Hearthstone's brand new Core set is finally fully announced! Here are all the buffed and changed cards in Hearthstone's evergreen set which will be launching at the start of the Year of the Gryphon.
- Blizzard has not yet announced the exact release date.
- If you want to see all 29 new cards, check out this article.
- If you want to see all the cards in one place, you can visit our Core 2021 Expansion Guide.
- You can build decks with the new cards by visiting our deckbuilder, choosing your class, and selecting the format "Year of the Gryphon".
- The list of cards below does not include spell school changes to cut down on "spam".
Demon Hunter
- Warglaives of Azzinoth - Cost decreased from 6 to 5 mana (basically an unnerf); durability decreased from 4 to 3.
- Mark of the Wild - Buff increased from +2/+2 to +2/+3.
- Druid of the Claw - Attack increased from 4 to 5; transforms into a 5/4 with Rush (instead of a 4/4 with Charge) or a 5/6 with Taunt (instead of a 4/6 with Taunt).
- Menagerie Warden - Cost decreased from 6 to 5 mana; stats decreased from 5/5 to 4/4.
- Cenarius - Cost decreased from 9 to 8 mana.
- Tracking - Effect changed into "Discover a card from your deck".
- Lock and Load - Cost decreased from 2 to 1 mana.
- Flamestrike - Damage dealt increased from 4 to 5.
- Cone of Cold - Cost decreased from 4 to 3 mana.
- Ethereal Conjurer - Health increased from 3 to 4.
- Snap Freeze - Cost decreased from 2 to 1 mana.
- Coldarra Drake - Health increased from 6 to 7.
- Guardian of Kings - Health increased from 6 to 7; gains Taunt.
- Holy Light - Effect changed into "Restore 8 Health to your hero".
- Argent Protector - Attack increased from 2 to 3.
- Warhorse Trainer - Attack increased from 2 to 3.
- Equality - Cost decreased from 4 to 3 mana.
- Lightspawn - Cost decreased from 4 to 3 mana; Health decreased from 5 to 4.
- Shadowform - Cost reduced from 3 to 2 mana; effect changed into "Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 2 damage.'"
- Assassin's Blade - Cost decreased from 5 to 4 mana; stats changed from 3/4 to 2/5.
- Assassinate - Cost decreased from 5 to 4 mana.
- Sprint - Cost decreased from 7 to 6 mana.
- Swashburglar - The card generated comes from a random class and not from your opponent's class.
- Patient Assassin - Health increased from 1 to 2.
- Fire Elemental - Damage dealt increased from 3 to 4.
- Tidal Surge - The new effect includes the Lifesteal keyword.
- Draenei Totemcarver - Health increased from 4 to 5.
- Feral Spirit - Overloaded Crystals decreased from (2) to (1).
- Lightning Storm - Deals 3 damage (up from 2-3) to all enemy minions.
- Earth Elemental - Overloaded Crystals decreased from (3) to (2).
- Al'Akir the Windlord - Health increased from 5 to 6.
- Drain Soul - Damage dealt will be increased from 2 to 3.
- Lakkari Felhound - Effect changed into "Battlecry: Discard your two lowest-cost cards" instead of two random ones.
- Siphon Soul - Cost decreased from 6 to 5 mana.
- Void Terror - Health increased from 3 to 4 mana.
- Lord Jaraxxus - Changed into a Hero card with "Battlecry: equip a 3/8 weapon".
- Warsong Commander - Effect changed into "After you summon another minion, give it Rush".
- Bluegill Warrior - Attack increased from 2 to 3; Charge leaves its place to Rush.
- Gurubashi Berserker - Health increased from 7 to 8.
- Raid Leader - Health increased from 2 to 3.
- Stonetusk Boar - Attack increased from 1 to 2; Charge leaves its place to Rush.
- Stormwind Champion - Stats increased from 6/6 to 7/7.
- Flesheating Ghoul - Attack increased from 2 to 3.
- Arcane Devourer - Stats change from 5/5 to 4/8.
- Defender of Argus - Attack increased from 2 to 3.
- Barrens Stablehand - Stats increased from 4/4 to 5/5.
- Big Game Hunter - Cost decreased from 5 to 4 mana.
- Mini-Mage - Cost decreased from 4 to 3 mana; Attack decreased from 4 to 3.
- Baron Geddon - Health increased from 5 to 7.
- Cairne Bloodhoof - Attack increased from 4 to 5; summons a 5/5 Baine Bloodhoof.
