Corrupted Waters

Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
  • Fun

This is my try to fit some of the fun Darkmoon Faire cards into the widely known Quest Shaman archetype. The deck offers lots of answers and heal for aggro matchups, but struggles against tall and wide boards which Big Priest or Cube Lock like to pump out. Zeph and Zola are your best friends in these scenarios but they can only do so much. But then, it's a fun deck and the fact that you stand a good chance against Secret Mage should provide a decent win rate all on its own.

Nevertheless, the deck is super disruptive. Devolving Missiles and Devolve help against the aforementioned Big Priests and Cube Locks, The Darkness is my tech card of choice against Raza Priest and Instructor Fireheart, Vulpera Scoundrel and Zephrys the Great provide answers for anything you haven't planed for.

Cards I've considered but did not add to the bunch so far: Barista Lynchen, Loatheb, more Raza hate.

The dream: Stall until you have assembled and played C'Thun, the Shattered, then combo Tour Guide into Shudderwock for 60 damage. I really really hope I'll run into a Linecracker Druid with this.

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