Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a card reveal from! Interested in Sigils? Check out our dedicated article on them here!
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Demon hunter... ruining the game since its inclusion.
s(Ph)ELlbreaker died for this
Wow, super strong. Libram paladin bye-bye
Are you sure? Libram pally could just try to kill off/not put on their librams of wisdom because they have a turn to react to this.
Yes, it's zero mana, so you wait until they have their librams invested and put down a taunt or 2 to help stall face damage.
Not if they already had the board with nothing to trade into resulting in back-to-hand mechanics for the librams. This card will definitely see play and will definitely make people salty.
If they already have the board and their board is tall enough that they cannot trade their minions into yours, you're already losing horribly. And getting a board-wide silence THE NEXT TURN isn't going to remedy that situation.
You've never seen libram paladins libram turn 2 or 3? Losing 1 libram early hurts. Your scenario is mid to late game. Early game silences scenarios are a thing too.
They are, but at that point you are served just as well with a single target instant silence as opposed to a board-wide delayed silence effect like this. You don't need this as an early solution to Libram. This offers no benefits and only downsides compared to Consume Magic in that scenario. The power of this card comes from its board-wide effect. And when you need a board-wide effect to strip Libram of their board of buffed monstrosities, you're on the verge of death and don't have a turn to spare. Essentially, this is a long-winded way of me saying...this card kinda blows in most scenarios. It gives you a guaranteed way to bypass taunts for lethal next turn and pretty much nothing else. Oh, it can disincentivise big plays like N'Zoth the Corruptor and Bloodreaver Guldan for a turn, but DHs don't want to be that late in the game in the first place.
Or you takes tempo from a paladin that wants to throw more big stuff (typically via buffs or with other effects like shield+taunt) and scares them off from doing that.
Your points are totally valid though. Im just saying they are not absolute. This will see play IMO. It will also not see play in certain DH decks for points you brought up (outside of the next turn lethal thing). Ofc, the next turn setup for lethal is going to be perfect for agro DH decks.
Either way...c'est la vie.
The fact that its 0 mana is interesting, because as a silence effect its often enough going to be too slow, but that it costs nothing should make up for it somewhat. Play this and discourage your opponent from playing deathrattles, or buffs. For 0 mana that's just fine.
Its certainly a good tech card, and will see play whenever the meta is filled with stuff that needs silencing.
I've predicted it correctly!
(ok, it wasn't a difficult task :D)
Almost correctly :) Not all minions, just enemy minions :)
Prophesize > Predicting
What did you even predict? =)
In the comments...
I first thought it was too slow and niche to actually see play, but then it occurred to me that playing this practically guarantees you can hit the opponent's face next turn since it removes taunt. Perhaps that doesn't make a difference often enough to be worth running it though.
Good point, this has direct synergy for Illidari Inquisitor
i just hope there won't be a card that generates sigils