New Rogue Weapon - Hooked Scimitar
Submitted 5 years, 7 months ago by
A new Common Rogue Weapon, Hooked Scimitar, has been revealed!
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A new Common Rogue Weapon, Hooked Scimitar, has been revealed!
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A standard aggro rogue would like it (not the current one, which runs Waggle Pick). But I am just curious to know whether odd rogue would put this in their decks, but I think the weapon would be too slow - you have to play a 1-drop (a Lackey, Pirate or a Fire Fly) and then the 4/2 blade, which becomes a 4-mana combo, but isn't rogue already satisfied with their upgraded HP?
The reason they're an odd deck in the first place is for the 2/2 hero power. Adding a weapon kind of counters their own gameplan. Besides, with Hench-Clan Thug and Southsea Captain I'm pretty sure the 3 drop slot is competitive enough already.
This might see play in aggro rogue (wild) though, that deck already sees fringe play and seems pretty good.
In standard this also looks really good. A 4/2 weapon is nothing to scoff at, especially when it's only 3 mana.
Seems a bit understatted to be honest. 3 mana 2/2 weapon is obviously terrible, but even as a combo you get a conditional waggle pick without the bounce. Not to mention the fact that rogue doesn't really want to be playing weapon cards due to the hero power.
Totally fine card in a world where Waggle Pick doesn't exist. But Waggle Pick exists.
Why not both?
Unless they added a new rule that says you can only run 2 weapons per deck?
worst community ever
Seems balanced i guess. Would like if it cost 2 or had 3 attack.
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"Cute" snark aside, I think you could maybe play 1 copy of this with the two picks to flesh out Raiding Party. But you're 100% playing 2x Pick first.
I just dislike the close minded approach to evaluating cards, "SI:7 exists, so every other 3-drop forever is unplayable," "Waggle Pick exists, so you are banned from playing another weapon." Why not both? do you remember old Pirate Warrior? You were definitely running 4 weapons in that deck and going face. This weapon doesn't even compete in the same mana slot, and Rogue has other cards that have synergy with weapons.
worst community ever
This from the guy who literally posted this yesterday?
You're oversimplifying for the sake of making your case, I get it.
In a class with a ton of playable, good, and already played 3-drops, yes - another good 3-drop has a tough time making it into a deck.
In a class with currently one weapon that is at an entirely different mana cost, yes - you can totally play both. Not a big deal.
worst community ever
"entirely different mana cost"
3 mana + combo vs 4 mana
Again, I'm not saying that you don't play this card in a Raiding Party deck. But it is your 3rd weapon, if at all. And it seems like a big ask to also be a 4th weapon, but who knows what the meta looks like? If it's all warrior, then maybe you do.
3 mana != 4 mana, I don't know what you're trying to point out. coin, backstab, prep, shadowstep, go nuts. You don't have to play this on T4 with a 1-cost card.
worst community ever
"You're oversimplifying for the sake of making your case, I get it."
""entirely different mana cost"
3 mana + combo vs 4 mana"
I literally have no idea what point you're trying to make here.
worst community ever
Because you don't want to be running four weapons in a class whose hero power is equip a weapon. Even in classes that don't have the dagger up heropower you rarely go over four weapons in a deck because there's no dual wielding in Hearthstone. And typically when you do run 4 weapons, there'll be a cheap and an expensive one because you desperately want to avoid the situation where your curve is weapon into override weapon.
Would you play a 2-mana 1/2 weapon (with deathrattle: add a 2-mana 1/2 weapon to your hand)?
If you were forced into getting perfect curve every game, then sure, you don't want both a 3-mana and 4-mana weapon.
I am prepared to be 100% wrong on this, I don't care.
worst community ever
No you wouldn't. Hero powers are "good" because you don't have to sacrifice card slots and draws to include them.
If you build a deck that doesn't make use of the hero power then you're giving up a class advantage right out of the gate, and it's not like we're talking about shaman totems here, Dagger is one of the best HPs in the game. All that just to include a Worse Pick.
Also why are you arguing on the internet if you don't care about being wrong? Is this an elaborate trolling attempt?
Spirit of the Shark says 'combo minions' not 'combo cards', That's why it doesn't doubles the Eviscerate already.
Hooked Scimitar isn't a minion as well.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
here we go again...........
can we please please please not turn this into hearthpwn?
edit: surely you have done something besides hero power on 2 as a Rogue. Surely you have built a deck to include a bunch of good early game such that you rarely hero power on 2. surely if a 1/2 dagger on 2 is good, coining a 4/2 dagger is also good if not better.
worst community ever
He hates hunter, maybe that's why there is a difference with these 2 posts. :P
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
True, you can tell how much I play that card.
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guys, please. i don't hate the hunter class objectively. please dont reference things from other irrelevant threads. please don't turn this into a hearthpwn thread. I'm trying to be a better person over here. lets discuss the card. some of us will be wrong, some of us will be right. its okay to speculate and have an opinion. it's not okay to turn this into a pissing match and bait each other into fight. can we please keep it civil and on topic?
worst community ever
Mine was just a joke, don't get it harshly please.
I can see what you are trying to say. Also I agree with you a bit. not completely but it can be an option.
There is not so much weapon removal in hearthstone, it could be an option to have a weapon heavy deck. I'm glad Rogue is getting some more weapons. HP can be good. But not great with Spectral Cutlass for example, even useless.
If you can spend all of your mana (which means you have to have great card draws and enough minions and spells in hand always.) You don't really need to spend your mana to 1/2 weapon because with 4 good weapons in your deck, you ll always be equipped a weapon.
I really didn't understand why the other guys came down on you.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Have you never noticed that Rogue lists typically don't run 2 drops? Sure they may have saps and eviscerates, but on turn two, your proactive plays are dagger up or Coin SI, Cleef, Miscreant, etc. This isn't some weird fluke or coincidence, it's because unlike any other HP, rogue allows you to invest mana on a dead turn to gain tempo in future turns.
If you coin a Scimitar it makes your turn three very unimpressive: at best you play a hench clan thug and attack, but unless that extra 3 damage was relevant you could've just daggered and saved a coin and a card in hand for the same net gain.
Running scimitar makes your hero power less good and conversely having dagger up makes scimitar less relevant. I don't know how to make this any clearer.
It's not that hero power is so much better than a 2-drop in Rogue, it's that Rogue doesn't have good 2-drops.
worst community ever