Mechs are cancer to the game
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
Don't really need to say anything more than what the title says. Mechs are cancer to the game right now and have turned Hearthstone into a single meta (imo).
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Don't really need to say anything more than what the title says. Mechs are cancer to the game right now and have turned Hearthstone into a single meta (imo).
I don't disagree. It was fun for a bit, but I'll be glad when they go.
Without agreeing or disagreeing, I'd like to point out we have a thread for saltiness:
Magnetic is the real culprit.
worst community ever
To avoid the purely salty take, I’ll share a win that benefited me last night that nevertheless illustrates some of the absurdity of the situation.
Playing Cyclone Mage vs. Mech Paladin. He has massive mechs on the board that I’ve frozen for 4 consecutive turns. I have ONE health, a Sea Giant, and Stargazer Luna on the board. Conjurer’s Calling on the Sea Giant gives me Mechathuun. Burning a one-cost spell triggers Luna, drawing Zilliax. Magnetize Zillax to Mechathuun = 13/12 taunt lifesteal. I heal back to 14, he has no choice but to attack the Mechazilliax twice, so I’m back to 30 the next turn. He loses.
It was exhilarating to win this way, but intellectually, I can still say that I should have lost. Both sides of the battle here are almost equally absurd. The bizarre qualities of Magnetize give me an unbeatable titan on one turn. Meanwhile, because he’s built his entire deck around doing THE EXACT SAME THING, he has no options for removal other than magnetizing more mechs onto other mechs.
The chief offender here is obviously Hunter, but when both players are hunting for win conditions purely by dropping mechs on existing mechs, it renders the game super sterile.
Great first post, buddy. Take it to the salt thread.
I wouldn't mind seeing better silence and transform effects implemented but I can't for the life of me understand why you'd consider mechs as a tribe or magnetize as a keyword to be a major problem. Mech paladin and hunter are totally predictable, linear decks that have obvious counterplay, and with Warrior I'd argue that the problem isn't with mechs or magnetic, it's due to individually OP cards as well as card synergies.
It's because Magnetic pushes degenerate strategies so hard. Either you go full aggro, or you go full highroll (like Mech Paladin)
it didn't help either that they printed SnipSnap for no reason
They slapped the Magnetic tag onto way too many minions with no regard for abuse cases
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Thanks! Not every strong mechanic is broken.
It‘s polarizing in some matchups without hard removal or silence but that’s pretty much everything in hearthstone
Winner winner chicken dinner
I agree. Magnetic is really the issue. V-07-TR-0N is the best thing for this game!
The above comment assumes a Hearthstone Wild perspective.
If you're getting burned by big mechs frequently tech in some counters. Plenty of Neutral silence available, or other single minion removal depending on your class.
I disagree, I like mechs and I think the three decks that use them are cool even though i never play mech pally or hunter. I can understand dislike towards them because there is some unfun stuff you can bump into like mech pally highroll vomiting and mecha face hunter.
I think they bring a couple good things to the table. They bring board tension, which is a nice strategical thing that wasn't around as much in year of the raven, in the form of threat of magnetism, playing around dynamatic, deathrattles, etc. They give ways to greater impact the gamestate with a minion from hand. You can make a trade or push damage from hand. that's cool. It gives more decision-making with how you build your boards whether you go wide or tall. Snipsnap is a very fun card because it's so versatile.
These decks also aren't broken in winrate. Mech hunter is super predictable and declines in winrate as the skill level of the players goes up, because of how predictable it is. I play a lot of bomb warrior, and that matchup is generally unfavorable for the warrior but i've just played it so many times that i've mastered the matchup to have a strong winrate against it this month.
Mech pally might be the most problematic of them because it's so highrolly and polarized. I can see complaints for that but the winrate isn't that bad.
It seems there is a part of community that always hates whatever cards or strategies are strong. There are always going to be cards stronger than others. People hate on aggro, combo, and control when they're powerful. It's better to just embrace the strengths and weaknesses of the meta instead of hating it. Don't get me wrong, there are decks I dislike playing against in general but it's better for your fun to accept them. There are also decks that are super broken and need to be nerfed (raiding party rogue recently).
I wish people would stop throwing that tired buzzword around so much, especially when it has such a subjective definition. Oh well, I'm already digressing before my post has begun... ;P
Mechs are not a problem for every class, especially in wild where answers are more plentiful. Even in standard shamans' Plague of Murlocs will absolutely wreck mechs since it answers both wide and tall mech boards.
Also I can't help but feel the underlying premise of this thread is really that aggro decks are bad for the game (which couldn't be further from the truth). Aggressive mechs like Mech Hunter help to work towards combating both Control/Bomb Warrior and Cyclone/Giant Mage. You can't have a "Holy Trinity" card game without, you know a rock-paper-scissors foundation. If the complaint about mechs is about their use in Control or Bomb Warrior I will again point towards Control Shamans that will soon be teching in at least one copy of Plague of Murlocs. And honestly, mechs use in Control Warrior isn't really a problem because of mechs in and off themselves. First of all, Dr. Boom is what gives mechs rush, not the tribe itself, second is that multiple Dyn-o-matics & Omega Devastators happens in standard because the card pool is inherently flawed due to its small size and much more consistent discovers, and third is that Omega Devastator itself is much more of a busted midrange minion when played end game. If you changed just one thing about Omega Devastator then it would be very likely that mechs themselves (from a control standpoint) would dip in effectiveness when played by warrior.