Serena Bloodfeather

Card Stats
- Class Priest
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Legendary
- Cost 2
- Attack 1
- Health 1
Card Text
Battlecry: Choose an enemy minion. Steal Attack and Health from it until this has more.
Flavor Text
She’s really into networking! After all, she’s introduced countless low-level Horde players to the Spirit Healer.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Serena Bloodfeather Sounds
Play VO_BAR_315_Female_Harpy_Play_01
Play WingFlapMedium_Underlay_Play
Attack VO_BAR_315_Female_Harpy_Attack_01
Attack WingFlapMedium_Underlay_Attack
Death VO_BAR_315_Female_Harpy_Death_01
Death WingFlapMedium_Underlay_Death
Serena Bloodfeather Guides
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I like this. A 2 mana minion neutralizer. It can drop a 10/10 down to 5/5 and be much more manageable and be able to save your Shadow Word: Death for other things.
Fairly underwhelming, compared to other Priest legendries that traded stats like Vol'jin or Natalie Seline
I dunno, I think it's slightly better, since it's so cheap. It allows you to weaken one of their finishers and gives you enough mana to remove it, too