New Warlock Minion - Revenant Rascal
Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by
A new Epic Warlock Minion, Revenant Rascal, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Warlock Minion, Revenant Rascal, has been revealed!
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Since the battlecry loses all of its utility once the enemy hero reaches 10 mana, I think Revenant Rascal wants to be played early, which lends itself to an aggressive Warlock deck, like Zoolock, where the Warlock cares less about losing a mana crystal as they have a low curve deck. I think that if Zoolock works, then they will want a card like this acting as sort of a mini Loatheb that can impact more than just one turn. If Zoolock doesn't work, then I don't see this card being played.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Compare to Mojomaster Zihi. I think that this card is a little pricy to slot into aggro decks, and any decks that want to beat combos would probably rather use Loatheb and Dirty Rat.
I don't think that this sees play.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I can see this being useful in zoo builds in correlation with Mojomaster Zihi to control the mana reserves of your opponent and keep them from dropping mana extensive cards.
I can also see people using this along with Gnomeferatu to be extra annoying
Looks weak.
By The Holy Light!
Maybe ok in zoo if there is a lot of decks with relatively expensive AOE in meta
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Seems like a key player in Zoolock decks, I remember back in the early days when mage would wipe my board with Blizzard or flamestrike, it's nice to have a minion that can prevent that.
And minions that zoolock run don't really top off more than say...4 mana anyways. I mean there's flesh giant but you don't play that at full mana. And there's Hand of gul'dan but you never cast it for 6 mana, you always discard it.
This is an interesting card for the Arena, since it can throw off your opponents mana curve, but it throws yours off as well.
Once upon a time I crafted Mojo Master Zihi thinking it was a cool card. I was gravely mistaken and ended up disenchanting her very soon after for a net loss of 1200 dust. Hopefully this card is better.
A 3 mana 3/3 is definitely better than a 6 mana 5/5, especially for an aggro deck. And losing a single mana crystal is a bit easier to cope with than going back to 5. I think this will be played in low curve aggro decks who want to delay their opponent. It isn't terrible, and in a lot of cases this will be worse for your opponent than it is for you.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This card’s battlecry is kind of like: both players’ cards cost 1 more next turn...
Effects that target both players are rarely good, and I think this guy may follow that trend. If Zoolock is really that worried about a clear, they would run Cult Neophyte instead.
This ain't no place for a hero
Definately fits a extreme low curve aggro deck best. At the moment, I don't see this having a home, but if we get a few aggressive demon buffs/ cheap aggressive minions, then maybe? Denying a board clear, is the reason Loetheb was played by aggro after all. This is worse at that, but better at denying an on-curve taunt.
I see the potential in zoo decks to muck up the opponents curve, it can deny mid-range or board clear plays and I have high hopes for it. If nothing else, you can make memey annoying Warlock in standard with Chaos Gazer and Cult Neophyte
Mojo Master Zihi is the only example I can find for breaking your opponents mana crystals. Does anyone know how the game treats overloaded crystals from Shaman with respect to breaking them? Does the overload stay or go away? If overload shaman is a dominant deck then maybe this could be a good tech card.
It seems to expensive for aggro warlock, well not the cost actually but what you get for it.
Not going to completely write it off but you gotta admit it looks tough for this card to justify itself. Its only true calling is actually to give you the mana lead and to mana burn your opponent by 1 next turn. But coming from a mere 3/3 body, and the fact that it also slows you down somewhat means its real home is in a lower curve zoo, and nothing else.
Would've been fine as a 4/3. Trash.
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Unless this expansion gives some benefit for warlock losing mana crystals, I really don't see value on this card.
Will only see play in a low curve zoolock deck, but even then it doesn't look very good.
I would have hoped for a tribe tag to maybe give a reason to give a slot to this guy in a deck, but ...
Seems like a huge tempo loss, even on a cheap zoo-deck
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Pity Warlock gets worse disruption tools than DH, but I guess this is destroying the mana crystals instead of remove crystals for one turn. Might see play in zoo if some old gods control decks come about, but all you'll be doing is delaying one turn (unless it's druid)
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Nice disruption card for standard. Could combo well in Chaos Gazer into Revenant Rascal? But this effect is WORTHLESS if your at 10 mana, Because your opponent just gets their 10th mana crystal back at the start of their turn. So it's better to play early game.Because of this, it will only see play in aggro & zoo decks, because aggro & zoo loves the ability to get 1 free turn. Why wouldn't you want a free turn of priests not being able to play their board clears?
In Wild it's not great. Cubelock doesn't want it, and Reno warlock also wouldn't want it. Also i don't think Discardlock wants it... Perhaps Heal zoo might consider it?
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Could be fun in aggro decks with a low mana curve. it doesn't really do anything big, but could be very annoying if you play a slower decks and wants to get going.
The Battlecry is completely useless once you get to 10 mana, so Aggro card.
The good thing with this card is that you can play your future turns around the loss of a Mana Crystal whereas your opponent most likely can't with theirs, which may give you an advantage. It can also be used to disrupt curve plays, but that might be too pre-emptive to be practical as you're not quite sure if your opponent has the card you're guarding from in their hand. But I suppose using that as a safeguard play isn't a bad thing. Admittedly though, the loss of a mana crystal will hurt your own curve as well leading to worse plays from you in future turns.
It's not as bad as I initially thought it was, or as some people are saying, but I still find it a bit difficult to expect this card to do greatly.
I think aggro Warlock can make it with delaying opponent mid range minions, and keeping a constant pressure from board
I think this is just ok. It's potential combo disruption, but only by one mana, and hits you as well. Keep in mind that if you play this when you and your opponent are both at 10 mana, it does nothing.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Nope! won't see any play 1/5
Interesting to see how people's opinions differ. I personally think it's rather solid aggro tech and expect it to see some play (if Zoolocks are allowed to survive in the meta, that is).
I love this card and the disruptive potential that it has.
I don’t think it will see much play, perhaps as a one of in some highlander decks.
I like the idea behind the card, but as disruption tools go, it doesn't feel to be very good.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
this made me laugh good 1 sire
I guess this is sort of neat it will slow down the game a bit if nothing else I suppose
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Weak card, does nothing really.
Garbage pack filler card. Won't see play in any format.
Nice "slowdown" card
All hail the banshee queen.
Fits fine into zoo lock to delay removal for a turn.
Anything that disrupts your opponent's plans cant be all bad.
I feel like they need to print more cards that mess with mana crystals. But yea I don't think this card has a place in any decks, maybe zoo, but there's better turn 3 plays.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
I see a lot of excitement for the disruption potential, but honestly I don't think it really does enough to warrant the hype. It delays the game by a turn, and doesn't even stop your opponent from doing things on that turn. By turn 10 the effect is flavour text, so you need to play it before then unless you plan on dumping two at once, and to what end? What does this actually do, really?
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Why gimp your own Mana when Cult Neophyte is a card?
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Seems very niche.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
When does Warlock want to limit the opponent's mana while replaying their own mana on the next turn? Is it aggro or midrange?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Quite a disruptive minion, it might work in zoo
You kind of set your opponent back a turn (but you also set yourself back). This card is not good.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.