Some weird interactions with Priest Cards (Bug or Feature?)
I was playing around with a few priest ideas in Casual and encountered two weird interactions:
1) Insight (Non-Corrupted) + Far Watch Post
You'd expect the card drawn by the former to be taxed by the latter, but the card was 'taxed' (the animation went of and the increased cost was shown) but then the card went back to normal (and I was able to play it at the inital cost). I'm not sure if this is a bug for Far Watch Post or a feature of Insight - I wouldn't've doubted the interaction if Insight had been corrupted.
2) Serena Bloodfeather + Silver Hand Recruit (or maybe any 1/1 for that matter)
Pretty sure this is just bad coding, as the former says 'until', but Serena Bloodfeather actually kills 1/1s. Neither attack nor health are strictly higher, nor is the overall stat-count. I still have no idea how Serena works - but I'm confident it's not intended like this :D
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I was playing around with a few priest ideas in Casual and encountered two weird interactions:
1) Insight (Non-Corrupted) + Far Watch Post
You'd expect the card drawn by the former to be taxed by the latter, but the card was 'taxed' (the animation went of and the increased cost was shown) but then the card went back to normal (and I was able to play it at the inital cost). I'm not sure if this is a bug for Far Watch Post or a feature of Insight - I wouldn't've doubted the interaction if Insight had been corrupted.
2) Serena Bloodfeather + Silver Hand Recruit (or maybe any 1/1 for that matter)
Pretty sure this is just bad coding, as the former says 'until', but Serena Bloodfeather actually kills 1/1s. Neither attack nor health are strictly higher, nor is the overall stat-count. I still have no idea how Serena works - but I'm confident it's not intended like this :D
Serena Bloodfeather seem to work in the following way:
Card is played
Steal 1 Health and 1 Attack from the target (no matter what)
while target has more health than this minion
steal 1 health from target
while target has more attack than this minion
steal 1 attack from target
It's important to know that A: she always steals 1/1 and B: that she steals attack and health independently. This way the targets health and attack should always be halfed, while Serena Bloodfeather will always be +1/+1 bigger than the target.
That is not quite right. The case of a 0/1 target leads to a 1/2 Serena and a 0/0 target, for example. I think she'll end up +1 higher if the target had an even stat, and +2 higher if the target had an odd stat (because they have equal values at some point in the process, so stealing 1 more stat makes a difference of 2).
The easiest way to calculate the target's final stats is to half their initial stats, then round down. Mathematically, a target with attack A and health H will end up with floor(0.5*A) attack and floor(0.5*H) health. Serena herself therefore ends up at 1+A-floor(0.5*A) attack, and likewise for health.
It changes if Serena has been buffed in the hand, so they have to go through while loops in practice, but that's rare enough in priest to ignore most of the time.
not exactly as they already implemented another term for while loops: Do x, Repeat until y. But this card has a slightly different effect per card text: "Only steal until", "not steal, then repeat"
I'm still sticking to my first assessment that this is bad coding or inconsitent card texts. (Although I understand the functionality now fully, it was not clear from reading the card)