
Card Stats
- Class Priest
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Legendary
- Cost 4
- Attack 4
- Health 4
Card Text
Battlecry: If you've restored Health this turn, deal that much damage to all enemy minions.
Flavor Text
On the Night of Falling Stars, Xyrella had a vision of a shattered naaru. "Go to the Barrens," the being said. "Seek the shards of my broken body. Restore me, and I will restore your daughter."
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Xyrella Sounds
Play VO_BAR_735_Female_Draenei_Play_01
Play HolyMagic_Play_Underlay
Play HS_LegendaryStinger_Xyrella
Attack VO_BAR_735_Female_Draenei_Attack_01
Attack HolyMagic_Attack_Underlay
Death VO_BAR_735_Female_Draenei_Death_01
Death HolyMagic_Death_Underlay
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Player 1: Cast Circle of Healing
Player 2: [board with injured minions] "Boo Yaa"
Player 1: [drops this] PSYCHE!
Good board clear for priest!
Love the artwork on this power card
Desperate Prayer seems a lot better now.
I don't think it's good enough to warrant playing Prayer, but if you generate it off of Renew or Palm Reading it would feel pretty good.
EVEN PRIEST NEW META????111!!!!!????
Memes aside, this is a 6/4/4 deal 2 to all enemies at baseline, and notably scales with ALL healing, not just healing to you. I don't think it's good in the sort of heal-tempo Priest they seem to be pushing, but it could be a solid way to clear the board in a control deck with Renew and the like.