New Shaman Minion - Bolner Hammerbeak
Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by
A new Legendary Shaman Minion, Bolner Hammerbeak, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Shaman Minion, Bolner Hammerbeak, has been revealed!
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This is a really cool, strong card. Worst case it's a beefier Murmuring Elemental, best case it can provide you with insane tempo or value. Even just playing this, Wandmaker and then chaining Pen Flinger and 1-mana spells would be crazy good. A card to watch out for.
Just wondering, if the re-triggered battlecry is targeted? Will this also hit the same target? or will it be random?
EDIT: This with Primal Dungeoneer draws 4 cards at 1 proc. With Small battlecrys you can draw more. Insane value. (This is only for existing decks)
This card has the potential to make a broken deck.
I have no idea what to do with this, but it costs 2-mana so it cannot be bad.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Best card of the expansion so far! I would even say, this is a potentilal nerf candidate. Of course the reveal video showed an ideal case scenario, but on average you can always find a turn to make a good value from this.
Love it. Instant craft.
I'm not sure, but use to be totally random.
About the card, there are a bunch of annoying cards that can take profit of this:
Mutanus the Devourer (but it's so expensive), Knife Vendor (4 dmg in the face cannot be ignored), Kazakus, Golem Shaper (a greedy but funny option), Defender of Argus (can be an abusive board buff), Mankrik (what about filling your deck of mankrik's wifes?), Costumed Entertainer ( massive hand bff) and the best one is... murlocs, Coldlight Seer, Felfin Navigator, Lushwater Murcenary...
A 5/5 card for sure.
By The Holy Light!
Its certainly very strong, close to broken. But in the wrong class, because shaman can't draw much that isn't an elemental and they certainly don't play for value right now. Basically you'll never want this in your hand during the first 6 turns and then when it does show up its only true function would be to reload your hand.
I'd think realistically its more a control card, both for reload and value. But with enough support this one card can basically just mimic Corrupt the Waters back in standard for a short while.
Huge potential, but much like Murmuring Elemental and Electra Stormsurge, its likely not really going to achieve much in standard. Which would be a shame, because I really like value decks and this one is certainly a core element to doing that in shaman.
Realy like this one - with the battlecrys we have so far this could be good - and maybe there will come some other battlecry cards that will even support this even more.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
This card will only ever reliably last one turn, so you will need to make sure to get whatever effect you want from it at that time. The biggest downside is that it isn't a tribe. The current elemental deck doesn't really want any other non-elementals to mess up the chain effects. Maybe you could slot it into a wild murloc deck?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Like Brann Bronzebeard but 1 mana cheaper and Brann does still see plenty of play up to this day. And just like Brann, this is one of those cards that will still see play 5 years from now. It's that good.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Well, worst case scenario, Shaman's drawing ability is definitely over. Even something silly like Novice Engineer can become serious hand refill in the late game. Personally, as someone who likes the idea of control Shaman, I see Bolner Hammerbeak as the reason not to be forced to run elementals or reduce myself to Nature spells for card draw when playing Shaman.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Some shenanigans are possible. Also it is possible to get infinite coins and hey loser flingers. At least Pen Flinger was nerfed way before this expansion so it is just a 4 mana 3 card full board clear
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
I can see this having a lot of cool uses. It's nice and cheap, so flexible. It only duplicates one battlecry, so not OP. Now if you could save the coin or get a 1 mana discount, play this with Shudderwock and let the fireworks begin.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
You could just use tour guide and corrupt the waters to double your shudderwock, which people already do.
I like this card, it has some interesting uses. I think in general you want to copy the battlecry at least two additional times to be satisfied with the value. You could also use lackeys to trigger this for minimal mana.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Somehow I smell an OTK with this guy. Even if he somehow doesn't, getting 1 extra Battlecry trigger is good, but if you can trigger it 2-3 more besides? 5/5 stars
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Cheap card that let's you play the same battlecry over and over. Going to end up busted at some point. Just the dungeoneer let's you draw 4+ cards for pretty cheap.
Does this work with just 1 battlecry? Like drop this, then just Mutanus the Devourer and it triggers twice or do you need a [Hearthstone Card (penflinger) Not Found]after to trigger 1 additional time?
Not bad... but not super good either
Love this card. I am sure you can do something broken with it. I'm not sure what but I know it will be fun!
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Incredible card. Bolner Hammerbeak has OTK potential with Y'Shaarj, the Defiler and Lightning Bloom, can be a draw engine together with cards like Primal Dungeoneer. Oh and apparently if you play Bolner Hammerbeak before playing a battlecry minion, IT DOUBLES IT because the text says "AFTER". Oh and it has 4 health, and as we know from cards like Efficient Octo-bot and the watchposts, 2 mana 4 health minions can be HARD to remove on turn 2.
So basicly Bolner Hammerbeak acts like a Brann Bronzebeard for the 1st battlecry minion played AND repeats the battlecry of the 1st battlecry minion after each other battlecry minion you play.
Not just all of that, BUT Bolner Hammerbeak is also NUTS in wild, because of lackeys. Imagine each lacky also having the Lifedrinker battlecry because of Bolner Hammerbeak....
Bolner Hammerbeak i.m.o. is a 10/5 star card, this card is absolutely insane.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This one might have some potential. I think you could for example trigger Mutanus 3 times if you did it with 10 mana and a 1-cost battlecry minion. On that note, would Bolner Hammerbeak gain the stats?
Legendary with a cheap cost and a fun effect ?!
There is potential for (combo) abuses, that is guaranteed!!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
My favorite card of this expansion.
HEY LOSER!!!! Its back!
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
A 2 mana mini Brann Bronzebeard exclusively for Shaman. I expect to see some broken combos coming in. Cool, very cool card.
The Shaman combo battlecry stuff is mindbending.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Shudderwok called. He says Jepetto and him want to meet Bolner and be BFFS.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
There is definitely a sequence of specific battlecries you'd want to repeat with bolner which could make a pretty insane OTK deck. Aside from that, dropping him on turn 2 isn't that bad, as seen with Efficient Octo-bot, and turn 3 would be a big tempo turn if playing a decent battlecry minion
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
one of the best card. The effect can be devastating
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Wow in wild this will be a nightmare if used together with some lackeys for some crazy otk
Mini-Shudderwock? I'm looking forward to see what the creative folks in the community come up with, in order to make a broken combo with this guy
I'll just be patiently waiting for the fun combo deck with this guy to show up. Sure, you could go for incremental value or something, but this just screams 'I'm killing you now'.
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