Favorite Class Rankings

Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by

I am curious what the rankings are for the 10 classes for wild players and why for which classes you like to play the most and are your favorite.  By rankings I mean ranking the classes from number 1 to 10.  Obviously this can change over time but it is still interesting to see what it is.

  • Swizard's Avatar
    1190 913 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I am curious what the rankings are for the 10 classes for wild players and why for which classes you like to play the most and are your favorite.  By rankings I mean ranking the classes from number 1 to 10.  Obviously this can change over time but it is still interesting to see what it is.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Usually the thread starter kicks off with their own list, but alright. I guess I'll start.

    To preface: I don't play wild much anymore currently as the meta's extremely dull with 3-4 decks dominating the format, leaving not much room for anything else. My list is based on the versatility of each class, as I like to have the option to go either control, combo or aggro with each class. I can't really rate them 1-10 either as that's far too nuanced. I'll just make a short tier list instead.


    High tier:

    Druid, Mage, Warlock & Warrior

    All of these classes allow for a plethora of playstyles which is what I appreciate most. They basically all have viable fast, mid-range slow and combo decks. 

    Mid tier:

    Paladin, Priest & Rogue

    These decks are mostly one/two deck ponies if you want to be consistent, but they're still decks I enjoy. I like playing reno priest, although it's far too overtuned currently. I've always enjoyed rogue's aggro decks in the forms of Kingsbane and odd. And yes, dare I say it, I even like playing a few games of odd paladin from time to time.

    Low tier:

    Demon Hunter, Hunter & Shaman

    These classes see little to no play competitively currently, and that's partially also why I rated them so low. Demon hunter simply doesn't have the cardpool to have a lot of different decks. It's mostly a one trick pony in the odd variant. Shaman just doesn't really excel at anything currently, even though it can have a lot of different decks, they all just suck. Hunter has always been wild's redheaded stepchild that's never really meta because its cards just aren't good enough compared to the rest of the classes. A one-dimensional hero power doesn't help Rexxar either, to be fair.

  • Zyella's Avatar
    Valeera 590 586 Posts Joined 10/16/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Swizard

    I am curious what the rankings are for the 10 classes for wild players and why for which classes you like to play the most and are your favorite.  By rankings I mean ranking the classes from number 1 to 10.  Obviously this can change over time but it is still interesting to see what it is.

    1. Rogue

    2. Demon hunter(atleats before warlgaives nerf >.>)

    3. Paladin

    4.  Warlock

    5. Warrior

    6. Warrio

    7. Shaman

    8.  Druid

    9. Hunter 

    10. Priest (it just really doesnt have anything interesting for me that isnt utterly terrible)

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2498 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I'm finding it very hard to rank them just as classes. I'll give you my favorite decks at the moment instead.

    1. Deathrattle Hunter

    2. Freeze Mage

    3. Shudderwock Shaman

    4. Cube Lock (greedy version with Umbra, The Darkness and Ectomancy)

    5. Scryin' Priest

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • Swizard's Avatar
    1190 913 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for replying!  Here is my own list, I wasn’t sure if I should post it initially.


    1. Warlock 

    Warlock has such a high variety of decks and deck archetypes, and Renolock is so versatile and after Tickatus can do well against any archetype combo aggro and control.  

    2. Mage

    I like Reno Galaxy Mage a lot and the general spell based synergy gameplay.

    3. Hunter

    This used to be lower for me but after the new expansion Deathrattle hunter with Tonk, Flark’s Boomzooka, and other things became one of my favorite decks.  I also like the death knight for hunter and its hero power.

    4. Shaman

    Shudderwock is my favorite card in the game and I like the flavor of the evolve mechanic.  The battlecry quest enables a lot of archetypes as well

    5. Druid

    Many different deck archetypes from aggro to midrange to control to combo, it has the aviana kun combo for many different possible combos, plus Reno Druid is one of my favorite decks

    6. Priest

    It has some nice control value decks but somehow is less enjoyable than other classes with similar decks

    7. Paladin

    Paladin is too limited and doesn’t have any control type decks, pure recruit paladin is nice though

    8. Rogue

    Kingsbane rogue and Thief rogue are ok but one gets repetitive and the other has a very low winrate so I end up almost never playing it

    9.  Warrior

    It has a lot of deck types, but so far most warrior decks I tried are just boring to play for me or are not competitive at all


    10. Demon Hunter

    Too limited to aggro, and it’s not even the most enjoyable aggro for me.  Outcast is a nice mechanic though

  • Riffraff's Avatar
    760 370 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I really like the approach of thinking in terms of tiers because I have a hard time ordering the classes 1-10. I will happily play any class, standard and wild, but there are definitely some that I gravitate towards more. During Witchwood, Genn Greymane was my free legendary (I think* that was a thing back then, or maybe it was in my first 10 packs(?), I don't remember) - so you may see a theme.