- High Inquisitor Whitemane - Cost decreased from 7 to 6 mana; stats decreased from 6/8 to 5/7.
Which changes are you most happy about?
I dont get why dint buff mana tide or unbound for shaman espcially unbound espcially vs pally getting buffed warhorse trainer why couldnt unbound aslo be a 3/4. Or mana tide have 4 hp(if dotn want it 2mana).
Warsong is shaw for 1less but half the stats, should be a 3/3 or 2/4(so it could survive for a turn) and regardless have broom anyway which is way better card still.
Equality relaly shouldve been 2mana not 3.
Ethereal conjurer is still awfull cad thats never gonna be used , could and should be a 6/5.
And cenarius and alakir buffs to me are really? thats it? theyre still gonna be trash tier.
And tracking basicly got nerfed for some reason.
Does shadowform still have the 3mana hero power at all?
Overal i do like the changes but some bfufs dint go far enough iimo and i dotn egt why some others dint get buff at all even though are cards that where alreayd betetr got a buff(like warhorse trainer vs unbound elemental)
And warglaives is the nerf that shouldve happend in first place, 6mana was always just gonna be way tp much to pay for it.
When upvoting your own comment is not nearly enough.
Ethereal Conjurer was a decent card when it came out, saw a fair amount of play. It's very powerful now, especially in a meta with far less card generation.
Mana Tide Totem is already one of the most powerful totems in the game, it doesn't need a buff.
Equality was busted at 2 and saw a little play at 4, 3 is a great power level for it.
Tracking got buffed, not nerfed. Not sure what you're talking about.
I don't think the 3-damage Shadowform is around anymore.
Nowadyas Etehreal is pure trash, no is gonna play him as actual good card. 5mana for a unedrtsated minion to get 1 single spell, its TRASH TIER. and Loe was overall a MUCH MUCH MUCH lower power level of the game then now. and for conjurer its ow hp 5drop that doesnt effetc board aslo when mage s loosing doomsayer, Nova and blizzard.
Equality was fine at 2
Trackign iis a NERF unelss go to fatigue, you have less chance to draw your remaining cards. the 2discards cards where alway statiscly a UPSIDE.
Mana tie is one of mowt powerfull largly BECAUSE most totems are very weak.. and 4 hp wouldnt break a thing on mana tide, its more ofthen then not just 3mana draw 1 card which is really weak. 4 hp would give it actual decent chance at surviving for a turn.
Tracking super stronk!
Not really unless go tof atigue or are i n combo dekc and losoe essential combo peice like malygos thos is a nerf.
Not sure what "stronk" is(Strong + Keep in mulligan?), but I think it describes the new Tracking perfectly. :)
Its worse then Before though . certainly most of time;
the discarding 2cards made ypu more likly to draw into stuf you need thats still in deck(like burst).
It can be a buff or a nerf all depending on whether or not you want to play the other two cards later in the match. I don't imagine this change will impact the usage this card sees, but I am glad they adjusted the text to be cleaner and more straight forward.
Statiscly in most cases this is a nerf. unless play fatigue deck this is a nerf
Reducing your deck size by 2 is great in theory when you're building it, but removing two random cards from your deck in the middle of a match is a downside. You're equally likely to discard something you want rather than something you don't want.
unless go to fatigue it does NOT MATTER AT ALL if discard them; pretened theyre on bottom of the deck instead. But the 2less cards gave you better chance to draw anything else in your deck so upside always has been.
Tracking got nerfed ,and thats the end of it.
It doesn't give you a better chance to draw into good cards. Say you have 10 cards left and 5 of them are good. If you play tracking, you have a chance of drawing one good card, discarding two bad ones, and then having 4/7 of your remaining cards be good. In this instance, you've strengthened your deck at the cost of hitting fatigue sooner. However, you also have a chance of being offered 3 of your 5 good cards, meaning you get to keep one and then 2/7 of the rest of your deck is good, meaning you've weakened your deck AND will hit fatigue sooner. These odds cancel out. On average, the deck is no stronger or weaker than it was before, but you WILL hit fatigue sooner.
TL;DR the three cards you're offered are an entirely random sample of the cards in your deck, meaning their removal will not, on average, make your deck any better or worse.
Are we really talking about Hunter and how fast they reach fatigue?
When was the last time fatigue mattered to you when playing an actual competitive Hunter deck in standard.
I agree that it was a nerf.
FINNALY someone who gets it
RIP Bluegill. You were a good boi.
Sincerely, that one idiot who still plays Anyfin Paladin in Wild