New Warlock Spell - Wicked Whispers
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Rare Warlock Spell, Wicked Whispers, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Warlock Spell, Wicked Whispers, has been revealed!
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Zoo gets some love. Nice
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Boneweb Egg gets some support (still boggles me that it didnt get any in Scholomance), and zoo gets a nice AoE board buff. Grim Rally was run a lot, but destroying a 1/1 gives up minimal board advantage while this loses quite a bit of card advantage. Still, I'll take any zoo support with a smile.
Could be sick in wild discolock
Wonder if they ever are gonna make discard targetable across the board like in runeterra... it feels so much better over there here.. there will always be feelbad moments... even with the "supposed targeting"
They might, they already made it kinda targetable by duel hero power, maybe they will change it with classic revamp in April altogether
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Ah, discard. The mechanic that never quite works despite the amount of support that Blizzard tries to give it.
This one might work with the spiders, but I hope zoo finds a good home for this card.
if you look across the board on hand buffing or hand selecting cards, you will notice that no card in herthstone:
1. selects more than one target
2.selects a target that is a card in hand..
I looked it out and runeterra is also a game programmed in unity (the same engine as HS) so it's NOT an engine limitation to multiple targeting or targeting your hand..
you see many cards saying "random" just because they didn't ever want to fix those self induced limitations they made to the game..
for example Unstable Felbolt or Unwilling Sacrifice also some hand buffs that would be fairly priced if you could control them...
those limitations introduced a lot of deck restrictions and rng to the game cause you really want to hit those targets
As a Wild player, I totally support Discolock, and will keep on supporting all the time, except when it becomes meta, I hate to see something I love become mainstream.
That said, only works if you have either Silverware Golem, Boneweb Egg, Clutchmother Zavas or if you already played all your hand, if not it's pretty risky for it's effect.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
It has potential, like Grim Rally, but it may find a home with Galakrond builds
It is important to remember that you can control the targeting if you manipulate the board state or hand state, which is a layer of strategy/skill not present when you can target manually.
Pretty acceptable in discard warlock, but while discarding lowest cost gives consistency, discard warlock usually wants to keep its lowest cost cards and discard higher cost payoffs.
Thorough maybe. Not sure that discolock ever really plans on having enough minions on board for this to really take off.
This post is discussing the wild format.
yes that's what I meant in the last line.. for example this card you want to design your deck/hand to have a "discard lover" as the lowest cost card in hand.
Grim Rally was good, in part because of its synergy with eggs, but mainly because buffs aren't widely available in Warlock, so any board-wide buff is really powerful in Zoolock. It wouldn't take much in terms of discard synergy to make this about as good, and you can always just play it on with an empty hand for the buff.
Great for zoo, and it's the good kind of discord card. (Bad kind= random discard.) Can't really say anything bad about this card, i like it.
Standard: This will 100% see play in zoolock and some kind of tempo Galakrondlock. Galakrondlock always had trouble keeping it's board of 1 health minions alive, and Wicked Whispers helps fix that problem.
Wild: It's a good Zoo card, so it's surely going to see play in some kind of zoo deck. Also it will see play in Discardlock, as Discardlock loves discarding cards and buffing the minions on board.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Warlock got those spider eggs in Scholomance Academy that can be discarded to activate it's effect.
and with this spell being 1 mana it's pretty flexible to dump your hand of the smaller minions, play this, and then discard something you don't care about to gain it's effect. Will probably see play, but is it enough to push zoo on the ladder?
Was thinking the same, Grim worked better with tokens but this just needs a card you no longer need or want to discard.
Discolock was meta for a while in standard, which means the card isn't totally worthless. But, Discolock tends to be a zoo deck and the best card to discard with this, Boneweb Egg, needs to cost less than the gigantic pool of 1 drops and 2 drops associated with Discolock.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I wonder if they will try to make discard warlock a thing.
