Old Gods, New Tricks - Card Design Competition Discussion Thread
Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by
Competition Theme: Old Gods, New Tricks
Quick, the Old Gods are coming! We'd best design a card to appease them...
- You must create a Class minion with the Corrupt mechanic
- Thankfully, Y'Shaarj isn't too picky - we don't mind if you leave out the Corrupted version of the card, given how tricky it might be to find appropriate art
- Your minion must be of a minion type not typically associated with your Class
- We need to make sure N'Zoth has enough fuel! Here's a list of the minion types we think are normally associated with each class:
- Show Spoiler
- Demon Hunter - Demons
- Druid - Beasts
- Hunter - Beasts, Mechs
- Mage - Mechs, Elementals, Dragons
- Paladin - Mechs, Murlocs, Dragons
- Priest - Elementals, Dragons
- Rogue - Pirates
- Shaman - Elementals, Murlocs, Totems
- Warlock - Demons
- Warrior - Mechs, Pirates, Dragons
- We need to make sure N'Zoth has enough fuel! Here's a list of the minion types we think are normally associated with each class:
MathU and grumpymonk both gave us some great options for the competition this week, so we combined them into one Old God celebrating theme!
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
- Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, Nov 16 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sat, Nov 21 17:00 EST (GMT -0500)
- Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Nov 21 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sun, Nov 22 16:00 EST (GMT -0500)
- Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Nov 22 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Mon, Nov 23 17:00 EST (GMT -0500)
- Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.
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Competition Theme: Old Gods, New Tricks
Quick, the Old Gods are coming! We'd best design a card to appease them...
MathU and grumpymonk both gave us some great options for the competition this week, so we combined them into one Old God celebrating theme!
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
Discussion Thread Rules
No thread rules were added to this season. Please populate and manually edit this thread with them.
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I honestly expected this guy to show up in the xpac for some reason mostly to play off him becoming one with his costume or something
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
I had a pretty nice Corrupt idea, but the tribal part screwed it. So, here's my second idea:
EDIT: Found a new artwork. Its flavor might look kinda out of place in Paladin, but I dunno... Snack Run exists. Might still want to find a less stupid flavor, however.
Just in case you are interested, here's my previous iteration of the card:
Some ideas.
Really hard prompt.
"Everything is Chrome in the future."
This is what I have so far; I'm not entirely happy with it.
"It's Dimensional Ripper with a body!" Well...yes, but you need to Corrupt it first. Pulls out fuel for N'Zoth, God of the Deep, and can even be used with Jungle Giants for a Big Druid deck in Wild.
I'm very much set on the Arbiter as a Priest-Mech. The art Blizzard released for her is just too good =)
Everything else is up for debate. Right now she guides the poor souls of the dead to your hand.
Sounds cool and all, but your card must use the Corrupt mechanic
First idea here:
My two initial ideas. I think I have a problem with Discard-lock, I keep making cards for it. The first is meant to supplement the disruption in Tickatus Control-lock...with even more disruption. The second version pushes my interest in multi-corrupt drifting as a mechanic, which I would like to see explored more. The second certainly doesn't need to stay Warlock, so let me know if there's a class that seems better for it.
My first idea for this theme uses some familiar art:
It's reminiscent of Lightning Breath, while also acting as a dragon to fit into that same deck.
Flavour-wise, Razorscale was corrupted by Yogg-saron in Ulduar - so a perfect match for a corrupt mechanic.
Yeah...I thought it was either the first or the second prompt... Both is rather limiting...
A fun idea for a card. It provides a lot of board presence when played, but you can't really play too many cards or else you won't play it. This may need a mechanical rework to maybe only increase the Cost while in hand.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Some feedback in poor english u.u
Edit: Add some new feedbacks
WOW, congratulations for the idea to give this guy a card hahahah. Loved the idea of the corruption mad him a murloc, but because of the double detup, he need a tribe tag and I believed that there's no one who feets well =(.
Good idea and a interesting concept to a booster minion in Paladin. I don't know if it's possible (at least I dont remember a card with some similar text) but I believed it will be extra intresting if he maintain the Elemental tag.
Liked the idea and think is pretty solid, but it's simple so I don't know if the voters will be excited to the card.
Amazing, powerful and neat card. If really exists in the game, definitely see play. Sadly, for the few cards I have made, it seems that people don't usually like existing cards in a body in the competitions =(.
