Card reveals have started! Well, sort of! The Coin Concede podcast got to start the card reveal season early during their interview with Hearthstone Game Director, Ben Lee.
We've got a Warlock spell coming that has some great healing and control potential - also, the art is incredible.
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Mistress of Mixtures : the spell
Good against aggro
Clearly a support for Warlock's questline and it's a good one. At least one copy of it should be playable in controlock and two in questlock
"Oh no Daddy Dreadlord, don't succ me UwU."
This is pretty great for Control Warlock and might actually help that deck out of the dumpster. Removal + Heal is always good and it combos with Tamsin Roame as well.
Make no mistake, the only reason why Warlock is trash right now is because they just don't have enough efficient lifegain to survive the midrange onslaught of decks like Demon Hunter and Warrior because Soul Frags are just so slow. This adds (potentially) up to 16 health per game and it we also got the Spicebread gal for even more healing if needed. Warlock has wiin conditions out the ass at this point, so there is basically downside to just filling the rest of your deck with removal and healing.
Playable card but As if Warlock needs this
You say this as if Warlock is a good class right now.
Yes, because Warlock is well known for not needing healing.
Dude this is insane. Crystal power was an ok card in standard, any of their effects was useful, but not amazing.Both combined can be bonkers. This could be either for poping deathrattles and gaining some sustain with that self damage, or for an extremely control focused deck.
And the art is awesome. I love this card. But I think I’ll hate it in the long game lol.
This is very similar to Crystal Power and as someone that used to run crystal power a while ago in a gonk druid deck it's not good. Choose one for 5 healing or deal 2, usually meant deal 2 true, but this is very situational. For druid you have cards like crystal power or living roots to deal final chip damage after trading, but warlock just has better removal than this and better healing even in standard. Pretty redundant card tbh with Drain Soul existing.
Incredible art, indeed. Hope I open a golden.
First card of the reveal season, and then we go back to sleep until about 5 days later when the next one comes out. Nice.
Well, its pretty good simply because warlock does have problems with gaining health. Drain Soul is definitely the better card, but the real question is whether this card can replace Armor Vendor as that 1 mana heal for 4 option. There's also the fact that this card is practically useless later on in the game when minions tend to have higher health, or your opponent can play around this card by simply playing no minions.
There's definitely a use for this card, but inclusion will very depend on the deck build rather than the strength of this card itself.
I don't think either of these points really apply, despite having a grain of truth behind them. People still draw/summon small minions in the late game, and most decks need to play minions to win so not playing them is usually not an option.
Sure there are some niche scenarios where you can chip the opponent down without minions, but that often takes a few turns and if warlock is still playing soul fragments that might end up backfiring as much as playing the minions would.
Thats a fair point. My argument is really whether getting 4 health off armor vendor is just better than something that only conditionally gives out health. You can fit both, but warlock decks are really struggling to make room, because I dont think they're shedding the soul frags anytime soon.
Of course, its hard to argue that you'll get screwed by that condition often, but that it exist is just something to consider when deckbuilding.
I think you're missing an essential element which is the fact that it is both lifegain and removal at the same time. This is precisely what made Samuro + Apotheosis so strong and the entire reason why Warlock clearing your entire board multiple times in a row doesn't make much of a difference if they don't have time to heal themselves inbetween.
This makes it so you can do both at the same time which makes surviving a lot easier.
Just think of the Hunter matchup if they start out with an intrepid Initiate. Sure, you can play Armor Vendor to heal for 4, but the Vendor won't trade into that and you're just gonna eat 3 damage again. Meanwhile, with this you can both kill the Initiate and heal off any damage it might have done.
Not to mention that Warlock has plenty of damage dealing spells that can set this up so you will be very rarely in a situation where you have to use the card without getting the heal (if 2 damage isn't enough to kill what's in front of you you're already in a bad spot anyways, so it wouln't matter)
I agree that there's a discussion to be had over whether it is fighting for the same spot as Armor Vendor, especially in the current iterations of warlock.
I'm not sure what the Questline deck will look like in the end (I've never been very good with the class), but if competition between the Vendor and the new spell exists there, I'd expect the spell to win simply because you won't often be playing the Vendor on turn 1, so the body won't be worth nearly as much as it usually is.