A new Warrior card has been revealed by Trump.
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How about some otk deck involving making copies of this with faceless manipulator, getting a lot of minions on board, and giving them all rush with animated broomstick? It won’t be competitive but if I get this card that would be a fun way to use it
You could use mad summoner to guarantee both sides having a board, then kill one of your imps with inner rage. Then play broomstick to get 7 guaranteed attacks, assuming you have 2 god of metal that would 28 damage, if you have 3 42. The 28 damage combo can be done with a Thaurissan tick, the 42 damage combo with Thaurissan and Drakkari enchantress
You can actually do this in standard with ETC + Inner rage + 2 Bloodsworn Mercenarys and Broom 6 minions rush 6x6 = 36 damage for 9 mana you just need to be able to attack with all minions.
I don’t play standard but how often does your opponent have 5 or more minions in play? I know control decks probably won’t.
All those cards are good to see play in a tempo warrior deck and maybe if you see you are against an aggressive deck just use the combo pieces early on but otherwise you can try to save them for a potential combo on turn 9. Or even if you save part of the combo pieces and deal 24 damage on turn 9 that’s still a good finisher for a tempo warrior.
I wonder what sort of rush minions we will see this expansion to make this viable.
I'd like to see Trump replace Dave Kosak as the reveal season ham.
YES!! My Galakrond Rush warrior is finally aggresive enough
Whelp, after that Trump reveal video my search for a new ringtone is over !!!!
Your enemies I powerslide!!!!
"Rush minion" means it has to have Rush in its original form, doesn't it? So no Animated Broomstick shenanigans, right?
No, watch the reveal video, where they literally do the Broomstick shenanigans you describe.
I stand corrected, which is a very nice thing.
There's just never enough rush minions in warrior for this to ever be good. But there might be something close to swarm of locust down the reveal that will instantly push this to god tier. We'll have to see.
expected cringeful video -> check
never change trump, never change
minor nitpick, but I thought ETC was on lead guitars, not drums.
Still, that's a neat legendary
ETC is the band, not a person. The tauren in the band is the drum player.
I mean, there's also an anthropomorphic Elite Tauren Chieftain in HotS and Hearthstone that represents the band and plays guitar... but I dunno. It's all pseudo-canon anyway.
I guess you're right.
I suppose I wanted ETC to play the guitar since that's what you use to MELT FACES.
But I suppose him throwing hammers at the enemy's face is a callback to drummers throwing their sticks to the audience.
...it's just that the audience can't catch them correctly, ouch!
I thought it was impossible, but here I am, saying that my instacraft for the expansion is gonna be a Warrior card!
This could be a nice win condition for decks with lots of rush minions. There isn't a deck like that right now but this could create a new archetype. Playmaker likes this. There are a lot of cards that haven't been revealed yet and there's people already dismissing it.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius: "Me an my boys are HUGE fans!"
That's fucking Metal, Dude!
Love the Flavour and the Entrance. He even plays some Notes when the Effect triggers!
I pray for the Face of whatever Mage or Shaman devolves their Demon Hunter opponents’ minion into this! Especially if they can then play Expendable Performers, or whatever! That “fill the board with Illidari, if they die this turn do it again” card.
I fully expect Mark to play a combo deck around getting Cable Rat into a Faceless lackey to summon this 2 drop playing DH for the memes (and the Vengeance!)