For me, as a Magic player who see this occasionally, it's a 5-star.
Very flavorful and powerful, but like Demonxz95 said, need corrupt =/.
I liked, but for 9 mana can be very hard to Corrupt. Maybe try it at 7-mana and I think will be fine.
I liked the first option, but is banana strong. Star Student Stelina is a legendary with a similar effect, but has Outcast and "Discover-ish" as limitations and don't discard, and this version is much more strong. Maybe change to the "old Corrupt", like Chaos Gazer, but with some changes, like Corrupt 2 cards or something like that.
Loved. I think it's pretty good, strong and balanced. Excelent job.
Great idea in the use of corrupt. Maybe change the restriction to Spells, for Mage-flavor.
I made a feedback post, but acidentally deleted it =(.
Maybe later I try it again u.u.
I did as well but King Mrgl Mrgl sort of flounders his way into the other requirement.
Oh and also some feedback
Wailor: I like soda elemental sure it doesn't have the most on-point flavour but paladin also has Yrel and a demon who was last seen in space so you know.
DavnanKillder: I like Murloc Gardner but I think it's too similar to dragon caller Alana or whoever she was but when has that stopped blizzard?
Demonxz95: Alright mate you win in the meme competition this round, solid card I would see it actually being played I personally don't think it needs changes
Linkblade: I think it's a neat card but with druid and its mana cheating junk I think it a bit scary.
Fungusabao: I like it that's it I just think its a neat card But maybe increase the stats just a little or make it cost ever so slightly less because otherwise, it falls into the same group as clown you blow all your mana to summon chad mc elemental only for him to take a polymorph or twisting nether to the face. And as with Link mana cheating druid junk could make this work
Mloodmesfit: I like the other version since warlock already has a multi corrupt card it would be neat if that was like a mini gimmick for them since they are the most corrupted class, and it looks fine balance-wise.
Arkasuar: Look fine and strong to me I'd say its perfectly powerful without being crazy
Neoguli: Yeah definitely needs an in hand rework or something since otherwise, you might just get an absolutely dead card later
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Fixed it. :)
The spam filter is a little bit wack sometimes.
I am facing a dilemma. I have a good card idea, but I can't find any good art. Then I have some good art, but I don't have a good card to go with it.
Here is the card without good art:
Here is the card where I couldn't think of a good effect:
I just realized that they need to be class cards, I will stick this in a class later. Maybe warlock with some minor adjustments
Wailor, Becoming a copy of the target minion feels a bit random. It is fine in terms of balance and playability, but the second ability doesn't seem to have any connection to the flavor of the card.
DavnanKillder, I like the shaman card. But the corrupted version feels like kind of a lot for only a 2 mana corrupt card. I would increase the base health, and reduce the stats of the corrupted version. Murloc Gardener is probably my least favorite of the three. By turn 8, I think you could just say "fill your board with treants" instead of "for each spell you've cast this game". Also, corrupting an 8 cost minion is super card, especially for a token deck, and the reward feels a bit disappointing for the amount of work you would have to put into it. I do like the warrior card, but I think reducing the cost of your weapon is kind of useless since you will probably only equip one weapon over the coarse of this minions life. Similarly, buffing weapons as you equip them isn't very useful since you will probably only buff one. I would make him buff the attack of the weaopns in your hand, and when corrupted buff their durability as well.
Demonxz95, I like it. Browser references aside, I am a big fan of spell damage and would love to see more of it. I think you have hit a good balance of having it be playable on curve, but also worth hanging onto to corrupt in the future.
Linkblade91, I am a fan of 9 mana corrupt cards since the one we got in the expansion is a little bit of a letdown. The effect is pretty good for the cost, but I think it should pull 3 copies on the corrupt version instead of 2. Also, you should fix the wording to make it more consistent. Either, have the first version specify summoning a copy. Or, change the second version to pull two minions out of your deck.
TheHoax91, As Demon mentioned, you need to use the corrupt mechanic. Right now you would be disqualified.
FungusABoa, First off, you should say "an" instead of "a" since the following word (enemy) starts with a vowel. Concerning Balance, I don't think the corrupted version is good enough to justify how hard it would be to corrupt it. Dealing 7 damage is arguably better than having +7/+7 since it is more proactive and helps you to control the board. I would have the base version lose taunt, and have the second version gain taunt, and +7/+7, and keep the 7 damage battlecry.
