Even More Top Secret - Card Design Competition Discussion Thread
Submitted 3 years, 11 months ago by
Competition Theme: Even More Top Secret
This information is too precious to fall into enemy hands - so keep it hidden!
- You must create a Legendary Secret
- That's it! No restrictions on these Secrets apart from only having one in your deck.
DestroyerR got this information to us, so now we should reward them by keeping it Secret!
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
- Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, Mar 29 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sat, Apr 3 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Apr 3 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sun, Apr 4 16:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Apr 4 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Mon, Apr 5 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.
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Competition Theme: Even More Top Secret
This information is too precious to fall into enemy hands - so keep it hidden!
DestroyerR got this information to us, so now we should reward them by keeping it Secret!
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
Discussion Thread Rules
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Welcome to the site!
I'm really interested in seeing what you guys come up with.
"Drunhei" is actually a reference to Heidrun, a goat in Norse mythology.
Obviously legendary cards have higher power levels than non-legendary cards, but what are people thinking about adding Secrets to non-secret classes? The prompt seems to allow it, but because it would be your only possible secret (i.e not secret at all, leaving you pretty vulnerable to being played around...), the power level would probably have to be even higher than for legendary secrets in a secret class (or the trigger would have to be nearly unavoidable - probably the safer route to go so the card isn't totally game breaking).
I feel like the rules probably don't explicitly state it because it's probably just common sense that you shouldn't submit a Secret for a non-Secret class. You certainly can try if you want to, but I feel like they tend to be looked down on as they don't really make any sense unless you put them in a set with other Secrets for that class. You can't exactly do that here, so you run into the problem of it being the only Secret we know for the class. If one uses a custom watermark for their Secret, then we can be sure that it would hypothetically exist in an environment that would include other Secrets for that class, but we don't know exactly what those Secrets are, which provides an obstacle for the card in the judging process. If I see a Secret for a non-Secret class without context as to what other Secrets exist for that class in the same set, then it's difficult to judge it on its own merit.
Speaking of watermarks, this actually transitions into my next point. All Rogue Secrets that use improper watermarks (years whey they don't exist) I automatically rate 1 star regardless of how well designed the card is otherwise since they would run into the problem of being the only Secret for the class that exists within a certain time frame of Standard, rendering the card non-functional. If I had it my way, those cards would just be outright disqualified because of this, but this would likely result in having to disqualify several cards. Secrets for non-Secret classes also run into this same exact situation.
Basically, I would recommend that you stick to the Secret classes when you make a Secret (for any prompt that is). But if you do for some reason make a Secret for a non-Secret class, be prepared to take some hit in score and use a custom watermark. I know I'm a stickler for this more so than other people, but it's actually pretty important in this instance.
The advice regarding secret classes seems reasonable - it would be hard to decide what to do with non-secret class secrets anyway - but with the invention of the annual "Core Set" it seems like it might be overkill to give 1 star for a watermark. While it's not terribly likely today, it's also not hard to imagine a world in which Blizzard decides that Rogue should get some secrets in the core set for Year of the [Some Creature]
It's true that Year of the Gryphon has its own core set watermark, but it's not like Hearthcards has access to watermarks for any future years - I doubt Blizzard has even made them yet, let alone leaked them. Personally, I'd interpret any Rogue secret with a classic watermark as intended for whatever the current core set is.
This is where the custom watermark option is your best friend!
If you make a card doesn't fit any existing set or isn't made with any set in mind, then using a custom watermark (or none at all) is absolutely perfect.
This prompt is probably my favourite in recent memory. Quite difficult as obviously there isn't really precedent for this in the game. This properly forced me to think and this is what I've come up with. There are a couple of things I'm unsure of with regards to this card, first of all being whether 10 Health is the correct restriction, my gut says this could go to 12 or even 15 and still be okay. My other point of contention is the watermark, I've initially gone for TGT but there are a couple of others I'm considering, namely Whispers of the Old Gods or Rise of Shadows. Other than that, I think I'm pretty happy with the card.