I am not sure how strong this card is. Aggro Discard Warlock is a deck in wild, and they might run this, but usually the lowest cost card in your hand will be something like Flame Imp, Soulfire, Expired Merchant, Tiny Knight of Evil, or some other card you don't want to discard. Silverware Golem and Fist of Jaraxxus are going to be too expensive in most cases, so I guess the question is whether or not it will be worth it to start running Boneweb Egg.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Important thing to note: If you discard Boneweb Egg, the 2/1 Spiders WILL get the +1/+1 buff (is the interaction with Shriek and Egg is anything to go by), so that will definitely be quite strong.
The Grim Rally comparison here is obvious. Depending on certain situations, discarding a card can be less bad than destroying one of your minions, although Grim Rally was good with small 1/1 minions or even stronger with eggs. If you have minions that you don't want to destroy though, then this will be better than Grim Rally. Whichever one is better than the other seems to be roughly 50/50, so I'm going to say this card is good.
Grim Rally saw play, so this will too. Zoolock may not be common in the current meta, but it's a deck that will probably always find a place.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Its a wide buff card which zoo really needs. Unfortunately, since the condition is to discard, it will rarely appear anywhere else other than zoo.
There are a few problems with the card though. Don't start getting ideas of a burst finish as it can and will likely discard the second copy, or discard your other finisher in soulfire, so the shenanigans zoo can bring will almost always be limited.
But Grim Rally was one of the most powerful buffs for zoo in its time, so this card will almost certainly see play.
Yay, zoo support.
Starting my egg-zoo-list right about now
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Wild: possibly, Standard: unlikely. The latter just lacks the refill tools like Malchezaar's Imp. The value of sacrificing one card for +1/+1 heavily depends on your current board as well, so it might be a dead card in a lot of situations.
Oh yea, like everyone is saying, this card will be played in zoo, and your best target atm is Boneweb Egg. But would the 2/1 spiders also get the buff?
Edit: After reading, I found the answer, they will get buffed! :D pretty sweet
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
zoolock use to play low mana cards and have the best hero power that allows him to draw cards.
And yes, Malchezaar's Imp is an abomination, but Hand of Gul'dan are still in Standar.
By The Holy Light!
Zoo support!! yes i like it - always loved Zoolock.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
In wild, sometimes you must rely on Soulfire to discard your Silverware Golem or Boneweb Egg failing in most of cases.
With this card you can discard in a safer way and not throw anything on a coin flip
not sure how this one will pan out may be good may be trash
nice little board buff for the lads the lowest discard make its control able which is nice
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Situational worse version of Grim Rally.
Compared to Grim Rally, I actually think Wicked Whispers is contextually worse. First, Grim Rally could take advantage of deathrattle minions, so the downside of removing one of your own minions is actually an upside. Second, Wicked Whispers removes hand resources. The only good target you'll be able to reasonably discard is Boneweb Egg, which means most of the time you're discarding a potentially valuable resource to continue pushing aggression. Overall, I just don't see much of a competitive reason to run Whispers in Zoolock.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Turn one could have two 3-2's. Otherwise I think the card is pretty mediocre.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
solid aggro deck, not really fun tho
All hail the banshee queen.
Amazing zoo card, and there are some cards that would like to be discarded, if you can manage them to be the lowest cost.
Comparable to Grim Rally, but Galakrond tokens were just so easy to produce compared to cards in hand.
Feels like an Auto include for Zoo, though the discard does make it awkward when you draw both copies.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Flavor text! Hahahahahahahhahah!
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
More targeted discard effects. I'm sure this will be included somewhere. Does wild discolock need more help?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
This might see play in a very low to the ground Zoo deck that can fill the board with small things to buff. It will otherwise not even be considered in other decks.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Great card for zoo decks, very likely to see play
Seems nuts. Discard the Spider Egg with this and you get an extra two 3/2s on board, plus whatever you had already, which is a great swing.
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