New Mage Minion - Occult Conjurer
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Epic Mage Minion, Occult Conjurer, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Mage Minion, Occult Conjurer, has been revealed!
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Seems pretty strong on-curve. Nice synergy with Rigged Faire Game as well, either you get the card draw or two 4/4s.
4 mana 8/8 is pretty good for stats, even if it's across two bodies. And Mage has plenty of secrets that they're opponent might not trigger so you can play her on curve.
You might finally have to make your opponent ask themselves - do I activate their secret or do I face 2 4/4's?
Less clunky than Sorcerous Substitute but still not all that powerful
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Strong, but boring.
By The Holy Light!
Fairly strong, but I'm not sure that secret mage prefers this to similarly mana efficient cheaper cards.
I don't think that this sees play, but it's definitely interesting.
This post is discussing the wild format.
This is just meh. It's good value if you trigger it, but Mage doesn't do much with just building boards.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
4 for 2 4/4s... not bad at all. I don't see a ton of use in Standard right now, but I could be wrong. In Wild though, this may find a way into a few Secret Mage decks
Cool card. Kinda boring but it's a strong effect. 4 mana 8/8 is pretty good, and easy to fulfill the condition. Remember the times when 4 mana 7/7 was considered strong/OP? Turn 3 secret into turn 4 Occult Conjurer is pretty good. Also "In b4 mage gets either a Phase Stalker, or Kabal Lackey reprint"... plz no blizz...
Standard: Secret mage might be viable in standard with cards like these. Beware Standard only players, us wild players know all too well the monstrosity that is secret mage. It's "super interactive" and "fun" to play against.
Wild: OH NOO! Secret mage is just getting stronger and stronger with each new secret mage card revealed, and it's already a strong deck with a very good winrate, and it's often a tier 1 meta deck... so i guess Secret mage is going to be even more annoying than before now...
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Aight, this makes the new mage secret a bit better. If it procs, you draw 3, if it doesn't, you get 4 mana 8/8. Lots of secret support for Hunter and Mage this set, but no secrets for Paladin since RoS. oof
This is definitely a strong card when it procs. And with certain mage secrets like the new one that just go revealed, it shouldn't be hard to get this to activate on turn 4 by playing a secret that you don't think will trigger.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
The effect is powerful, but I'm not sure tha current secret pool really encourages a tempo style deck. The most used secret right now is Flame Ward which is not exactly offensive.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Two 4/4s for 4 mana is obviously good. With Rigged Faire Game, you can actually now play this on curve or you draw 3 cards (and trip your opponent up) which seems like a good trade-off. I'm not sure how good it would be in Standard, but it's good in Wild where you always have Ice Block.
Better than interesting but weak.
Jeeesus, why does this has to be 4 mana.
You better pop those secrets booooy, and that includes Ice Block in wild : /
Yo Dean stop printing cards for secret mage ok? The archetype its not gonna make into standard and wild doesnt have room for this.
We know how u like secret mage but they never relied upon having a board
Man, Secret Mage is gonna be even more frustrating to play against in Wild with all of these new tools.
Very good on curve and enable some pressure from board which is a mage weakness
Curving from Kirin Tor Mage into secret, then into this thing next turn, then into Jandice Barov. That's just so much tempo. And if we're wondering about consistency, then Rigged Faire Game comes instantly to remind us of how unfair it is in the first place.
in standard it's alright maybe it could revive the secret archtype in standard.
RIP WILD VERY VERY VERY RIP secret mage WR 70%-> 80%
A long time ago I liked playing secret mage, maybe I'll move to wild and play it again since it seems like it will be getting some improvements.
Teaser for new secrets to be revealed or support for wild ?
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
it wont, secret mage is to tight as a list and liek what woudl you cut? not your burst not aluneth, not your 0mana 5/5,not flakmage,not medoivhs valet, not scientist, not lackey, not iceblock,etc etc it has no face for it and it would rather just more burn SPELLS then a conditonal minion thats worse/more awkward lategame casue it will always cost 4 instead of 0 like crystal runner.
Secret mage isnt even that good in wild overall certainyl not 70%.........
It wont be more frustrating CAUSE THEY WONT BE RUN.
They dint fit in the deck,there is no space.
It's a strong turn 4 play, but all the opponent needs to do is try trigger the secret that was cast the turn earlier. If it's Rigged Faire Game certain classes with access to 1 damage pings will be able to stall Occult Conjurer. Secret mage also depends on how aggro the new meta will be
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Pretty good card!
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63% wr in 2500 games according to hs replay (it's true I didn't check the wr since last year..) still quite an upgrade to the deck.
And its not better then any of current. onyl situation where its good is if get exactly 1secret by turn 4 else ,the deck just has betetr stuff then this. It doesnt go in the deck
I actually did cut Aluneth and one flakmage in favor of Voracious Readers. I have found they are more consistent and don't necessarily kill off a whole turn to cast JUST that like Aluneth. Plus, albeit small, it has legs to swing as well.
secret mage 0-0
4 mana 8/8 is strong when it goes off but I don't see this working flawlessly everytime more like a toss up of getting it out on curve or holding it for some time
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Interesting card, might see play instead of Kabal Crystal Runner in Secret Mage.
While this is a great follow up to a turn 3 secret play with Kirin Tor Mage and Inconspicuous Rider, I have my concerns as to how often the secret will remain in play for Occult Conjurer, especially when your opponent knows that it's a possible turn 4 play. I'm also concerned that Secret Mage as a whole with all of the revealed cards doesn't have enough consistent tempo to be competitive, but I do not deny just how good a turn 4 play Conjurer is.
For glory, honor, and gold!
I think it will be a main payoff for a secret mage package, but not as strong as people think it will be. 4 mana 8-8 is just to slow with no taunt or rush or anything.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Great card on curve, but gets significantly weaker as the game goes on.
Finally plugs the 4-mana hole for secret mage.
more secret mage cards, not a fun card tho
All hail the banshee queen.
Good, but I'm not sure if it makes Secret Mage a thing in Standard or pushes Secret Mage into Tier 0 in Wild.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
It's a good on-curve play for a Tempo Secret deck, but what else is Secret Mage doing in Standard? It doesn't really have the burn and there aren't any other powerful tempo plays that it can make. Maybe this sees play another Tempo Mage deck that happens to have enough Secrets to make it work.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Given how easy it is to pull out early secrets, this card will be nuts
I like this for new secret mage decks. Can make a viable standard list and may even work itself into the wild lists.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
A simple, strong card for Standard Secret Mage. Rigged Faire Game seems much better in light of this, since it'll stick around for this to trigger from.
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