Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a card reveal from Gamespot!
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I think it's interesting that demon hunter is getting so much deathrattle support this expansion, yet the only deathrattle cards that it's getting are the cards that summon other deathrattle minions. This seems like a very good card from a value standpoint, but it will depend heavily on what other deathrattle cards you add to the deck, since you can't depend on demon hunter's own cards.
Words can't express how much I want it.
But numbers can: 1600 dust is gonna be saved up for this boy.
I feel strangely jealous about this. Why are they pushing Deathrattles for Demon Hunter? This is Hunter's and Rogue's playing field, to some extents also Priest's.
It's strange to me they are pushing Dethrattles as a theme, wasn't that the Rogue's niche? Or they want to ensure that DH won't be OP, since Deathrattle Rogue too never worked? (It's just a joke, I welcome any non-burn DH.)
Yeah, it does seem a bit wasteful to give a class that is little more than an overlap of rogue, hunter and warlock a class mechanic that all 3 are already known for.
I'm wondering whether they are shifting the deathrattle synergy from rogue to DH going forwards. DH sorely needs some more class mechanics while rogue has more than enough of them to spare, so maybe moving one that rogue has historically not had much success with* would be sensible.
* Necrium Apothecary at 4-mana is the only time I remember it being meta-relevant.
Funnily enough DH might be one of those classes that might be able to afford running a slow controlling deck even in Wild since they have so many disruption tools to mess with opposing plans (silences, hand disruption, mana denial (effectively locking out things like Bloodreaver for a turn)) and deathrattles can work to disrupt opposing Reno strategies or combos with the unnerfed birb and Deathlord respectively. That means combos and OTKs might have a harder time against DH than, say, against a control Warrior, and cards like Zei on key minions (N'Zoth in particular) can give DHs the value they need to outlast the opponent. The one massive hole in that plan is DH's inability to hard-remove big minions, and its dependence on Outcast, which is essentially unusable in a slow deck.
Thaddius demon hunter. Too bad demon hunter would rather kill you on turn 5.
I think any class would prefer that.
Here are all the Neutral/Demon Hunter 5-cost and lower Deathrattle minions we know will be in Standard after rotation:
Al'ar, Taelan Fordring, Disguised Wanderer, Fishy Flyer, Renowned Performer, Educated Elekk, Razorfen Beastmaster, Teron Gorefiend, Bloodmage Thalnos, Explosive Sheep, Loot Hoarder, Nerubian Egg, Rustsworn Initiate, Showstopper, Sneaky Delinquent
Of course, there may and almost certainly will be more of these in FitB if Blizz wants to push this archetype.
One interesting note is that among these are an Elemental, a Murloc, a Beast and a Mech (and one which summons a Demon). So Death Speaker Blackthorn could potentially set you up for a high-value N'Zoth, God of the Deep on a subsequent turn.
Other important synergy includes: Baron Rivendare, Vectus, Vengeful Spirit
Vengeful Spirit might be anti synergy with this card because this card only gets minions off the deck, and vengeful spirit draws them
That's definitely a good card here. Now we see where main deathrattles are in dhunter.
Remains to be seen what this card can really do, so its hard to evaluate. Its good that it only brings up deathrattle minions so you can insert very specific cards to be brought back. Ideally a taunt minion or 2 will be good.
They really seem to be pushing Deathrattle for DH this time around. Guess they are sick of people complaining about their Aggro and Burst capabilities?
If there are enough good 3 to 5 mana deathrattles, this can be meta defining.
Oh look it is recruit