New Warrior Minion - Remote-Controlled Golem
Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by
A new Epic Warrior Minion, Remote-Controlled Golem, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Warrior Minion, Remote-Controlled Golem, has been revealed!
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The only thing that stands out is the fact that its a 3/6 for 4, which means in most cases it will take 2 hits, sending 2 parts into your deck.
Unfortunately, that's more or less it. Without rush, taunt, or any other keyword, the sole reason for ever using this minion would be because its a mech and because it has the probability of giving you a 2/1 at any given time.
But yeah, it kinda sucks to be honest. Warriors cant draw well in standard and aren't known for shuffling mechanics, and I dont expect this to change. I'd play Whirling Combatant or Crimson Hothead over this any day.
That's like teddy bears tickets, less powerful minion but possibility to put a lot more in the deck, Bladestorm *wink wink* .
I like the fact that a lot of classes get a card that shuffle stuff in your deck.
Murlocs <3
Warrior can't draw well in standard? What?
Stonemaul Anchorman : draw 1 *2
Cutting Class : draw 2 *2
Outrider's Axe : draw 3*2
And you get Corsair Cache to draw the weapon and give it one extra attack so one extra draw. That's a total of 16 card draw in a deck.
And "warriors aren't known for shuffling mechanics", well, they got the bomb mechanic that was one of the first real shuffle mechanics of hearthstone (even if it was in the opponent deck, thats still a shuffling mechanic).
Murlocs <3
Pretty sure you still use the 4/5 armor mech for N'zoth builds.
I fail to see the point of this, even in a more draw heavy deck
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Looks decent.
Nice Stat Line for 4 , the effect is kinda ok but overall it seems kinda meh ... nor sure that this will be played over other cards.
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Token mech warrior? Maybe in wild where you get access to all the magnetize mechanics, but I'm not sure this is a viable something in standard right now. The 2/1 body that doesn't really do much on draw does not outweigh minions that you would rather play.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Pretty bad, Warrior doesn't have the draw to reliably get the 2/1s nor an easy way to activate it.
Interesting with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius. At the moment he isn't seeing much play in Wild, and this card alone won't make those strategies a lot better, but that doesn't mean they're bad. They're good enough to have fun with, but not really competitive. Still, I'd like to try this out in a Highlander deck. I just love me some highlander!
In Arena, the good old Water Elemental is still the king of 3/6's, but this is this certainly up there assuming you can stretch your games long enough to draw those 2/1's.
Arena > Wild > Standard
This seems really good if the updated "2 Golem parts each time this takes damage is accurate". 2/1's aren't crazy, but can be really disruptive to an opponent's game plan.
When i saw mech tag i think in N'Zoth, God of the Deep, but the token fucks the strategy.
Good flavour, bad card.
By The Holy Light!
It's just stats. You get vanilla stats for 4 mana then if you put a little extra work in and wait you can get a few extra stats. I just don't see why any deck would want to put in the time and effort to utilize this card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Where were you when Dr. Boom, Mad Genius was around?!
Aside from that it's not bad but I don't see how much you can do with this, feels like other 4 cost minions are more relevant to play than this. Not even buffing it in Pirate, Mech, Dragon Warrior seems worth it.
Could be interesting value for arena, but I fail to see how it would benefit in constructed.
It does create value, but it seems rather small or insignificant additions - things would be different if Doctor Boom was still around .. we will see
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I can see this doing work if you Provoke it
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Interesting. This could make a lot of tokens. I'm just not sure what you do with them yet.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
2 Stars, so far it looks like a good card, the problem is that I don't think it does anything that Warrior wants to do. While better stated than the Portal Demons from Rise of Shadows, at least those had 2/2 Rush tokens, while the tokens from this are only just 2/1 Mechs. Warrior doesn't have a lot of board buffs, the tokens die to any Whirlwind effects that you're probably play to squeeze out as many tokens from the Shredder in the first place, they're not minions that are added to the hand to get buffed by Conditioning (Rank 1).
Maybe if Warrior's quest is something like "Summon 3 different Tribes", this might be good, but as is it's powerful in Arena, not so much for Constructed.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Provoke should be a good way to get a lot of Golem Parts into your deck. I don't know if you can do something with the tokens and Frothing Berserker. If not, I'm not sure what they'll be good for, since Warrior doesn't really have board buffs.
Looks fun, but I don't know how good summoning those 2/1 mechs will be. I kinda think not very.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Wow this seems very bad. What deck does it even slot into? Rush warrior doesnt want it, Control warrior also probably doesnt like it AND it doesnt work alongside N'Zoth, God of the Deep because of the tokens. Yeh i'm not sure what your supposed to do with this. Best guess i can make is some kind of midrange managerie warrior deck? Honestly this seems like some free dust.
The only reason this could see play, is if this for some reason fits in the warrior questline deck. But we dont know the questline yet.. Well except for the fact that they did reveal that the warrior questline is going to be aggresive. So maybe the "aggresive" part could hint towards some kind of managerie requerement? Probably not.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
There just needs to be some fun stuff going on that will allow you to continually ping it, like Bladestorm to get the maximum effect
In constructed I'm going with no, even with support. In Arena that's a solid 4 drop
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
Ok in mech warrior.
Like the squirreels his potential is just amazing.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I could imagine that should get at least two triggers off of this on average, which would mean 4 Tokens. That seems quite solid to me.
If only it weren't for the poor interaction those have with N'Zoth, God of the Deep. That, at least for the moment, kills this card.
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Either Wild or arena/duels card.
The Dr. can always make use of cheap board clears and control tools.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
I hate this card now, but I think in the next set or 2 it's played with something.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
can be very good in wild with magnetic cards
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
I think this card is a candidate for bottom 5 (Rager award). Decent vanilla stats, but its effect might as well be removed and it would make the card itself better.
Not too strong but seems fun.
This is one of those cards where you want to use Provoke against a board of small tokens or something. Is it worth it? Probably not as there's not much mech support in standard right now, but it's good value nonetheless. You wouldn't be making a deck around this guy though, he's more of a last minute tech option
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If you manage to make just 1 damage in an efficient way, you add 3 minions to your deck.
Is strong but need some interesting decisions in order to get the best value of this card
It looks annoying and hard to remove, but the mechs it summons kind of ruin the resurrect pool for N'zoth, so I don't see this being ran outside of Arena
I mean, you can get a decent number of 2/1s out of it usually - I'd say probably 2 hits average, 3 not out of the realm of possibility - but I don't really know why you'd want to? It's kind of slow and you mess with things like N'Zoth if you were trying for that.
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