Mogu Cultist OTK Decks
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
I already made 8 meme decks for this card, will try to make it for all the classes. Memes are memes though.
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I already made 8 meme decks for this card, will try to make it for all the classes. Memes are memes though.
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Don't let your memes be dreams ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
You're overthinking way too hard. Just play old exodia mage and replace Toni and the girls with Mogu Cultist
Of course, the deck is just a worse version of Toni and girls (which itself is arguably a worse version of quest giants mage) so there's not really a reason to play this... but then again, there's no reason to play mogu cultist over pogo rogue or countless combo druids either
Thanks, made the deck
Already 6 decks. 3 to go.
Can you make 6 decks for standard as well?
It's almost impossible. I found a standard priest OTK version for standard on hearthpwn though (idk if there is one here in outofcards yet).
I will finish the last remaining classes(Paladin, Hunter, Warrior, eventhough i'm still not sure it's possible). Then i will try making for standard.
8 classes already made, 1 left! Need to think something for Warrior.
How would the druid, paladin or hunter decks even work? I realise these are mostly meme decks but I'm really struggling to see how you could get 7 cultists on the board *at all* with some of these decks, let alone with a modicum of consistency.
click on the decks to check the guides
For everyone checking this thread, don't look at it anymore. I made a new thread with all the classes here.
I won't be commenting here anymore
Locking the thread then, to make a clean transition ;-)
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