Kinda hard to balance, but...
Edit: just saw Demon's post about non-Secrets classes. I actually designed this as the only Priest Secret in their set, but I get that it might not be well received. I'll probably think something else tomorrow.
Demonxz95: Makes a long post about why Secrets for non-Secret classes are not advisable for this comp.
Wailor: I'll pretend I didn't see that.
@cydonianknight I tend to agree that the health cutoff is too low for A Champion Arises. You could feasibly make a legendary-heavy deck in Wild with lots of cards you're happy to cheat out, but in Standard I think you'd run out of generically good legendaries (i.e. cards for which you don't care about battlecries, rush, etc.). So moving it up to 15 seems safe to me.
Yeah when you put it like that, 15 Health doesn't seem so bad as a restriction. Also just realised, I've got a Spell School when I've done a past expansion. I should probably remove that lol.
Well, let's see...
The Cauterize spell is normally a "last stand" for mage in wow, so... if you're OTK here, well, you're dead, but if not, you could really win the game with just this and an Ice Block or Ice Barrier, which is admittedly insane, but well, I'm going with it.
BTW, the fire mage artwork is amazing so I had to go with it, shame I don't know who made it for a shout out.
Edit: Oh, and the FitB watermark is because... come on, you have to survive damage to activate this, so, I found it fitting.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
The name comes from what Vision says in Captain America: Civil War: "Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe."
The idea being that the strength of the opponent encourages your minions to rise up and Avenge the damage inflicted upon you :) Gameplay-wise I'm concerned that it is too slow, despite how powerful it could be.
"His followers worship him, both in the open and in Secret."
Combination of Ice Block and Yogg-tastic Tasties. Wanted an effect that was worthy of being a legendary, while still maintaining the flavor and identity of the Mage class.
This is my first idea. I am thinking about adding another effect like destroying enemy minions or restoring health to your hero so that the secret can have a more immediate impact when it is triggered. I am also not entirely sure if it is okay for me to use a non-collectible weapon, but using Libram of Justice doesn't feel the same flavor-wise. I should also probably change the wording to specify a 5/3 weapon with lifesteal, I will update that tomorrow.
(Grave Vengeance (and yes I see the typo and will fix that tomorrow as well))
@Wailor, Given what Demonxz95 said, you should probably scrap that idea and make something for a secret class.
@Fedrion, The wording is a little clunky, I would change it to "Secret: At the end of your opponent's turn, deal damage to all enemies equal to the amount of damage you took that turn". In terms of balance and playability, this is very disappointing as a legendary. It is very easy to play around by just dealing a single damage, but also, unlike Explosive Trap or Flame Ward, it doesn't kill anything until the end of the turn. It can be used for clever mind games, do you ping your opponent and pass, or do you go all in? But it definitely isn't strong enough to be a legendary.
@Linkblade, The payoff is pretty big, but it is balanced by not buffing cards in hand or in play, and also by the fact that your opponent has to cooperate to get it to trigger. I think it encourages very interesting decision making and strategic plays. The only thing I would criticize is possibly changing the buff to only hit beasts, since tribal synergies are always more interesting. And also reducing the buff to +1/+1 or +1/+2 but also having it buff minions in your hand and/or board to give it more immediate utility. But it is pretty good as it is.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Since I don't anticipate this comp will go by particularly quickly, here's some relatively early feedback.
I think this is a pretty neat card, although cards that interact with Legendary cards outside of generating them tend to be looked down upon by a lot of people in communities I'm in (despite the fact that Rend Blackhand exists), so I guess consider that. This is a different place, so maybe they think differently. I still enjoy the card though.
As far as watermarks go, I would go with your Rise of Shadows suggestion. Not only because it's super flavorful there, but also because Legendary spells did not exist until Journey to Un'Goro, and ones that weren't Quests didn't exist until The Boomsday Project, so seeing them in TGT or WotOG is a bit weird.
