Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a Paladin card reveal from the Skipperino, Kripparrian!
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What, Paladins have secrets???
Seriously, I have never been so upset at HS as the day I finally opened Commander Rhyssa after a very long wait for the bloody Legendary pity timer...all this....for that?
What an interesting Secret Pally mechanic. Most of the board clears left in the Standard pool deal 2 damage so at least the tokens have a bit of survivability (unless you're up against Mage, Shaman, a Spell Damage deck, or a C'thun deck). The token sidequest from Uldum would have been great with this card as a way to buff up the tokens, seeing as Pally currently does not have a board-wide buff card that isn't Silver Hand Recruit or 1-drop minion-centric. Since the secrets become deathrattles, I wonder if you're able to steal the secrets via Soul Mirror.
Love it! Unique cards like this are so awesome. Definitely strong but, as others have mentioned, may be difficult to deploy successfully, especially on curve.
This has to be one of the strangest cards they've ever printed. Feels like it needs some support to be viable.
The problem this card will immediately face would be actually drawing those secrets, and then playing without your opponent triggering them. And both are not very good signs for this card. So immediately, we can see that hoping to play this on curve is nigh impossible, as triggering paladin secrets aren't really all that hard, but the pay off while being strong is still condemning you to a turn 5 do nothing with a sort of good board depending on how many secrets you somehow kept.
Its telling how even Krip had to rely on a 'Let's wait and see approach', because without some massive amount of support, like a good deal more reasons to play or draw secrets, I just don't see why this card is worth any fuss about.
With the changes to core set Wandmaker has like a 66% chance to give you a secret. That plus whatever secrets you actually run in the deck and maybe Inconspicuous Rider could make it pretty likely to have a secret or 2 on turn 5
I mean, this is the first day of the reveal week. We really should wait and see until all the cards are revealed first before judging the power level immediately.
At face value though, I think it's pretty good. You can just pull the secrets with Inconspicuous Rider, even if that's a very low value play.
I agree that its just too soon. To make this work, ideally we need something that will draw out a bunch of secrets, or just play them outright. There's always that chance that there would be a pally card that simply draws 2 spells for 2 mana. So I'm not exactly giving up yet.
This thing is going to be a nightmare to deal with. It basically forces you to trigger the secrets in order to prevent a massive board from being created from thin air. And, even if you think you can deal with the sheer amount of stats, the secrets will come back to haunt you. It looks extremely obnoxious.
Makes testing for particular secrets more difficult in cases where the minions are removed one at a time, since there will be one added after each one dies.
Good card.
5 mana summon 4/4 + 3/3 is good. Especially better with more secrets.
Kripparrian? The same Kripparrian that has been playing Constructed and Arena for the last year? Please... As odd as the card text, at least there's consistency there.
He is totally out of touch. This card is a weak Malicia with the huge downside that you have to play a secret pally.
Sure it's good stats for the cost in a best case scenario but this card won't see much play on curve and needs wayyy to much build around.
I will personally wait to judge it until we see more of the set. I got the feeling Blizz is trying to push the game in a more board centric direction where stats and making good trades may actually be relevant as was in the early days. I am making that assumption based solely on the Core set though. Or rather what was excluded from the Core set (Kill Command, Evic, majority of Charge minions, some board clears, Mage’s “freeze everything” stall cards, etc).
These exclusions could be done to allow the team to include new clears and burst, or could be to try and make Standard feel more like your decisions matter. If it’s the latter, and depending on the new secrets and secret support pallys can use... could be decent. But we’ll see.
Is this a battlegrounds card? Kripp=BGs so...
This is a cool gimmick. Glad the Desperate measures spell is rotating out, this guy'd be nuts with that
That is....strange
It's the same as that druid card that replaces mana crystals with treants
yes, but Druid used to be able to leverage wide boards without much set up.
This is basically just a minor payoff for when your secrets don't trigger (and Paladin secrets you usually want to trigger fast because they are tempo oriented)
This card is just a good stall like Jandice Barov and it has some downside because it removes your secrets from play and makes your secrets silence-able.
It's definitely not a finisher but it helps you setup future turns.
This card is definitely awkward, you would need a good follow up turn after playing this.
I think something good would be if there is a card to get back secrets that you played like Libram of Wisdom so if you're getting pressured you can play a bunch more secrets after playing Cannon.