A great deal has arrived in the Hearthstone store for just $5 which gives you cards from Standard sets!
The new bundle was added this afternoon and comes with a random legendary card and five standard packs. These packs are a new type of pack that will only give you cards in the current standard rotation. If you want to maximize value, you should be able to keep these packs and open them after the mini-set releases or the next expansion so you can target new cards you are missing in your collection.
The bundle is available through May 24, 2021, and can be purchased for $5 in-game or on the Battle.net shop.
Got C'Thun, the Shattered, super happy as it was on my crafts list!
I may keep the packs for a little later, enjoying them one a day.
I've wanted that Khadgar portrait ever since it was first released -- so glad it's now available for gold!
I believe this only leaves Sir Annoy-o and Horseman Uther as the last portraits which you could only get by spending money, which means the portraits that came with expansion megabundles (Mecha-Jaraxxus, Madame Lazul, etc.) might not be too far off...
I also got the Standard bundle, so for those keeping stats, I got a single epic (golden) in my packs, and The Nameless One as my legendary (I don't have Xyrella, so I'll probably try him instead in my priest decks).
Funny thing, I also just got The Nameless One for the random legendary. Not opening the packs just yet, though.
And as for the portraits, we have actually had Sir Annoy-o available for gold very recently. Horseman Uther, on the other hand, is not nearly as old in comparison. Magni's turn has yet to come, so hopefully soon.
Portraits that have already been in the shop:
Portraits that are most likely to be up next due to bundles/promotions:
Pre-order portraits, if that's the route they're going to take:
Other options, most likely after the pre-order portraits:
Sir Annoy-o was available for 1500 gold about 2 weeks ago
Play standard so tournaments are meaningful to you. eSPORTS okay. Standard.
I never spend money on HS, but this looked like a good deal... Only to get Akama, an Ashes legendary from Rogue, a class I don't play and have no legendaries or support to play anything viable. While the five packs had only commons and rares. So... I learned my lesson.
Akama Stealth Rogue then, where the only epics are Secret Passage and Greyheart Sage and all the other support cards are Common/Rare: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1384958-stealth-rogue-easy-climb-d5-to-legend
As usual with buying packs for HS, the value is in being able to play the legendaries in something that's not just "cookie-cutter meta".
Gonna have to pass. Midset coming around so that's another 15 bucks.
Really wanted Khadgar, but 10 bucks is kinda too much considering that there's still the midset coming round. What's with the high price anyway? Apparently it was out at around half of that when he was first released.
What I would love to know is whether these Standard packs adhere to the pity timer mechanics as all packs technically should. But the whole deal with Phoenix packs causes a lot of doubt.
I got a legendary in my third Standard pack. But I guess people who got something special are more likely to report it than people who got only commons and rares, so forum reactions might not be representative of actual packs.
Aye, seeing a lot of 'legendary reports' and far fewer those of poor results here (though we just got one above) or on Reddit/Twitter. And of course with just 5 packs we wouldn't know about pity timers for certain one way or another.
I'll probably buy as well before it goes away, in terms of pricing per pack it might arguably be the best deal in Hearthstone's history thus far.
Tavish Stormpike, Apothecary Helbrim, Apexis Blast, and a golden The Nameless One! Now that's what I call value!
Either you and I both got lucky or this is more typical than it looks. I also got 3 legendaries from the freebie and 2 from the 5 packs - 1 being golden. And, to boot, I got an epic as well. Best $5 spent in HS evar
Holy moly, whatever the Dubai of WoW is called, they want their profits back!
Also Khadgar come to shop. Only 1500 gold now.
Interesting! I hope those standart packs will now be earnable in tavern brawls and future battle passes instead of the pheonix ones.
They won't do this unfortunately coz Blizzard will make less profit due to ppl saving standard packs for the next expansion or mini-set
Honestly, $5 just for a random standard legendary wouldn't be that bad. This is a pretty excellent deal.
No, no, don't give them ideas to get more greedy when they happen to come up with something that isn't terribly overpriced once in a while. :P I don't suppose this would happen here or people might riot, but they went back and increased the cost of old Alleria's hero skin after the initial offer had lower cash price.