I think you should've posted your card here first before you submitted it. I don't really like the card too much. I feel like it takes away from the unique-ness of Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate by making a card with the same exact effect (in the same set no less).
One other problem with the version you submitted is that it uses the Classic watermark when the card does not make any sense in Classic (being a Legendary spell and using a unique mechanic from an expansion).
I really like the idea of this card (both flavorfully and mechanically). The thought of being able to get Grave Vengeance early in the game seems a bit spooky to me, although it can be played around by killing less than 3 minions in a turn and can be countered with weapon removal, so it's probably not as scary as it looks on first glance.
I understand the desire to put this in Knights of the Frozen Throne for flavor and to fit with Uther of the Ebon Blade, although it does feel slightly weird given that non-Quest Legendary spells did not exist until The Boomsday Project, though the Quests themselves can be considered a precedent to idea of Legendary spells.
Total mindgames. If your opponent's first action is just press "End Turn" button, then his turn is over, this secret is triggered and it's end your turn. How about that?
Initial ideas. The first one and third one is an attempt to give Mage and Rogue some defensive Secret. Second one is for Secret Mage to cheat out more Secret from their deck. Fourth one is for Miracle Rogue that can draw and dump their hand in one turn.
Am I seeing something weird? Because there's no way a 2 mana card can be justified to summon a 10 value card. I'm pretty sure this one need more heavy restriction other than waiting for lethal. But who knows.
Knowledge is Power
First idea. The fantastic treasures are Tolin's Goblet, Golden Kobold, Wondrous Wand, and Zarog's Crown.
Once more I'm struggling to find art. Not sure about the power level either, but that can be easily adjusted via the Attack value of the targets (flavor wise, only small minions survive because the Pendulum Blade passes over their heads). What do you think?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Hey all! About time for a return to this comp now that I'm no longer a student bogged down with essays :)
Here's my idea for the week:
What do you all think? I wanted to toy around with Rogue's spider theme that sometimes pops up. The card has the potential to summon quite a few 4/4s, but even 2-3 is usually quite good. Does that much variability justify it being Legendary?
Also, here's some feedback for everyone who's posted so far (individual spoilers within this big one)
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
First idea that came to mind.
I'll boop you
Thanks all you guys for the feedback.
Got 3 ideas around it.
The first one is and idea of the actual Cauterize from wow adapted to combo potential in a fire heavy mage.
The second one is the same card with polished wording (Thanks @KANSAS)
The last one is a sure bet that it will deal damage, but it's too damn strong IMO.
Sorry if I'm not a feedbacker myself... I just see cards and think things like "OP" or "Meh"...
Edit: The artwork getting closer is intentional BTW.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Right, I'm happy with the new iteration of my card, feels pretty good with the changes I think! I'm also doing feedback here for everyone at the time of writing.
I feel like at the moment, Drunhei is a little too difficult to get through, I'd probably reduce the stats to an 8/8
and maybe remove the Divine Shield. I'm not too sure though, this could be fine as is. Really cool flavour though.
go from there. I don't want to come across as too harsh, but I just feel that there are quite a lot of challenges
for this card.
much value from this in a short time span. The only other thing I'll say is that the wording of the trigger seems a
little off, I would say "When your hero receives 6 or more damage in a turn", otherwise, great design.
with Oh My Yogg!, so maybe a focus on another Old God like C'Thun considering Mage got Mask of C'Thun?
being broken. The only thing I would say, is the wording of the trigger seemed a little confusing to me, you could
possibly change it to "After your opponent kills three of your minions" but honestly it's not a major problem.
with Hunter flavour so there's a bit of a disconnect for me that way. I'd still probably give this card a good rating
but maybe not the full 5 just because of this.
Netherwind Portal that's just always better tbh, 1 less Mana and at worst case, you get a 4/4 every time. Best case
you could be getting unebelievable tempo. I think there's quite a big balance issue here, I know 4/4 is an iconic
Nerubian statline, but I wouldn't mind at all if you changed the stats for the sake of balance.
