Carousel Undatakah OTK
- OTK Paladin
- Wild
- Casual
Each time Da Undatakah goes a round on his carousel, Knife Juggler will deal 1 damage to a random enemy. He will go around 62 times dealing 62 damage split among all enemies.
How This Works
Da Undatakah has deathrattles from Blatant Decoy, Taelan Fordring, and Immortal Prelate and he keeps going from hand to board to deck. Spiritsinger Umbra is there to make him activate those deathrattles as soon as he hits the board. The combo works 3/4 of the time you play it because the deathrattle order matters, but the idea is the deathrattle from Immortal Prelate makes him keep enchantments including the other deathrattles and makes him shuffle himself into the deck, the deathrattle of Taelan Fordring makes him draw himself from the deck, then finally Blatant Decoy is used to make him play himself again at which point Spiritsinger Umbra will make him repeat all of those deathrattles and go around on his carousel again.
This is hard capped at 62, and the funny thing about this combo, which was timed twice, is it takes 13 minutes to complete each time it goes off. The animations for this are long and don't end at lethal so even when it's lethal you have to sit through 13 minutes of this or restart your app.
How to set up the combo
First of all, you can use your non combo related cards for survival and card draw. For removals you can use Wild Pyromancer or Consecration plus either Libram of Justice or Equality as a 2-card board clear.
To execute the combo itself, you want to have no minions in your deck and no minions in hand other than the combo pieces. You need to have Immortal Prelate be silenced and die (use Dalaran Librarian on it the turn you play it), have Taelan Fordring die, and have Blatant Decoy die (you can silence it to prevent it from pulling out a combo piece or keep some non combo piece for it to pull out).
The second part of the preparation for the combo is to play Emperor Thaurissan and Drakkari Enchanter when you have Brann Bronzebeard, Knife Juggler, Spiritsinger Umbra, and Da Undatakah in hand. You can play this on only 2 combo pieces if you are in a desperate situation and will do the combo without Brann, but if you do so it will only have a 1/6 chance of working.
Finally, to do the combo play these cards in the following order (playing them in the wrong order will make the combo fail to work): Brann Bronzebeard, Knife Juggler, Spiritsinger Umbra, and Da Undatakah. This has a 3/4 chance of success, and if it happens to fail you can try to play Da Undatakah again next turn if your combo pieces weren't removed. If the combo is lethal, your end turn button will turn yellow and won't do anything when you press it.
If you have a 1 mana Equality discounted by Emperor Thaurissan you can play it first to reduce hp of enemy minions and increase the chance of lethal.
This is a combo that is unique in that it has funny animations of Da Undatakah going around on his "carousel" and that it lasts for 13 minutes. If your opponent doesn't concede by then, it may be interesting to see what their reactions are to this. Something to note is that even if they do concede, the animations will still keep going for you. If you want to stop watching the animations from this combo, just quit your app and restart and it will record the game as a win.
Hope you enjoy this deck, and write any comments or questions about it below.
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8Update #1
Card changes 2 years, 9 months ago (Kazakusan Nerf)
- 00
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07+
- 1 Crystology x 2
- 1 Knight of Anointment x 2
- 1 Righteous Protector x 2
- 2 City Tax x 2
- 2 Crystalsmith Kangor x 1
- 2 Equality x 2
- 2 Flash of Light x 2
- 2 Immortal Prelate x 1
- 3 Stonehearth Vindicator x 2
- 5 Libram of Justice x 2
- 2 Dalaran Librarian x 2
- 2 Knife Juggler x 1
- 2 Wild Pyromancer x 2
- 3 Brann Bronzebeard x 1
- 3 Drakkari Enchanter x 1
- 4 Spiritsinger Umbra x 1
- 5 Emperor Thaurissan x 1
- 5 Taelan Fordring x 1
- 6 Blatant Decoy x 1
- 8 Da Undatakah x 1
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update: yes
I do not clearly get the idea of the 1/4 chance for the failure. Can someone explain it?
Undatakah gains deathrattles in a random order, which means with Brann he will gain the deathrattles from Prelate, Taelan, and Decoy 2 times. The first time if Prelate is after Taelan he will try to draw himself with Taelan first before he got shuffled into the deck with Prelate and so won’t get drawn. This happens with 1/2 chance since there is 1/2 chance Prelate deathrattle is gained before or after Taelan. Then there is a 1/2 chance that the second time Decoy is before Taelan. This means he will try to pull himself out before he got drawn from the Taelan deathrattle of the second time, and will not be pulled out. So 2 things have to go wrong for the combo to fail and they each have a 1/2 chance of occurring so when you multiply them you get 1/4 chance.
Alright, thanks for clarifying
This is PURE EVIL lmao