Legend help

Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago by

Hi guys, for the first time i reached rank diamond 3 and i'm near legend. But i'm getting nervous, making missplays. Can i still make it or its already too late?

Do you have any tips? Also, i'm playing Pure Paladin, but i get smashed by the new secret mage.

  • Ticomon's Avatar
    355 150 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Hi guys, for the first time i reached rank diamond 3 and i'm near legend. But i'm getting nervous, making missplays. Can i still make it or its already too late?

    Do you have any tips? Also, i'm playing Pure Paladin, but i get smashed by the new secret mage.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    To use a cliche: keep calm and carry on. There is definitely still time to reach legend this month, but you might benefit from a mental shift to being OK whether you make it there or not, mostly to suppress nerves. Legend will still be around to reach next month anyway.

    I don't want my experiences to hijack the thread, but you might find my own story from last Friday reassuring. I, like you, had just reached Diamond 3 for the first time, but I had the major difference that I was there largely by accident: I was only planning on completing the 'IT'S SO FLUFFY' achievement so I had made a deck to get good use out of Prize Plunderer. The deck list is below in case you're interested.

    I ended up on a 9-win streak that took me to Diamond 1 3-stars (i.e. 1 win away from Legend), and because my primary goal was to make progress on an achievement I didn't focus too much on whether I was going to reach Legend or not. Of course once I was 1 win away I started taking it seriously and made a few misplays, losing the next 3 games. But I persevered, knowing if I got that far I can definitely make it over the final hurdle as long as I stayed calm, and I think it was about 10 games later I made it.

    Importantly, I went from Diamond 5 to Legend in a single evening. Yes, I was very lucky with that win streak, but the point is you can definitely do it in the week left before the season ends. Plus, to reach Diamond 3 in the first place you need a positive win rate, so you know you have it in you to keep going.

    Sadly I'm not much help with tips on playing match-ups because I don't really play meta decks (there's a good reason I hadn't reached Legend in 6.7 years of playing this game). Hopefully someone else can help with that side of things.

    Good luck!


    My deck:

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    6 days is more than enough. Realistically all you need is one lucky streak and you're basically there already. 

    And if you don't make it, there's always next month, as Shuckie said. No need to get stressed over a cardback. 

  • Stonehelm's Avatar
    Partygoer 345 62 Posts Joined 01/21/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    If you're good enough to hit Diamond 3, you're good enough to hit legend. One night you will log in and play and the match finder will not send you many, or any secret mages, and you will roll your way up to legend.

    My tip for laddering, YMMV obviously, is to plan to play until you lose twice. After I lose twice I start getting annoyed and I don't play as well.

  • Tetsuo's Avatar
    Magma Rager 840 638 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    My tip is to take it one game at a time. It sounds so basic, but that's really all you have to do. You're already at Diamond 3, and you're playing a really strong meta deck in Pure Paladin, so if you keep calm and take it a game at a time, you should be able to reach legend. Shrug off every loss and focus your energy and attention on your next opponent. I've found that being tilted is a surefire way to suffer a losing streak, it's happened to me too many times. You'll catch a break soon enough. 

    My most recent climb to legend saw me being stuck at Diamond 2 for 2 days. I kept alternating wins and losses with my Bomb Warrior deck, but the thing was, I never found myself dipping below Diamond 2 so I was confident I'd break through eventually, which I did when I hit a favorable patch of opponents for a winning streak. 

    So the gist of my advice would be: Don't think too much about hitting legend and just focus on winning the next game (if you can, ignore your progress even), and avoid getting tilted at all costs. If you lose your composure, take a break then jump back in when you're calm. 


  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    You definitely have more than enough time right now, and what I find to be effective is setting rank floors for myself. That means if 3 stars is your base, then you should try and make sure that you either end up back there or are in rank 2 by the end of the day. If you want, you can go up one rank a day.

    I know it can seem daunting, but you can do it! Pure Pally is more than capable of getting you to Legend. 

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5554 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Just stick with what you have and don't get tempted to keep switching decks between losses. If you're comfortable with your deck choice, and have learnt sufficiently how it works, it shouldn't be difficult to get an above 55% winrate, especially given that the meta is currently filled with dhunters of all types, which pure pally should be favorable against.

    Don't get too flustered. I reached legend last month with priest, having grinded from diamond 5 with only 4 days remaining. And in between I've slipped from diamond 2 to 4. Even if you start slipping, just keep at it and eventually you'll get there. Just dont give up on the dream.


  • grayghost39's Avatar
    240 34 Posts Joined 03/26/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Dude, I was Diamond 2 tonight and I finally made it! You can too, rooting for you! And like others said, if you fall there is always next month. When AOO came out, I got one win away from Legend twice (after getting there once and going on a big losing streak) and didn't get there. 

  • Echo's Avatar
    Staff Writer Cupcake 860 318 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Most important part of climbing to legend (and within legend to get a better rank) is to just keep calm and play to your outs. Getting stressed out obviously won't help so just play at your own place and remember that ultimately, there is no rush since next month always exists. I remember the first time i reached the equivalent of rank 3 back in 2016, I got incredibly nervous about hitting legend, and ended up deranking all the way down to 4 before I just cut my losses.