Round 2 of feedback.
This is absolutely broken. At is absolute worst, it just ends the turn after your opponent plays a big card (no one is going to end their turn on turn 10 mana and not do anything). More often than that, it will basically be a 3-mana Time Warp with a small interruption and the player doesn't need to do anything to achieve this other than just putting it in their deck.
Taking an extra turn is one of the most powerful effects in any card game, so it needs some type of limitation for it to be balanced. For comparison, Time Warp requires the player to complete Open the Waygate first, and Temporus gives your opponent an extra turn first and then you get your extra turn.
That aside, "action" is not a standardized part of Hearthstone language, so it may not be clear to all voters what counts as an "action". You also should use "their turn" instead of "his turn" since you may be playing against a female character or a character with no discernable gender.
Shattered Image is pretty flavorful, and I like it. While I understand the connection to Mirror Image and the card definitely isn't overpowered, I am slightly concerned about the fact that Mage isn't supposed to be good at Taunting (Mage and Rogue are the only classes in the game without any Taunt minions, and Mirror Image is the only source of Taunt minions that Mage has), which may effect your scores negatively.
Wormhole seems a bit dangerous to me since you can get a lot of value out of it for 3 mana.
Shroud of Concealment seems pretty alright to me. It does feel almost like a strictly better Evasion, but I admittedly don't remember how good Evasion actually was, and as a Legendary, it does reserve some right to be more powerful.
Andrenaline Rush (typo, should be "Adrenaline) is my least favorite of the Secrets you have since it doesn't really follow traditional Secret design since it's based on something that you do and not something your opponent does.
My favorite of your Secrets would be Shattered Image.
I'm not a big fan of the amount of variance on this card. You can get either 5 mana worth of Secrets or 15 mana. In general, I think random Secrets are also seen as not being very fun to play against.
One last note is that it shouldn't use the Classic watermark due to being a Legendary spell. I personally like Cydonianknight's suggestion of putting it in Scholomance Academy.
I personally prefer the second version. Just remember to change the watermark and I think you've got a decent card.
The first version seems too awkward to get working properly and the third version seems way too overpowered to me.
Here is the updated version of my card. I didn't change it mechanically but I fixed up the wording.
Feedback for this page:
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I wanted to create a truly legendary secret for the most secretive class.
Always loved Counterspell and now Oh My Yogg! so I built a rogue counterpart with insane possibility.
it was a natural fit into TBP since Academic Espionage, legendary spells and rogue secrets (even though nobody played them) were a thing!
What do you think?
Lots of very creative designs this week, very cool! Here's some feedback:
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
I'm having a hard time with this comp, but this is what I have so far.
My main issue was finding an effect that is worthy of being Legendary (and I believe most people are having the same problem)
Anyways, feedback. I've also found very hard to do this, so take it with a grain of salt.
My main issue of the card is that it's too all-or-nothing. If your opponent has direct damage, this could be pretty useless, while if they don't, they're doomed if their deck isn't super control. Also, the fact that a Hunter card has Divine Shield feels a bit off for me.
About your feedback for my former card: it was designed to be held until you were low on Health, but not so low that a single attack could kill you. That's what made it Legendary in my eyes: that it was pretty hard to play, but it could also be very rewarding. Not that it matters too much, since I've already scrapped it, but I wanted to clarify this.
That said, I find all of them a bit too wordy.
Since the cost can't be changed, I'd fix it by creating a custom weapon that isn't so strong.
This way, it won't allow the End Turn thingy while at the same time allowing your opponent to stuff like attacking, etc.
Other than that, I'd try giving it a chemistry flavor, since that was the theme for Rogue in Boomsday.
This one's a tough one, but I think I'm pleased with the design I came up with here:
Feedback, going newest to oldest. It says something when I wouldn't want to see any of the cards in the actual game.