BloodMefist, for the first version, I think it should cost a little more since straight up discarding a card from your opponents hand is really powerful. And even if it isn't that powerful, it is a very tilting mechanic and shouldn't be easily accessible. For the second version, I would put it in another class since warlock already has a double corrupt card at 4 mana epic, and it would feel weird if they go another and no other class got any. I think the effect is fine, but you should adjust the wording so that you don't have that one weird line in the middle with only one word in it.
Arkasaur, I love it. It is very flavorful with Shamans dragon breath having the same effect. I would love to have more proactive and efficient removal in shaman that doesn't have overload. I would reduce the cost and health to 5 to make it a bit easier to corrupt, but aside from that I think it is great!
Neoguli, This is really hard to evaluate, which isn't necessarily a good thing when people are judging your card. Having the cost increased is an interesting mechanic and not something we see a lot of. And when combined with corrupt it is even stranger. The higher the cost is, the harder it is to corrupt, but then once you do corrupt it it is a 0 mana 4/4 with rush. You could alternatively just not play cards and drop him on turn 3. I am not entirely sure what to make of this in terms of playability and balance, but I will say this; mage is a class which recently has taken on a theme of extreme spellslinging. They use cards like Sorcerer's Apprentice and Evocation to cast a ton of spells in one turn, and usually they don't play a lot of big expensive cards. Your card wants the opposite, it fits into a deck that plays only a few, more expensive cards. The design of this card clashes with the general design of the mage class.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Thanks! I think your take is pretty fine, but then we come to times when Mage was actually viable by not having many spells - Book of Specters comes into play. I wonder if this would be a fine card powerlevel-wise to push the Minion Mage archetype back into spotlight. Maybe a slight nerf would do.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
MenacingBagel - The card itself is okay (minus the grammatical error of "murloc" instead of Murloc), although it isn't eligible for the comp as Murlocs are a tribe associated with Shaman.
Wailor - Seems pretty solid overall.
DavnanaKillder - Murloc Gardener would be my favorite of the three cards (I quite like it), although I'd pick a different word other than "Murloc".
Linkblade91 - Seems fine to me. 9 mana Corrupt cards are an interesting field to experiment with, especially in Druid.
TheHoax91 - I already mentioned that the card isn't eligible before. I do agree that this theme is a bit limiting, but you know what they say, limitations breed creativity.
FungusABao - I don't think "instead" is necessary since I think I would rather have the 7 damage since that at least might do something before getting hit with Shadow Word: Death.
BloodMefist - I think I'd prefer the second option, if only because despite existing precedence, discarding from your opponent's hand without counterplay may get some negative votes.
Arkasaur - Oh hey, it's you! The card seems pretty well made, although it also seems a bit too derivative of Dunk Tank which is in the same exact set.
Neoguli - I love how creatively you used the Corrupt mechanic, although it seems nearly impossible to activate in a regular game since it wants you to basically never play any cards. You'd need to lose so much tempo for this effect to become good, and a 4/4 with Rush won't be enough to get you back in the game. It also doesn't really suit Mage who likes to sling spells.
KANSAS - Love the flavor of Zookeeper, and the effect is a creative use of the Corrupt mechanic, although the high-RNG nature of the effect might not be favorable to some voters. Even though it isn't eligible because it's Neutral, I do quite enjoy Small Frog for being simple but neat, and I quite like the art as well.
I'm bumping my old card, along with a new iteration of it, since I'm not sure which one I prefer. I think the mechanics fit Priest more, but the flavor isn't good in any case...
(I made the second card before seeing Kansas' card, btw)
Anyways, feedback time:
It's a shame, because the flavor is quite cool.
Regarding balance, it looks a bit too strong, especially since uncorrupted cards tend to be about the same power level as average Basic cards. I would suggest a 2/4 or a 3/3 statline.
I don't know, I think I'd try a different idea.
The other version is also fine. I think Warlock is the appropriate class for it, especially since multi-corrupt seems to be their thing (Cascading Disaster).
In terms of flavor, it has the problem that it depecticts a humanoid animal, which are not Beasts (see Worgen Infiltrator or Tuskarr Totemic)
The second one needs a class, as you pointed out. I agree that Warlock would probably be the best fit. Plus, it should be a Common card, since the effect is very basic.
