Cannonmaster Smythe
Card Stats
- Class Paladin
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Legendary
- Cost 5
- Attack 4
- Health 4
Card Text
Battlecry: Transform your Secrets into 3/3 Soldiers. They transform back when they die.
Flavor Text
"Smythe, it's been a real blast serving the Alliance with you."
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Secret - Hidden until a specific action occurs on your opponent's turn.
Cannonmaster Smythe Sounds
Play VO_BAR_879_Male_Human_Play_01
Play Cannon_Underlay_Play
Play HS_LegendaryStinger_CannonmasterSmythe
Attack VO_BAR_879_Male_Human_Attack_01
Attack ShipsCannon_Missile_Sound_01
Death VO_BAR_879_Male_Human_Death_01
Related Cards
Northwatch SoldierCannonmaster Smythe Guides
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A fun legendary to put into your secret Pally, for sure. After I got to know that they can be silenced though, I got quite disappointed.
Also, the only secret you can reliably expect to stay around for more than one turn is the new one that gives you a taunty horse.
Overall, interesting, but somewhat weak and vunerable.
Fun fact, in WoW this character is bald:
Finally secret paladin might be playable again!
The text doesn't make it really clear if it changes in your hand too or not, i assume not
I can't wait to see secret pally back
This needs a lot of support, and as a one-of, it probably won't see much play. Unless there's a lot of secret support, then this is just a win-mire card. Either way, meh.
At least the effect is really unusual and cool
The 2nd rise of Secret Pally?
Mysterious Challenger, is that you?
Joking aside, I definitely don't think this will be as strong as our mysterious friend, but it might be a fun to try out secret paladin for a bit again. I'm most curious to see what other potential interactions there will be, such as if you can silence the soldiers to prevent it from returning as a secret, or if you can play a secret while the same secret is currently a soldier (I would assume yes, but you know what they say about assuming).
I dont think this is a very good card. Maybe it'll work in some slow decks but playing secrets just to hide them seems counter intuitive.
So if your opponent steal one of the soldiers and it dies on the opponents turn, do they get the secret?
The effect is really awesome. 5 mana for a 4/4 body that could fill your board with 3/3s that even if your opponent does something like Flamestrike, now they have secrets to deal with again. I see this being fun, and a good addition to paladin, but not necessary better than Dude Paladin builds.
Avenge + Cannonmaster Smythe = I predict tempo/secret paladin will be at least tier 2.
I'll be optimistic and say this seems alright, especially with improved secrets pool