Wailor: Not sure this is intentional, but this would also restore your enemy minions. Which I'm frankly ok with, since the alternative is incredibly annoying.
bananenparty: Does this prevent your opponent from casting it? It should say 'instead' if so. Otherwise, love the design! GIVE ME YOUR PUZZLE BOX!
KANSAS: Good design, pretty nuts in Dude Pally. Perhaps 4 minions is more balanced, or 3 in the same turn. [Hearthstone Card (Grave Vengance) Not Found] may be a little much (especially since it's KotFT exclusive), I'd go with good ol' Truesilver Champion.
cydonianknight: Eh, don't think the effect warrants being a legendary. Would be good with Tirion Fordring, but most other Pala Legendaries I can think of are Battlecries. Also, how would this work with High Priest Thekal? Would it trigger at the start of your turn, or would you have to go back above 10 and then be reduced by the enemy.
Fedrion: I like the Spell Damage version the most. Requires you to build your deck around it, and it's pretty strong, while not that hart to play around (assuming it doesn't trigger if you take no damage). I'd just add a comma after the word 'turn'.
BasilAnguis: I hate this! But it seems balanced enough. Not sure if making it 3 Secrets would make the card too hard to trigger.
Dermostatic: Looks good. Really punishes players who play a lot of cards in a turn.
anchorm4n: Big AoE kill like this for 2, even if conditional… Not sure what to say. Then again, Paladin just got an insta-kill Secret, so I guess it might be ok.
grumpymonk: Honestly, compared to the other "play 3 cards" secrets, this is really weak, even with the power level of the treasures. Maybe add 2 of them to your hand.
shatterstar1998: I think Wormhole is the most balanced of the bunch, since you get one more Secret than Ring Toss, but you have to wait a turn, and they're all random.
R: No
Lundy: Interesting concept, and more fun than Ice Block. Looking forward to this being triggered by Arcane Missiles, triggering this, the the Box effect, and then, after it fails to heal me, getting killed by the rest of the Missiles resolving :p
linkblade91: Not a bad idea, seems pretty balanced on paper.
Demonxz95: On the strong side, but I don't think it's busted. It's certainly not as obnoxious as Ice Block, and your opponent has time to react to the 10/10. I'd say it's fairly balanced.
People seem to like the Mage Secret more. So I'll repost them with some wording change:
Wormhole is nerfed to only has 2 Secrets and add the Arcane tag. Shattered Image got a slight rewording.
@Nirast: This one seem degenerate with Secret synergy as well as against non-hyper aggessive deck.
@Wailor: Seem like something that would restore 1-8 Health on average. Most OTK deck will deal more than 30 damage.
@KANSAS: I like the card a lot but the wording should be 3 or more of your minions since the wording right now don't take into account board clear that wipe out multiple minions.
@cydonianknight: I like it. Great flavor and effect that isn't degenerate like the other ideas post on here.
@Fedrion: Second and original Cauterize is the most balance of the bunch since you will have to think about when to play it.
@Dermostat: Extremely OP given that at worst it is a 2 mana 4/4. Rogue isn't known for wide board either, so this also out of flavor for the class.
@Lundy: Well, this will be a strong contender for the second round. How would the Devouring Hunger option resolve though?
@Grumpymonk: Excellent effect but need a name change. Why would Trick of the Trade involve with playing cards and obtaining Treasure?
Thanks all of you guys for the feedback.
Going with the Spell Damage version of the secret.
I find it more flavorful to the FitB theme, along with the semi-frenzy aspect it adds the Fire tag and synergy, which is "like" it was introduced in the FitB expansion, I found it much more fitting.
Gonna try to do a feedback in a couple of hours.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Feedback round 3.
Super flavorful, but the effect is unclear. Does "cast it yourself" mean that you cast the spell instead of the opponent or that you cast a copy of the spell? It does also fall into the trap of the target being random and therefore the Secret in general as a whole being fairly unreliable.
