Hey All! Just wanted to jump in real quick before the Forged in the Barrens card reveal season kicks off to explain how things are going to work this time around. Not a whole lot is changing so you don't have to be worried about that, but I think it's worth going over so everyone is up to date on where stuff is!

A Hearthstone card reveal season is full of excitement and this time around is definitely no different with us only having a week of card reveals. Onto the temporary loss of sanity!

Where to Find Forged in the Barrens Card Reveals

All card reveals for Forged in the Barrens are going to be found in a few locations on the site.

  1. The Homepage - Every card reveal will appear on the homepage as soon as we publish it.
    • Sometimes, revealers are late which means we will be too. Not much we can do!
    • You can expect to see a card on here usually within a minute, two at most. Sometimes we can run into issues with translations.
  2. Hearthstone Portal - The same feed as our homepage but with no other games included.
  3. Forged in the Barrens - All cards will go here when they appear in our database.
  4. Deckbuilder - Once in our database, you can find all the revealed cards in our deckbuilder. Make your theorycraft decks early!
    • You can always change the "Expansion" filter on the deckbuilder to see only the new cards,
    • Or the "Year of the Gryphon" Game Format filter to see all cards that are available this upcoming year.
  5. Card Database - Updated as soon as we add the card to the site, you can look at the new cards and filter them as you please.
    • This is also where you'll want to go after we render golden cards when the patch hits.
  6. Discord - You can come to discuss the reveals as they happen in real-time with us over on our Discord.

Forged in the Barrens Tavern Crawl

Returning for its third expansion on the site is our Tavern Crawl

We love to encourage everyone to rate and talk about the new cards but it has always been a bit of a pain in the rear to keep track of where you've been so the Tavern Crawl makes it easy. Within the crawl page you'll find a list of cards you have not yet discussed so you can head on over to our forums and tell everyone what you think of each of the cards.

Through the Tavern Crawl, we also reward some unique site cosmetics that are based on the expansion and this time around we've plugged it into our Forged in the Barrens Giveaway! Don't forget to use your Quilboar Tuskaroons in the shop to purchase giveaway entries.

You can always find a link to the current Tavern Crawl on our "Expansion" navigation menu. Look under Forged in the Barrens for the link!

Forged in the Barrens Card Reveal Countdowns

It's very easy to stay in touch with the upcoming reveals on Out of Cards! We've got three places you can go to see which cards are next to arrive.

You will find countdowns on both our homepage and Hearthstone Portal, which will show the next 2 and 5 reveals respectively (though less if a reveal has just happened). When a reveal takes place it will tell you it is revealed and we will update the widget to give you a quick link to the news article where we covered the reveal.

If you want to see the reveals yourself as they come out though, you can head on over to the last place which is the Forged in the Barrens card reveal schedule. It is on this dedicated landing page that you'll find all the countdowns for upcoming and completed reveals alongside links to the reveal source. They tick down in real-time and rely on having your computer's clock (and timezone) set correctly so make sure you've recently synced that!

Daily Card Recaps

You can expect to see daily recaps of all the cards that are revealed. Each night (North America, Eastern timezone), we'll showcase in a mini-gallery all the cards that were revealed during the past day.

The timing will not always be exact on these due to the nature of the card reveal schedule not being consistent, but you can at least expect easy recaps throughout the week!

Have fun during reveal season and don't forget to tell all your friends to hit up the site to see the latest and greatest that Forged in the Barrens has to offer. See you on the other side!

It should be noted that we are not doing a community bingo this time around. Bingo should return for the next expansion's card reveal period.

Learn more about Forged in the Barrens

Head on over to our dedicated guide for Forged in the Barrens to learn more about the new expansion and to see all the revealed cards!

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Get Cheaper Hearthstone Packs with Amazon Coins

Learn more about how you can save money on Hearthstone packs for the new expansion with our guide on Amazon Coins!