In a perfect world I'd have artwork of a bigger, tentacle-covered Battlebot with the current Battlebot inside, but I can't draw so this is the best I can do. This is a pretty tough competition, but I'm happy with what I came up with and I think it fits the cagefighting theme of Darkmoon Shaman cards. Not sure how much Mana it should cost though.
Feedback time:
Wailor: I like the effect, but the artwork and beast tag really don't fit it.
KANSAS: For the Zookeeper, you can change the text to "Corrupt: It costs 4 or more instead" since many of the corrupts don't restate the entire battlecry. It might be better to buff it and put the mana at 5 or 6 though, since right now the RNG could make this card way too powerful. And I think putting the frog in Warlock would work great.
Neoguli: Yeah, that should shift to while in hand instead of this game, because otherwise you'll pretty much never get to play it unless you start with it and play next to no cards.
Arkasaur: I like the idea, but maybe drop the cost and stats down because generally higher cost minions have much more powerful corrupt effects.
BloodMefist: I think both of these cards are interesting. I'd probably go with the discard one though. If you do go with the double corrupt one, it might fit better in either Demon Hunter or Druid.
FungusABao: I feel like you should lower the stat gain from the corrupted version and keep the battlecry on both, a 14/14 Taunt is still really good but sometimes you might want the battlecry more. Since it's already going to take a 10 Cost card to buff it, I think it can afford to keep the battlecry.
TheHoax91: Demonxz95 already mentioned, but you need a corrupt mechanic. Maybe it costs less but the minions only cost 1 when it's corrupted?
linkblade91: I like it, not much to add.
Demonxz95: Not very flashy, but it works. Maybe specify "Spell Damage +3 instead" since right not it looks like it might add the +3 to the +1.
DavnanKillder: Out of the 3, I like the Forge Elemental the most.
MenacingBagel: This needs a tribe tag, maybe you could find mech murloc artwork and make it a mech?
-Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)
Check out the Tactician custom class!
I now realize the prompt is to make a tribe, not with your typical class and you have to do both, I mean I might just keep the king and just shift his class to rouge, yeah rouge is good because he's in a disguise technically. Although I guess since he needs a base tribe it doesn't really work which is unfortunate
Attempt 2 I guess is this legal?
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Thanks a lot for feedback! I've decided to opt for the spell route, but this meant a lot of reevaluation. Now this minion can fully embrace being part of any heavy Minion Mage deck, which we haven't really seen since Witchwood. Now, which art do you prefer, and should I even include the Corrupted tokens?
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Here's what I have so far:
The murloc can help out the meneragie decks in the new expansion as well as providing some backwards compatability with The Curator. Also is a murloc for N'Zoth, God of the Deep.
The mech looked like a cool demon hunter minion, so I tried to find a good design for it that called back to Fel Reaver in some way. It was going to be a 7 mana 8/8 at first but it was too difficult to activate the corrupt ability that way.
Second try here, tried to use the "endlessly corruption" thing, I am afriad that this design is too complex. I will modifi my first design and give out some feedback later tomorrow.
The Corrupted version breaks an unwritten rule of Hearthstone that cards cannot have 5 lines of text.
Despite the fact that Killmox, the Banished One was added in this patch, the card also has extremely bad wording (as most of the Duels gamemode does) and could easily be shortened, as well as the fact that cards not available for Constructed are sometimes weird with wording, and thus shouldn't always be taken as a viable precedent. It is also a rule that many people will stick to anyway, so for the sake of your own score, it should be avoided at all times.
Faceless, Giant and Corrupt mechanics all in one. This would best fit in Shaman, because you know, they like to transform stuff.
This card seems like Flobbidinous Floop in some aspects, but differs on some important ones, too. There are two ways you can Corrupt this:
If you Corrupt this by playing a minion, it copies that minion. It can be an Old God, Malygos, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza or maybe Carnival Clown lol
Although, if you Corrupt this by playing a spell, it becomes the copy of the last minion played. It doesn't specify who played it. It can also be the last minion your opponent played.
Technically, you can make this cost 0. Minions with Charge like Stonetusk Boar would cause some OTK decks, but you need to Corrupt a bunch of cards and also play them to reduce the cost of this. So this seems very slow and therefore balanced? I don't know, it's a cool card.
