Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a Rogue card reveal from TrumpSC!
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Ugh. It's cheap and flexible, which might be to say it has many ways to be useless. If I had to assign an archetype for it at gunpoint, maybe Weapon Rogue, where one could use it for extra damage that stacks with an equipped weapon (Hunter, Mage, Demon Hunter, Druid). Of course in that it is often just worse Sinister Strike. Or Weapon Rogue could use more life maybe (Priest, Warrior, Druid). But who am I kidding. Pack filler all the way.
Cool card, great concept and underrated power level. A lot of mana value here and good flexibility
Its bad, and if you're wondering why this card has to be as bad as it is its because the 1 mana slot in rogue next meta is absolutely insane. This one mellows Wandmaker by a little, so let's be thankful for small mercies.
But is it really as bad as it looks? Well, maybe not THAT bad. If you already have a weapon, then why not just fish for a better hp that you can use for free? That's effectively healing for 4 in 2 turns for 0 mana with either warrior or priest's hp. At very worst this gives you an option to ping for 0 mana.
I wouldn't put this in my rogue decks, but getting it off of generation or wandmaker wouldn't set me to tears neither.
a terrible 1 mana spell to weaken wandmaker and similar generation in rogue.
finally, I can get a hero power I can use in weapon rogue so I'm not tempted to destroy self sharpening sword with my dagger
I get this card is not overpowered as some new cards but it seems a good card to help early game. Like you can get to draw 2 cards, if you are first and the opponent plays a 1 hp minion you can kill it with Druid/DH/Mage and yet play a 2 drop, Paladin would be like an Alleycat split in 2 turns to give extra minions (Shaman some as well). This would be just terrible to draw later in the game.
Or you know USE FINLEY.
Which is betetr on own AND does it pernamantly the hero power.
Sir Finley of the Sands* is not betetr.
That would require me to
I see you edited your comment. You should of pressed delete.
B/c I provided addt'l context to what he suggested, and made my explanation more brief
You would have done better to just delete your reply instead of putting words in his mouth.
You didn't provide anything you just made your comment worse with your cringe intentional misspelled words.
intentional misspelling*
See how less makes for smoother understanding?
And btw, cringe is purely subjective, let alone an adjective.
I didn't provide a quote, so of course it provided "anything" to context.
If you think "worse" refers to not taking your side, I can't help you.
He is talking about Sir Finley Mrrgglton not the paladin only card.
Considering he said "know USE FINLEY" without a hyperlink,
I doubt you can discern his thoughts better than himself.
No, the reference was obvious. "Hey man, just play as highlander paladin" was obviously not his suggestion given "finley + wizard" is a well-known tech combination.
If well known, it'd go w/o saying
I would doubt "highlander paladin" would remind me of Finley considering how rare that deck is.
Best HP, Warlock's or Hunter's for 0 mana twice.
But Rogue already had so many draw mechanic. So, its probably Hunter's for 4 extra damage. Plus it's 1 mana, combo synergy.
This card seems like too big a chance, because you might not get the hero power you were hoping for lol
Not really though, you have a 1/3 chance to get any specific power. Aside from the Warlock power, every power does a similar thing to other powers. There are two that let you summon a minion, three that let you ping a minion, 4 that let you damage your opponents face, and two that heal.
Besides, it's not like rogues have a shortage of resources.