    If you happen to use a decktracker, like HSreplay, checking your own replays can be very beneficial as hindsight can be very useful. Granted, learning from hindsight can lead to picking up messy habits, but I believe reviewing them can be helpful. If you want some help with that, feel free to DM me or just post them here and I'm sure some people will help you break down the game.

    Getting to legend is 100% just a mindset, keep calm, focused, and you'll get there if you have enough determination. Once you hit it a couple times, it'll become a lot easier and it won't be much of a hassle anymore to reach it. Good luck!

    Cardboard wizard and dog haver.

  • Modalko's Avatar
    Darkmoon Rabbit 405 47 Posts Joined 06/24/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Lots of great tips already - my own $0.02:

    • Is there still time? Yes, you need to win 10 more games than you lose from here. If you have a 55% win rate and play 100 more games (17 per day), then on average you will get there. That's quite a lot, but 2 hours per day (maybe a bit more over the weekend)  may get you there. 
    • Averages are averages, not guarantees. So even if you have this good 55% win rate, you may or may not get there, which is something you have to accept. That's variance for you.
    • Accept that you will lose some games, sometimes a few in a row, frustrating as it may be. Even at 55% winrate, the statistical average of losing all 3 of your next games is 10%. Don't get upset if it happens, because it's bound to happen somewhere!
    • Stick with pure paladin. Every deck has its bad match-ups but pure paladin is a good deck and you are comfortable with it. Switching to another good deck will cost you a few % due to being less familiar with it. 
    • Bad matchups are bad, but not necessarily unwinnable. Mulligan aggressively and even if you don't hit gold, your opponent may also draw badly or misplay due to nerves. Certainly don't give up right away, not even mentally! Every unnecessary loss drops your win-rate by 2% over 100 games (it's now a L instead of a W)
    • Keep calm - again, to avoid unnecessary losses due to misplays. But more importantly, in the end it's just a video game that you play as a pastime to relax and have fun (well, at least that was the idea, right? ;) ). Your life doesn't depend on reaching legend and there's always next month.


  • Ticomon's Avatar
    355 150 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks guys! Last night i hit d3 3 stars and then lost 3 in a row, i got really sad. I'm on this loop between D4 and D3, i tried aggro DH and Soul, i got some wins, but in the end i was there on rank 3. I'll stick to pure paladin now, cuz i can win 90% of the time aggainst Soul DH.

    Havent seen 0 mages last night, but tickatus warlock seems very strong aggainst pally rn. To get me less frustrated with the losses now, i'm thinking "At least i'm more close to my 1000 wins paladin"


    all the responses made me really happy

  • Ticomon's Avatar
    355 150 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Sorry guys, i didnt get legend. My record was Diamon 1, 1 star 2 times and then i i lost back to rank 3. Thanks for all the responses and advices. Maybe this month i can get it!!!!

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Don´t give up mate! You still got today. You´ve inspired me so I pushed this month too and I´m hovering between D1-D2 two stars. But as you´ve said, if we don´t make it this month, the next is ours :) GL!

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Ticomon's Avatar
    355 150 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Alleria

    Don´t give up mate! You still got today. You´ve inspired me so I pushed this month too and I´m hovering between D1-D2 two stars. But as you´ve said, if we don´t make it this month, the next is ours :) GL!

    Today i'm gonna work :( what deck are you using?
    Ive never got this far, so this month i climbed platinum all the way without bonus stars
    So i'm confident with the bonus stars i'll get

  • linkinboy0's Avatar
    Headmaster 1235 506 Posts Joined 07/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    In my experience, getting close is useful for the next season. Once you hit D3 is about playing enough games (and having the time to do so).

    So, if you have enough time before tomorrow, play games! I take a 2min brake after each match, looking for mistakes and improvements with my game play, and to relax a bit (because getting to legend makes me a little anxious). Specially after a defeat.

    The other thing I do is trust the numbers. If I got a 60%wr I know that I need about 12 games to get 3 ranks. I feel more comfortable knowing how many games I need.


    Good luck and I hope you can make it there!!

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Ticomon
    Quote From Alleria

    Don´t give up mate! You still got today. You´ve inspired me so I pushed this month too and I´m hovering between D1-D2 two stars. But as you´ve said, if we don´t make it this month, the next is ours :) GL!

    Today i'm gonna work :( what deck are you using?
    Ive never got this far, so this month i climbed platinum all the way without bonus stars
    So i'm confident with the bonus stars i'll get

    I was playing wild - Odd Paladin. Priests are my doom. Sooo close, yet sooo far :/

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Alleria
    Quote From Ticomon
    Quote From Alleria

    Don´t give up mate! You still got today. You´ve inspired me so I pushed this month too and I´m hovering between D1-D2 two stars. But as you´ve said, if we don´t make it this month, the next is ours :) GL!

    Today i'm gonna work :( what deck are you using?
    Ive never got this far, so this month i climbed platinum all the way without bonus stars
    So i'm confident with the bonus stars i'll get

    I was playing wild - Odd Paladin. Priests are my doom. Sooo close, yet sooo far :/

    Reno priest or big priest? Because you should be (slightly favored against the former

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