New Warlock Spell - Impbalming
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Warlock Spell, Impbalming, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Warlock Spell, Impbalming, has been revealed!
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I believe those are 1/1 tokens right?
Arch-Villain Rafaam like this.
yes, 1 mana 1/1 do nothing
I think the card might have potential with the new warlock quest. other than that it seems worthless.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This seems awful. None of the existing synergies are actually good.
Plot Twist, Mountain Giant, Warlock Quest and Rafaam works very well with it, so what are you talking about?
This is weird but looks like it will be fun to try and build around a shuffle mechanic.
worst community ever
Explain to me how drawing useless 1/1's with plot twist is good.
Explain to me how this has any synergy with Mountain Giant.
Explain to me why you'd purposely add bad cards to your deck for Rafaam instead of just playing good cards.
Explain to me why you'd want to add worthless cards to your deck simply to draw more worthless cards for the quest when you could Elek instead.
As we've seen with cards like Prince Malchezaar, adding random legendary cards to your deck is awful. Adding 1/1's is so much worse than adding a random legendary.
This is going to need some crazy synergy to be worth playing.
How is this weak?! 4 Mana destroy ANY minion. This is far superior compare to that 4 Mana Walk The Plank and 2 Mana cheaper than Siphon Soul.
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Nice hard removal. Additionaly it delays fatigue.
Card seems decent at best. Now, if you could force out the Imps without much tempo loss, it becomes great, otherwise, I just don't see it as good enough to warrant a spot in a deck. It's still better in arena though.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Sure, shuffling 3 Worthless Imp to your hand feels... worthless xd, but it's still a nice removal, and you can always use it to either prevent Fatigue for more time or add more fuel to Rafaam. Might see play under right circumstances.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Pretty sure you want to play [Hearthstone Card (Fel-Lord Betrug) Not Found] in Plot Twist Warlock, and he has anti-synergy with the effect. Still, Warlock is desperate for good removal so this might still see play.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
I can see this working with Grim Rally and The Soularium in standard aggro decks. It kills those annoying taunts and gives you worthless crap to destroy and buff everything else. As for wild, it gives synergy to cards like Dark Bargain and Unwilling Sacrifice decks. Also not bad with Shriek and similar effects for discard Warlock. In the end this card might be too fair or slow to see much play in Standard.
Are you guys drunk or what?This is an UNCONDITIONAL removal for 4 mana! And the drawback might never happen.
So many rank 50 reviews here lol.
I think that's the point people are missing. Some are thinking that it's destroy your OWN minion (ala a lot of Zoo decks now), when you can destroy ANY minion for 4 mana.
With so many things that can sacrifice and buff other parts of the deck, this will be something that can be overlooked and make this card a MUST include in every deck
Another "OMG shuffle stuff into decks is important" card this is basically 4 mana Assassinate for warlock the draw back is sort of ok it's sometimes even a benefit most of the time it won't matter at all and be worth.
it can kill a giant on 4.. something that warlock was unable to do. people used to play Blastcrystal Potion so compared to that card, this card is one of the most powerful warlock cards I have seen in a while..
if it added the imps on the top of your deck it would be atrocious but randomly? unless very unlucky you won't care.. hard removal like this is very powerful.. of course it depends on the meta whenever or not this card will be included (if you want to kill big minions early.. currently this card will be played in a handlock deck)
good in zoo decks, 1 copy of it maybe ?
because those 1/1 aren't that useless for a zoo deck, since they will be buffed somehow. Also, there is Arch-Villain Rafaam to deal with them in a different way, so there are 2 ways to deal with these worthless imps in a zoo deck.
Are you drunk? The condition is fucking terrible. It’s make your deck much worse to destroy a minion.
Which deck? Sure it could make a deck worse, but having more cards/demons/tokens could make a different deck better.
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Overexaggerating much. This goes in a control shell where you almost always have an a full hand. Even if you draw an imp in the extact next turn which is highly unlikely, you will probably have other plays available and you can always tap. Sure if you draw 3 or 4 imps in a row this card is terrible but that will rarely happen. On average this is 4 mana unconditional removal and that's the end of story.
People overestimate deck manipulations look at Void Contract that card got a lot of "meta defining" votes deck manipulation is quite a negligible element of the game yet people always go crazy about those effects, who cares if you have bad draws when you just destroyed a 8/8 and shut down a cyclo mage strategy? it's not like warlock currently can deal with big minions.. the earliest hard removal warlock got access to is [Hearthstone Card (syphon soul) Not Found] which is really weak.
Besides warlock having the best hero power for this draw back in drawing more cards, making the Worthless Imp draw not so bad as you can draw another card, if they print more discolock synergy they could just be discard fodder as well.
Also another rating problem with most commenters int he forums is rating for the current meta, that being said I would play this card in the current meta with no problems at all since it's good vs mage and hunter.