PS: I'm not good at art design so I used an old one. You might say this minion already looks Corrupted, just focus on mechanics. Also, the rules asked for a minion type and this doesn't have any, but you can transform it into any minion type you want lol
I think I will go with Small Frog (now named Icky Toad) mainly because I couldn't find any fitting art for Zookeeper. If anybody can find good art of a Murloc or a Dragon or something taking care of some animals, please let me know.
I am still not entirely set on the ability. Should it have more base stats and less corrupted stats? Should it deal more or less damage? Should the full battlecry be on the base version, and the corrupted version just get extra stats? Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I think I prefer your previous version where it simply gained stats. The current effect doesn't seem very cohesive and simple cards tend to do pretty well, also. If you decide to go with that effect, I'd suggest making it a Common.
About the statline, the previous 1/3 -> 3/3 seems a bit too strong. I prefer the current 1/2 -> 2/3 or alternatively, 1/2 -> 3/2.
@Wailor, I want to do more than just stats, but I do think you are right and that it should be simplified. How does this look?
Carrion, my wayward grub.
@KANSAS - what about making the Corrupted version deal Battlecry damage only to your opponent?
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
@Neoguli, I like it! I think it is definitely better if the corruption ties in with the battlecry better.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
My modified version for both attempts:
Very Late Feedbacks:
MenacingBagel - Really cool idea that transforms this minion into a real Murloc. Probably give him Stealth after corrupted to make it more like a Rougue? And I think if you find a art that fits the corrupted version and make it out would make it better.
Wailor - I am gonna say I like the Priest version better, copying minions seems like what priests would do. Probably make it a dual class minion can make this card works better?
DavnanKillder - First I want point out some wording problems: For the Machine, Just say "Gain +2/+2" for the Corrupt, and for the Gardener, It should be "them" but not "then". Those are all interesting idea, Personally I prefer the Traine-Machine better, it is simple, and flavorable.
Demonxz95 - Really like this simple design here, but the corrupt is probably a bit OP for a 3 mana card.
linkblade91 - It is a really good card for Astral Communion Durid in Wild, I love it. The effect is Strong enough for a 9 mana corrupt card for me. and the art fits it pretty good.
BloodMefist - For me, the first card is more interesting but the second design is more flavorable. Probably change the art and name for the first one and it will make it better.
Arkasaur - Simaple and good effct, it is a good design in my point of view.
Neoguli - Interesting idea, I really like that design. Personally, I prefer the Malevolent Bat better, I think you are good to go with it.
KANSAS - I love this toad! Probably make it 0/1 and "Corrupt: Gain +3/+1" to make it more "frogy"?I don't know.
Hordaki - I believe the current version is flavorable and I think it should be good with 5-cost.
grumpymonk - Both are good, Personally like the Ringmaster's Servant Better.
bardozan - Very Interesting Design, but I think it is not qualified because it does not have a minion type. Probably make it a Beast or Mech?
Maybe I should make a new thread for this question, but are you planning on making big competitions (expansions/classes) like the ones which used to happen on HearthPwn? Of course I do not want to rush if you want to prepare for this as best as you can, maybe you would have to make them in a different format than the usual weekly competitions.
Also, I can give some feedback for contestants which still didn't submit:
We do plan to have bigger competitions, but we dont have a system for it in place yet. So, yeah.
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Good luck to everyone!
Feels like a lot of ppl kinda forgot for their card to actually make sense in Darkmoon Faire setting. Proper watermark for the keyword is good and all, but a lot of cards dont seem to have any ties to DMF at all. Small oversight?
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I think it was more that the rules were restrictive enough already that also finding Darkmoon Faire art for the specific tribe would have been ever tougher. I had my card summon a Pavilion Duelist partially to emphasize the DF connection since the art really doesn't. I think the cards that managed to add the flavor really benefit from it, but I don't blame anyone for just focusing on the mechanics of their card.
-Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)
Check out the Tactician custom class!
Fair enough i guess :)
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Sorry I didn't provide much in the way of feedback: work keeps calling me in for extra hours this week, and when I got home I just wanted to unwind before going to bed.
Anyway, good luck to our future finalists.
Not again. Don't tell me I got so close to being in the final.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Maybe I'm just bad at this:(
Anyway, good luck to finalists
Congratulations to grumpymonk!
Grumpymonk, you won at your own competition. XD
Thank you!
To be fair, it wasn't just me. MathU had a hand in making the theme for the competition as well :)
Congrats grumymonk! Very nice card!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com