Don't put it in The Boomsday Project though. This will result in a period of time where it is the only Rogue Secret available in Standard, that being the Raven/Dragon year, effectively rendering the card non-functional. You're much better off using a custom watermark instead.
Had to redo my card, I didn't read carefully about the secret being Legendary.
here goes.
Knowledge is Power
@Demonxz95 You're right! The watermark... ffs... That's what happens when you do everything in a rush thinking "now or I won't be able to later"... What a shame...
Well here's some feedback.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Ok, this is my last attempt. I'm pretty disoriented with this comp to be honest 😅
It's kinda like a mix of Corrupting Mist and the Doomsayer + Frost Nova combo.
EDIT: More feedback.
Other than that, it has the words "it's starts" spelled incorrectly: it should be "its stats".
I'd change the text to just "…summon a 2/3 Guardian with Taunt" and then make a token card specifying the Deathrattle.
Current Idea for my Rogue Secret.

"The city of Gilneas prepared for their surprise attack on Hagatha, and when she came Tess prepared the counter-attack with her army of two Wisps."
Looked at the list of minions from 1-3 and Rogue had some decent minions they wanted pulled in the list, so I thought it would be okay. May be too strong, but give me your thoughts.
Ever wonder what the rumble Run cards would be like in the HS world, well wonder no more and look at the custom collection created to solve that question in Rumble Run Returns! http://www.hearthcards.net/setsandclasses/#5363
I realize I'm doing it a lot faster for this comp than normal, but I think it's just because of the general prompt. Here's yet another round of feedback.
I'm going to say no. I do feel it's a bit too much like Dirty Tricks, and the additional upside is both very random and potentially quite big.
Don't put it in The Witchwood either, as this will result in a period of time where it is the only Rogue Secret in Standard (the Raven/Dragon year).
It seems I won't provide feedback unless I force myself to make time, so here goes:
Pokeniner - It's okay, I guess. Most smaller Rogue minions want to be played, as opposed to cheated out, so this would need to find the right home to work properly (like Deathrattle Rogue, maybe). Technically it's not worded properly, as the "summon any…" part is not connected to the "draw 2 cards" with how it is currently worded. It would need to be more like Varian Wrynn, in my opinion. Might be fine, though, given the way Blizzard seems to be streamlining card phrasing in an effort to fit more words (like not using the word "random" in cards that should have it, instead implying it's random).
Wailor - I'm not a fan. Ideally none of your minions would be affected, but that leaves two scenarios: either your opponent has a wide board - in which case demoting their minions to 1/1s might be of minimal effect - or they're using big minions and you're about to take a *ton* of damage before this ever goes off. The Mage just lost Polymorph as a Core card in-part because I think they want to see less transform-removal and only straight damage-removal in the Mage, so I don't know if Blizzard would print something like this.
h0lysatan - You could also phrase it as "Secret: After an enemy attacks, summon a 2/3 Guardian with Taunt. When it dies, shuffle a copy of this Secret into your deck." Right now, the Deathrattle is a little wonky because "this Secret" doesn't make sense on the minion. Other than that, the card seems fine.
Fedrion - This seems kind of scary, because a double Fireball after taking heavy damage could immediately end the game. Your opponent either risks their own death because they cannot finish you off in time, or they barely attack whenever a late-game Secret pops up in fear of Cauterize. Either way, you win. I feel it's the best iteration of the card so far, but I'm still concerned. Also, you have the Classic/Legacy watermark; I think you meant to have FitB?
shatterstar1998 - You're missing the plural S in "Mirror Images"; if need be, you can change "battlefield" to "board" to make it fit. Other than that I like them both, although I think I like Wormhole more: fits with the Mage's outer space Boomsday theming, and can psyche out your opponent.