It looks bad compared to walk the plank at first glance, but: 1. WL cards are typically weaker than those of other classes to compensate for lifetap. 2. Walk the plank would be a maindeck inclusion for most other classes than rogue, rogues are just spoiled for single target removal options.
That said the downside of this card might be a real nuisance in exactly the weird control archtype blizzard are pushing for Warlock; drawlock. Whereas in a normal control vs control game you might even want to shuffle extra cards into your deck to delay fatigue, you really don't want imps interfering with broken Betrug/Dollmaster/Morrigan interactions. Weird timing to print this TBH.
I'm really not, though. How competitive was Malchezar? It doesn't matter if it's a control shell or an aggro shell, drawing useless cards looses games. If you play two of these, you've added 6 useless cards to your deck.
As I've said repeatedly, if a card is released that makes these useless imps useful, then things change. Rafaam is not a way to make these cards useful, since they are burying your rafaam and making it harder to draw him.
And that's the end of the story. See, I can do it too.
Serious question: Which deck does it make better?
Again, as I keep saying, they could release something that makes good use of these imps. But those cards haven't been revealed yet, and this is all we have to go on.
this card could be played in a fatigue deck. you play this with 0-1 cards left in your library and you negate fatigue damage. which is good since warlocks draw a lot of cards.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Can we unpack this a bit?
Assuming that playing this card puts you at even or ahead in fatigue, what are the 1/1 imps doing to help you win in fatigue? Sure, you're holding off fatigue damage, but the 1/1 imp isn't fighting for board. Remember, your opponent is going to be playing cards too, but his are going to do things.
Are you saving both of these cards until fatigue, playing them, and then playing Rafaam? I mean, I guess that's something. It isn't unheard of. But to me, It just doesn't feel better than the late game things warlock can already do.
Only rafaam.
Plot twist and mountain giant use cards from hand. Impbalming shuffle directly to deck, so no sinergy.
Quest warlock need to draw cards, not to shuffle.
You are nor shuffling then drawing, just shuffle.
would you rather take fatigue damage? or draw nothing? or draw 1/1's? those imps are the most useless minion in the game, but they are not killing you like fatigue would. in no world is it worse to draw nothing than to take damage and still not gain resources. I don't see how shuffling those 1/1's into a empty deck would ever be a bad thing.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
For a general removal card its ok, like walk the plank, but most of the time the extra 1-1's in your deck will not improve it, so this card should be played as soon as possible, or as a prelude to a rafaam turn. Now zoo decks generally want to put more minions early on so my best bet is on a late game turn when rafaam will be your next card.
it's not comparable to [Hearthstone Card (prince malchezar) Not Found] cause it just gave you 5 probably useless cards at the start of the game as well as a vanilla 5/6 for 5 taking a deck slot as well as making your draws worse and it's at the start of the game.. if [Hearthstone Card (prince malchezar) Not Found] was a battle cry instead it would be a good card to include into your control deck. basically 6 dead draws most of the time.. the only benefit was it was an anti fatigue strategy in control v control.
how is this card better? you decide when you want to ruin your deck and the deck ruining isn't that bad anyway cause you are playing warlock.. which doesn't have cheap hard removal, people used to play Blastcrystal Potion it was probably the 30th card in the Reno Jackson deck but it wasn't that bad, the ability (back then) to answer a turn 4 fandral was really important.
against decks in the current meta (Which again won't be the SOU meta but might be similar) the ability to answer a giant on turn 4 is important both in the supposed mirror(if warlock is popular which isn't currently the case) and vs mage, and just being a decent "get out of jail" removal for big minions.
As a handlock style deck you normally tap a lot so you have answers in your hand or stuff to develop anyway you can afford to run situational or dead cards as a warlock (note: it's not true in most other classes) having 3 dead draws for eliminating a big threat is totally worth it. tempo is the most important part of the game and the least important one is the value of your remaining deck(which I argue again and again and again how overrated it is).
Besides you might never draw the imps and you just removed a big/medium minion for 4 mana as a warlock. not to mention the imps aren't that bad you can just play them as mana fillers.
I don't know, Warlock is a bit lacking single target removal, so it might get played along with Siphon Soul in control decks.
"I'm not scared, you're scared!" - A random talking Chicken
Yeah, this has a pretty shitty downside, but blastcrystal had a pretty messed up downside too and that was still played.
And shuffling 3 dead cards into your deck is worth it to remove a T4 mountain giant that will multiply if you don't remove it immediately.
This is a highly situational card and it's usefulness will depend on the rest of the set and what the meta shakes out to be.
Awesome card, will have to see how good ShuffleLock can become though..
This ain't no place for a hero
I can see this working in some sort of Aggro/Zoolock. You can use it as removal and you want cheap minions. And if you play Rafaam after the Shuffle you have more legendarys in your deck.
Decent card
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