Avalon's 12 Wins C'thun Warrior

Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by
  • Casual

Hearthstone Duels Choices

Rattlegore Card Image
Bruising Card Image
Hero Power
Scrapmetal Demolitionist Card Image

C'thun Warrior is one of those archetype I was never able to have much success with: be it bad luck, be it poor deckbuilding choices, be it whatever you want to call it. However, yesterday I was able to hit a few nice buckets, as well as the good old ATN/RTT.

To be fair, I was 11-1, but then I lost to a Fireshaper/[Hearthstone Card (ooops, all spells!) Not Found] Priest, but I didn't not fail the following match point, and ended the run with a 12-2, which is still good.

Deck Overview

Nothing new under the sun's light: the deck has been a staple in the Duels meta since Whispers of the Old Gods' introduction in the Duels starting pool. 

While you have a rather large C'Thun package, this is not your only win condition:

Mulligan Tips

Always Keep - Beckoner of Evil.

Possible Keeps - if you already have Beckoner of Evil in your hand, consider keeping Loatheb in your mulligan against Priest; Lord Barov if you're against Druid or Hunter; any 3-drops.

Playstyle Tips

C'Thun - You should not consider it as your win condition: you have little to no chance to make it grow as much as you need to actually kill someone from full-or-so health. This does not mean that you should play it as a 10 mana 6/6, but don't be too greedy about it!

Zola the Gorgon - Your deck has so many good minions you want a copy of, but you should really understand what matchup you're in and then decided what's good to copy. First matches and you're on the offensive? Mankrik! Miracle Priest? Loatheb! Annoying swarm decks? Lord Barov!

Chip damage - You are no Pirate Warrior: your goal is not rushing down your opponent. Just keep building your board and take control of the table, through favorable trades (Bruising), all this while dealing chipping down your opponent's health. This way, you'll almost always guaranteed to win the game, as you have some of the strongest and most rewarding attrition tools.

Hero Power, Signature Treasure and Passive Treasures

Bruising Card Image

This Hero Power is just too good with every deck that plays some minions, and Warrior does it. I don't see a world where No Guts, No Glory or Magnetic Mines see play while Bruising is at 0 mana.

Scrapmetal Demolitionist Card Image

Very, very good Treasure that won me more than a game. Later in the run I was able to find Augmented Elekk, so in certain games I was able to shuffle more than 20 Bombs in my opponent's deck thanks to Zola the Gorgon shenanigans. The armor gain on top of it was nice too, since sometimes survivability is very important. Would recommend.

All Together Now Card Image Rally the Troops Card Image

At this point I don't think I even have to say something about these two: both broken, both very crucial and both too much defining to be left completely unchecked. If you know what I mean...

Active Treasures

Archmage Staff Card Image

Your deck has little to no weapons (Kresh, Lord of Turtling's Turtle Spike is the only one in your starting deck, and you're not very likely to pick up many throughout your run), so Archmage Staff can be very useful and save your butt in a couple circumstances - if you think about it, a random Mage spell each turn for no additional cost is extra value, and extra value is never bad, right?

Loyal Henchman Card Image

I picked two.

Additional draw that keeps growing and that can instantly remove annoying opposing minions thanks to Bruising? Twice please! Definitely not the shiniest Treasure, but one of the most solid for sure.

Final Observations

Flightmaster Dungar - in this Battlecry-centric Duels meta I consider Flightmaster Dungar to be grossly slept on. I've included on other 12 wins lists of mine in the past, and it has always felt pretty good. 

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  • mindhumble's Avatar
    125 6 Posts Joined 08/04/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Really nicely set out guide! It would be a nice addition to give some options for swaps as i dont have all the legendaries for the deck, i usually run grommash but am not sure if that weakens the chances to get the ideal "battlecry" treasures. Btw i also am a big dungar advocate, eventhough his battle cry only gets doubled if you have the treasure which copies legendaries, as the battle totem doesnt work on it due to the dormant effect procing first.

    • Avalon's Avatar
      Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
      Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

      Yep, well aware of the Flightmaster Dungar interaction with Battle Totem, but I didn't know you could actually double its effect with Disks of Legend.

      Budget replacements for Duels is kinda difficult for obvious reasons, so it's difficult to give valid suggestions in that regard.

      However, I still want to try: what cards are you missing?

      • mindhumble's Avatar
        125 6 Posts Joined 08/04/2021
        Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

        Thanks for the reply, for this deck im missing loatheb saurfang and zola. I see loatheb as more of a tech card (correct me if im wrong) but i see the value in zola and saurfang as their effects are very high value. I usually put in grommash and this is very strong especially in early rounds as 10 (or 12 with the runthak buff) can more or less win an early round by itself. I also tried mutanus but i am feeling it is a bit slow and even when played its effect has massive variance considering its cost (7 mana 5/5 or 15/15).  I think i tried athletic studies just for the early turns and for flexibility, but i would love to hear your take. Thanks for your help!

        • Avalon's Avatar
          Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
          Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

          Zola the Gorgon - win more: her effect is very nice to have, but it's not fundamental at all.

          Loatheb - must have: there are too many spell-based decks and Loatheb can lock your opponents out for an entire turn, which usually wins games.

          Overlord Saurfang - getting a second proc to Kresh, Lord of Turtling is extremely good, especially if you're against Miracle Priest or other aggressive builds.

          However, you should keep in mind that this is a pre-patch starting deck, and that now you cannot pick All Together Now as your Tier 1 Passive anymore - therefore, a Battlecry-intensive build may not be the smartest build ever.

          We will definitely have to rethink most of the already existing archetypes. Because of this, I suggest you should hold on to craft stuff and wait to see what's going to be good from now. A Duels meta report is coming out very soon!

          • mindhumble's Avatar
            125 6 Posts Joined 08/04/2021
            Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

            Great advice, all makes sense (especially about the anti-priest "tech" cards)! Where do i see a duels meta report?

            • Avalon's Avatar
              Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
              Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

              It was published just a few minutes ago: it features some of the starting deck people used to hit 12 wins with, since the recent balance patch went live.

              Here's a link.

              • mindhumble's Avatar
                125 6 Posts Joined 08/04/2021
                Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

                Thanks so much, i guess i will have to pick the ones which i have most or all of the cards from. Its a shame as i am a f2p player and cant really afford to craft wild cards, but the decks on here make a great baseline and hopefully the swaps i have to do will be good enough :)  thanks of rall your help and keep up the great work!


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