Nirast - Should be "its", not "it's", and "stats" as opposed to "starts". As for the gameplay, anything larger than a 3/4 or equivalent is gonna reset the Secret; seems pretty easy to accomplish, but it can be played around in a manner similar to Repentance. It would piss me off something fierce to play into the effect, though, but I guess that could be said of any of these.
bananenparty - I like the chaos, although it would be difficult to "clear" for the opponent: you can't generally fire off a 5+ mana spell just for the sake of safely proccing this Secret. The benefits of it being Legendary, I guess; it should be fine.
KANSAS - The way it is currently worded, wouldn't it require them to sacrifice their minions, not kill your own? "friendly minions" means something different to them as opposed to you. I think it could say "After your opponent destroys 3 of your minions…" Cleaned up a bit, I like the card.
cydonianknight - I like it. The gameplan is straight-forward, it can be "played around" somewhat, and it encourages deck-building decisions (namely of the "play Tirion" variety, but still lol). No critique here.
BasilAnguis - Enigma Book seems difficult to use properly. The payoff is great, but realistically how often will this proc? I don't think I'm a fan.
Dermostatic - I like the Nerubian/Spider themes, so naturally I like your card as well. I think it's balanced fairly well: Plagiarize exists and gives you copies of the cards, but it's a non-Legendary. Copy of the card vs a free 4/4; that seems like an okay bump-up.
anchorm4n - "5 or more Attack" seems like a Priest thing, so while I understand the flavor of only hitting big minions, it still seems a little off to me. It's on point with being a trap, though, especially one fitting the Uldum set. All-in-all, it's okay.
grumpymonk - Adding to the "cycle" that is Hidden Wisdom and Rat Trap is a smart play, I think, and "a fantastic treasure" is a natural fit. I don't have much to say 'cause I think you're good to go.
R - Should be "their turn", not "his turn". Don't want to assume :P Either way, it's a hard No from me: the level of hatred this card would produce could power a city.
Lundy - An amusing card, although I don't think anyone really wants to see another iteration of Ice Block. At least you wouldn't be Immune until end of turn, so maybe it's okay. It would be annoying to deal with, though, given that most of the outcomes have the potential to save your life.
Demonxz95 - For anyone with a minion-based strategy, this is just a big middle-finger to them. "Oh, you wanted to win? Well, here's a giant goat that you probably can't get through in one turn; have fun with that!" Some classes can get around Drunhei and deal face damage, but others (the Paladin, Warrior, or Demon Hunter, to name some) are completely gipped out of their victory. The effect is very "Legendary", but I personally don't like the result of it.
Some more feedback for those who still haven't submitted:
Sheepocalypse: Unfortunately I don't think this is the soup you should be serving. This feels a lot like a Sigil for Mages (now that we have those), and a weird one at that. I’m not the biggest fan of this card, since you have to hope that you have no minions and that you can survive an additional turn of your opponent’s minions slapping your face before this goes off.
Secret: After an enemy attacks, summon a 2/3 Guardian with Taunt and "Deathrattle: Shuffle an Immortal Guardian into your deck."
5 random Secrets is always bound to be helpful at worst and powerful at best. The card truly feels Legendary.
As for my card (Skittering Horde), the feedback seems to have been generally positive with some people noting that 4/4 per minion might be a bit much. I'm hesitant to alter this statline since it's so iconic for Nerubians, and 2-3 4/4s - on average - shouldn't be too hard to deal with by the mid-to-late game. I will probably change the name to be a bit more... Legendary however :) Thanks for the feedback everybody!
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
My first idea. Not sure if I should make it a highlander card in the spirit of Reno, or if I even have enough space to do so.
Thanks for all the feedback, But I think I'm gonna pass the competition this time since I already submit a wrong card (Must be Legendary). I didn't read the post carefully. Eh, maybe next one.
(Or I could just create another user, hmm. nvm)
Knowledge is Power
Different idea for a Rogue Legendary secret, and thought it was cool, if only stealing wasn't a part of it, I'd like my creation. But alas, the cards I make for this.
It's fairly easy to answer unless you don't feel the need to want the card back. I didn't think I should make the ransom cost 5 Mana. Thoughts?
