banshee queen.
I got this one from level one on the reward track. Maybe this will get me to play my first game as Demon Hunter. You only need to have lifesteal of at least half the enemy life total and one swing to face. I've seen plenty of 7-10 damage swings with the lifesteal weapon. If a demon hunter can't get their opponent down in the 14-20 range, they won't be winning that match anyway.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
This is a very powerful card for a class that is already oppressive.
Yeah getting slammed in the face for with an extra 10+ damage because I didn't run Acidic Swamp Ooze sounds "fun."
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Good for killing control opponents with a big Aldrachi Warblades. It is otherwise an OK card.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Crazy strong card in soul DH, basically gives your Aldrachi Warblades windfury and is quite expensive to remove because of having lifesteal itself and its big body. Also gives a chance for OTK DH to return. This card + Warblades + Twin Slice + second slice + hero power is a 3 card 14 damage combo, with muuuuuch higher potential when adding in Skull of Gul'dan discounts or pre-equipped Warblades.
Aldrachi Warblades' new best friend
I will be trying to refine the OTK list for this card, it's just far too interesting not to. I hope it's good but not busted, because I want this effect to be playable - it's a cool one - and I don't want it nerfed into oblivion.
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