New Shaman Weapon - Splitting Axe
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
A new Epic Shaman Weapon, Splitting Axe, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Shaman Weapon, Splitting Axe, has been revealed!
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Going to need a lot of support...
Even Shaman will like this. There are some scary totems.
Like others said before this expansion is a Wild expansion. This card is good for Evenshaman.
This would be quite a lot better if they hadn't nerfed flametongue before they decided genn needs to go..
Might see some fringe usage but hard to see with current pool
Why would an Even Shaman run this at all? The deck is already happy with its Jade Claws and it doesn't have board buffs, so there is no reason for them to include this weapon in their deck. The card is also extremely weak. Not to mention, they don't really utilize totem synergies other than running a couple of minions, which get slightly enhanced by totems.
But I must agree with what ThatFinn said. If Flametongue Totem weren't nerfed, the weapon would have had good targets to multiply - Totem Golem, FTT, maybe Wrath of Air Totem (if you have a lot of burst and you want to burn the opponent as much as possible).
Totem Carvener, Sea Giant or Thing from Below?
Edit: Maybe even include that minions who eats totems.
I think I acknowledged those minions in my previous post. Sea Giant benefits from a wide board, which the weapon admittedly also offers, but unless you have a Totem Golem or two on the board, summoning copies of basics totems is a weak play on turn 4. Those can be easily answered by swarm decks and Draenei Totemcarver would be played on turn 5, making her more vulnerable to single-target removals.
Edit: Maybe even include that minions who eats totems.
Nuh uh - wild even shaman never included that minion, because it had anti-synergies with its deck and was extremely vulnerable to silence.
I don't think this is terrible but it has a very specific purpose.
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The following just occurred to me - maybe the weapon is a sign, that shaman is about to get more totems and totem synergies. If this becomes a reality, then I might have underrated this card too prematurely. But let's hope, that the SOU totem package isn't as bad as the K&C one - Kobold Hermit, Windshear Stormcaller, Primal Talismans.
you mean more lackeys maybe? EVIL Totem
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Yeah as Kovachut said this as is doesn't ever go into wild even shaman. Its synergies are negligible compared to every other card in that deck.
2x Serpent Ward, EVIL Totem plus Splitting Axe: 4x2+3 = 11 to face + two lackeys for the next turn. Follow up with Thunder Bluff Valiant the next turn.
Copies. Which means all buffs. Like magnetised amalgam. Or at least erthen might.
Yep ive been saying that a lot too. They actually care about wild
Don’t foget that Nightmare Amalgam is also a totem! You can play him on 3 and assuming he doesn’t get removed Turn 4 Equip the 3/2 Splitting Axe, attack and summon a copy of him! That to me is enough value
It's not an awful card. It does cost too much though.
Probably a lot stronger in Wild with Totem Golem, but I could see someone using this to set up a T5 Bloodlust.
worst community ever
Wild Even Shaman: T1 Hero Power, T2 Totem Golem, T3 Hero Power or other totem, T4 Splitting Axe ... voila, Thing from Below already at 0 cost. This can be nuts.
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I agree... but if you don’t pull that off the card is weak otherwise.
I don’t see this making the cut in standard.
Yeah - Definitely legitimate in wild.
It's an interesting idea, but it doesn't look particularly strong unless we have extra Totem synergy in this set. We only have 4 Shaman cards left (or technically 3 since the card revealed in 2 minutes is absolutely going to be a Shaman card).
EDIT: Well then.
Yes!!! More support for Moorabi .... err, I mean Totem Cruncher.
1. This is assuming that all of those totems survive for the first three turns. Good luck with that in wild.
2. Any other time where you don't get this dream curve you're stuck with a 4 mana 3/2 weapon which is pretty terrible for a deck that relies on playing overstatted cards.
3. At turn 4 a 0 mana Thing from Below doesn't win you the game anymore in wild. It's strong, but nothing special. Definitely not worth running two copies of a subpar weapon for.
Someone pointed out a cute use on another site: Amalgam with things magnetized to it is still a totem. I don't think that's good enough for this card to be played, but it's kind of neat.
That's actually pretty neat, and it curves. Question is, how good is a 4-mana 3/2 weapon that summons a 3/1 or 3/2?
Perhaps the fact that this card even exists and possibly coming down on T4 (or being followed up by Bloodlust) is enough of a threat that your opponents will be forced into dealing with your early board. If your opponent isn't an aggro deck, perceived threats are often enough to bait your opponent into a misplay.
worst community ever
Is totem shaman really about to get some love?!
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