A round of Hearthstone card balance changes are going live tomorrow, December 15! Read on for all the juicy details.
- Blade Dance now costs 3 mana. (Up from 2)
- Shardshatter Mystic now costs 4 mana. (Up from 3)
- Dreadlord's Bite now has 2 attack. (Down from 3)
- Dinotamer Brann now costs 8 mana. (Up from 7)
- Voracious Reader now costs 3 mana. (Up from 2)
- Lorekeeper Polkelt now costs 5 mana. (Up from 4)
As you can see, Demon Hunter has been hit hard with this round of balance, which should be exciting for the community and for the meta since Demon Hunter has been a powerful presence this year.
All cards will be disenchantable for their full crafting costs for 2 weeks after the patch.
Official Announcement
Quote From Blizzard Blade Dance
- Old: [Costs 2] → New: [Costs 3]
Shardshatter Mystic
- Old: [Costs 3] → New: [Costs 4]
Dreadlord’s Bite
- Old: 3 Attack, 2 Durability → New: 2 Attack, 2 Durability
Dinotamer Brann
- Old: [Costs 7] → New: [Costs 8]
Voracious Reader
- Old: [Costs 2] → New: [Costs 3]
Lorekeeper Polkelt
- Old: [Costs 4] → New: [Costs 5]
All craftable cards listed above will be eligible for a full dust refund for 2 weeks after the 19.2 patch goes live.
Hearthstone Patch 19.2
Looking for more information on the December 15 patch? Here's all our coverage!
- Standard card balance changes - Demon Hunter Nerfed!
- Old Gods join Battlegrounds with New Spells and Minions
- Winter Veil 2020 In-Game Event Details
- Garrosh and Uther Getting Book of Heros Chapters in December and January
- Hearthstone Duels Hero Power and Treasure Unlock Requirements are Being Reduced This Week
- Hearthstone No Longer Playable on Mobile Devices With Less Than 2GB of Memory
- Details on the Hearthstone Progression System Update Arriving December 15
Ok, somebody help me, I have a golden Polkeit, if I dust him, I can craft him again non-golden, and get a legendary???
well if you go to the disenchant window, it will show you the amount of dust you get. I think it's 3200 so you can craft two new legendaries from it. Wouldn't craft Polkelt again right now though.
All of these nerfs are needed. Although I have to agree that Voracious Reader is now going to be a making appearances in Odd Paladin and maybe Odd DH. While DH has a lot of draw, it's rarely a bad thing to have more.
Lorekeeper Polkelt I can see that this is going to make a few combos a little more difficult to pull off, but still balanced.
All these nerfs are quite good, but i don't really understand the Dinotamer Brann nerf. Sure it's a strong card, but it never felt OP. Also highlander Hunter already took a BIG hit with the Lorekeeper Polkelt nerf. Also Dinotamer Brann is going to rotate in a few months and both Hunter and Highlander hunter are not good in Wild... Oh well let's hope they give Dinotamer Brann the "Dr. Boom, Mad Genius threatment by un-nerfing it once it rotates.
I like the Voracious Reader nerf, because this means that Aggro DH and Token Druid a hit... but now i'm TERRIFIED of ODD Paladin and other ODD Decks getting acces to it.... :(
Glad to see Lorekeeper Polkelt nerfed, because now it contests the turn 5 Raza the Chained in Raza priest, so that can sometimes slow the deck down a bit, making it weaker to Aggro decks. Good change!
*cries in highlander hunter*
Can anyone explain to me why Dreadlord's Bite was targeted?
cause blizzard as always are terrible at balance ofc.
Likely because its power level for a 3 mana weapon is too much to bear or the internal stats is showing how easily this card swing games. The 1 damage from the outcast buys tempo in a way that other weapons could not, so the weapon itself is almost always directed at face. With this nerf, its literally the worst weapon for dhunters now, but I'm really okay with that.
It has become clear as the year has gone on that DH weapons need to be made weak by themselves to compensate for how easy it is to add to their attack. Hopefully they learn from this and don't print baseline strong weapons for the class in the future.
The whole core problem is really just how dhunters are being designed. Seems like team5 is trying to jam dhunters at all corners, from control to aggro and the resulting farce is a class that feels like it can do anything. At this point it hits face harder than hunter, heals better than priest and pally, and controls tempo better than rogue. Even the so called weaknesses of its initial design has been rendered a joke. The fact that Dreadlord's Bite is being targeted despite being a mostly midding weapon more or less shows there's something inherently wrong with the class on a balance point of view. Hopefully the Blade Dance nerf does something to reign in Illidan's bs, but I doubt it.
The nerf to Dinotamer Brann will indirectly nerf evolve shaman as well. Will be waiting for that shaman player who Revolves a good 8 cost minion then gets brann :D
I do miss a fix for the annoying effect where achievements spoil the outcome of a battleground game.
yep when im getting low on health i have to cover my view of the bottom screen with my arm just to not get the outcome spoiled.
Wow, I didn't expect that Dinotamer Brann nerf at all. But it's all good, my golden copy of it is loving this. Looks like I'll get enough dust to craft two new legendaries. Thanks, devs!
I'm torn as I don't have a ton of cards, Dinotamer is how I made it Legend last expansion, and I love highlander decks.
Yeah, that was unexpected. Also have a golden Dinotamer Brann that I haven't used since I got 500 wins with Hunter last year (and don't feel the need to go for 1000 win Rexxar, yuck). Gonna DE aswell, you're off to wherever the action is!
and it will be rotated out next year I think, so I guess I will disenchant mine too (not golden though).
Same here. I've really enjoyed the archetype but haven't played it much since the Dragonqueen nerf. Since I probably won't play it in wild I think I'll dust it. Sadly.
what time is the patch going up?
Likely at or slightly after 10 AM PST/ 1 PM EST / 7 PM CET as usual.