Ever wonder what the rumble Run cards would be like in the HS world, well wonder no more and look at the custom collection created to solve that question in Rumble Run Returns! http://www.hearthcards.net/setsandclasses/#5363
Different updated idea to make the Ransom more effective.

Example card:
Ever wonder what the rumble Run cards would be like in the HS world, well wonder no more and look at the custom collection created to solve that question in Rumble Run Returns! http://www.hearthcards.net/setsandclasses/#5363
Mfw I get writer’s block in my own theme FeelsBadMan
still, here’s something
Make The Cow King an alternate Warrior skin plz
I changed my original card a bit so that it let the player pick the treasure when it triggers at the start of the turn so that it doesn't feel bad to get a treasure that works poorly with the player's deck.
I had another more out there idea. When it triggers at the start of your turn, the battlefield is changed to what it was at the start of your opponent's turn. Any minions that died come back and any damage or debuffs that your opponent inflicted on your minions get undone. It might be op for your opponent to lose the minions that they've summoned that turn on top of that, not sure. I've made a second version that only affects your side of the battlefield as a less powerful version.
DestroyerR - So when this triggers, your opponent has to find some way to kill you right away and if they click on the end turn button they automatically lose? Seems like a cool idea, but I wonder if its too swingy, almost like a Mecha'thun that doesn't need to be built around.
Pokeniner - I don't feel like generating the ransom card is necessary. Yeah, its really flavorful, but chances are your opponent is not going to spend mana to get it back and it just ends up being a dead card in their hand most of the time. They would lose too much tempo unless the stolen card was really cheap.
GoddammitDontShootMe - Isn't this just better Ice Block? Your opponent has to deal much more damage just to be able to reach lethal again.
New round of feedback (sorry I couldn't do this yesterday)
I already mentioned what I think about it in the Discord, so I don't really need to reiterate it here.
(and by the way, for any of you reading this, be sure to join our Discord if you haven't already!)
This isn't a "me" thing since I'm totally fine with this, but I feel like "destroy the enemy hero" cards usually aren't well received in these types of environments unless they're designed in an extremely meticulous way.
Path to Riches looks a lot better now. It seems pretty fun and pretty interesting.
Alter Time is good, but I feel this effect is extremely overdone. Although to be fair, that's not really your fault and I haven't ever seen it as a Secret.
@Demonxz95 I’ve received the “polarizing” argument a lot on this card, so I already have a response ready:
“Polarizing” is when a card either makes you win in a matchup it is strong against, or makes you lose in a matchup it is weak against. This is neither.
I assume a player with exact lethal would look at the board and say “Oh look, I have perfect lethal, but my opponent has a secret. I’ve checked for most secrets , so it could be that Legendary one... I guess I’ll use most of my damage this turn, and leave him with 1 or 2 Health next turn”. That thought process would be pretty normal for everybody IMO, giving you at least one more turn worth of survivability. That’s where it’s useful - it forces decks to play around it, giving you more time.
Of course, there are decks that will do that better or worse (giving you the card’s varying strength against matchups, nothing new), but it’s not as polarizing as you suggest because it probably won’t ever actually win or lose you the game since the effect itself would be more of a cautionary factor than an actual game winner (like Uther’s horsemen)
TL;DR not too strong because it can be played around, not too weak because it needs to be played around.
Make The Cow King an alternate Warrior skin plz
You have a little bit over 24 hours to submit!
If you haven't submitted already, I would double check to see if your secret fits into a spell school before submitting. I've seen quite a few submssions that fit clearly into a spell school but don't have any.
Oof, I managed to submit. Sorry for not being active this week, I got Super Mario Maker 2, and spent a lot of time there this week.
Good luck to the finalists! Looks like a rather polarizing week.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Good luck to everyone. I don't generally like Secrets, so it's hard to choose between them lol
Grats monk
Thanks Wailor!
Congratulations to grumpymonk :)
Congrats grumpymonk!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com