    Top Tier: Warlock, Paladin, Shaman

    Before I had a more fleshed out collection, I played sub-optimal decks in these classes a lot, often the even variant. I bought the League of Explorers adventure at some point, and loved playing a "budget" Renolock too. Before that I loved playing Zoolock. I also unpacked Shudderwock, so have always enjoyed that archetype in Shaman. Paladin was my favorite class when I played WoW, so I have always been drawn to that class through time.

    Mid Tier: Hunter, Rogue, Mage, and sort of Druid

    I think I have the most ranked wins out of any class with Hunter, even though I know this class isn't great in Wild. That said, I still enjoy dusting off Zul'jin and Deathstalker Rexxar for nostalgia. I loved/love Odd Rogue (historically played a sub-optimal list, because it wasn't until recently that I crafted Patches the Pirate). I love the play-style of Mage in general, and I have fun with Druid, especially since I received Malygos as my reward for reaching first-time legend last year and opened Aviana in a Wild Packs bundle sometime before that.

    Low Tier: Priest, Warrior, Demon Hunter

    I generally enjoy playing Priest more in standard, but sometimes I like Big archetypes when I can use nostalgic cards like [Hearthstone Card (Kel-Thuzad) Not Found] and The Lich King. I never crafted/unpacked Raza the Chained, so Reno Priest has never been a thing for me. I wish Quest Warrior was more viable, that was one of the only quests I unpacked during Un'Goro - I enjoy playing Warrior in standard a fair bit, but I have definitely enjoyed the Galakrond decks that are Tier 2-3 in Wild lately. Demon Hunter I am just kind of "meh" on in general. The power-level of the class isn't off-putting to me, but I didn't play WoW by the time it was introduced as a class there, so I think I just don't identify with it much.

    Great idea for a Forums thread!

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I don't play Wild as much as I would like: there're so many great cards from yesteryear, but I only really play my Wild decks when I have a quest that asks me to do so (...I don't actually play Hearthstone at all except when my quests are full, but that's a whole 'nother thing). These are the Wild-only decks I currently have in the game; my list would be more nuanced if we had more deck-slots, so I could better ascertain just how much I liked each class as a whole (if I owned three decks from one class but just one from another, I might say I like the former more).

    They're ranked by how much I enjoy that particular deck, compared to the others:

    1. Demon Plot Twist Quest Warlock
    2. Quest Taunt Warrior
    3. Elemental Highlander Mage
    4. Dude Paladin
    5. Jade Shudderwock Quest Shaman
    6. Treant Druid / N'Zoth Hadronox Druid
    7. Dragon Highlander Priest
    8. Rhok'delar Hunter
    9. Thief Quest Highlander Rogue
    10. I do not currently own a Demon Hunter deck in Wild.

    My tastes are quite all over the place lol.

  • FrostyFeet's Avatar
    Senior Writer Derpcorn 2170 1449 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I don't have a strict order for the classes, and it's not that Wild-specific, but I'll share it anyway:

    Top tier: Mage, Warlock, Druid, Priest

    Grindy control with big flashy spells seems to be my thing. Druid doesn't really fit that description but I've always quite enjoyed playing it, not sure why. All (except maybe Priest) are also quite versatile.

    Mid-tier: Warrior (and Paladin?)

    The control aspect of Warrior gains it a tier of its own for my list. I just haven't been playing it that much in Wild. Paladin is at a weird spot, I don't like playing it too much but I still kinda want to list it ahead of the bottom 4.

    The rest: Hunter, Shaman, Rogue, Demon Hunter

    Just not my cup of tea. Maybe it's the lack of control options.

    This post became more "look I'm a control player" than I intended...

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