A new Hearthstone card has been revealed by Ben "Heathstone" Hearthstone - Bru'kan of the Elements!
Here is how the card works:
- When Bru'kan is played, you choose 1 of his 4 Hero Power options to immediately activate.
- You then get to choose a second option, of the remaining 3 Hero Power options you haven't activated.
- Each turn the Hero Power randomly rotates, even if it isn't used. (Think Dr. Boom, Mad Genius).
Here are the different hero powers:
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I feel like you're overestimating this card heavily. It's 8-mana do nothing, which means you need to be ahead to play it. Then it only pays off once per turn meaning your next turn will still be weak. In order for this to really shine it would have to be a very grindy matchup where you win by value instead of win conditions, and that's not really a thing right now. Hell, I doubt this would have beaten Barrens Control Priest.
Just stick to the Quest, it's much better overall.
EDIT: alright so I only now realized that your first hero power activates immediately, which makes it slightly better but still not good enough in my opinion. You still need to be winning because a Consecration or Feral Spirits won't save you at 8-mana if you're behind.
You still didn't read it right. Your first TWO hero powers activate immediately and you get to choose them. So it's a summon two 2/3 taunt and aoe, or burn face for 6 summon two 2/3, etc.
ah shit you're right. I guess that does make it better even though I still think it might be too slow compared to what other decks are capable of in that timeframe.
I believe you get to cast two out of the four options as the battlecry, and then you get all 4 on the hero power that will alternate.
So that is much closer to 8 mana worth than you think. Ofc its quite a slow card, but has a lot of versatility in it.
It really depends on the meta, and what shaman's win condition is. The main thing about this card is flexibility, not necessarily as a win condition itself. I see it as an inclusion merely because one to one, there really isn't anything else in shaman that can do as much as this can. If you're near your win con, just heal for 6 and fireball face. Otherwise, heal for 6 and develop two taunts. With the 5 additional armor, that's 11 health gain on 8. Not many decks can still gun you down the turn after that.
It'll never really be a win con itself. But unless you're specifically playing doomhammer shaman, what other shaman deck wins before or on turn 8 anyway? Even quest shaman isnt nearly as consistent after the nerf, and you easily remove Al'Akir the Windlord from elemental shaman for this anyday.
Someone check my math, but I believe Bolner Hammerbeak + Bru'kan of the Elements + 2x Lightning Bloom + 2x Kindling Elemental + 2x Elven Archer + Guardian Augmerchant = 44 face damage (plus an unrestricted Reno Jackson and/or asymmetrical Twisting Nether effect).
Obviously that 9-card max damage combo probably isn't going to happen on ladder, but I feel like we could realistically see Bolner + Bru'kan being used as a 10-mana, 12-damage Alexstrasza the Life-Binder + pre-Barrens Flamestrike to top off a Control Shaman or Quest Shaman's curve. I could also see many people getting very mad about that 12-damage finisher (putting aside any potential Lightning Bloom shenanigans), given how people felt about Alex a few metas ago.
First off, I'm assuming you meant to link the Ethereal Augmerchant and not the Guardian Augmerchant.
Secondly, spell damage doesn't proc battlecry effects. (This was already attempted if you were around for Kalimos, Primal Lord) who has a very similar battlecry effect(s) to Brukans. Battlecry effects are (usually) not affected by spell damage.
No, I was just throwing in a random 1-mana battlecry. I did realize, however, that Tour Guide could mean extra damage too. Here is the thought process:
I do find it somewhat frightening that Bolner + Bru'kan + Lightning Bloom + two 1-mana battlecries = 24 face damage.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Bolner choose randomly when he repeats Battlecries? So you may not get the fireball each time.
That could be true--I haven't used or seen Bolner a whole bunch! However, as I understand it, he only chooses randomly when the battlecry is itself random.
The way Bru'kan of the Elements's battlecry reads to me is "Battlecry: Choose two hero powers to activate this turn." If that's how the battlecry really should be translated into plain HS terms, I'd be really surprised if you weren't given a choice each time.
I'm thinking mainly of a precedent for a similar scenario: if you play Siamat with Battle Totem, you get to choose from all four options each time his battlecry triggers. That said, I know that's an example from single-player content... if you know whether it works the same way with Brann Bronzebeard, though, that might confirm it one way or another!
Siamat works exactly like that with Brann. Also, the Bolner doesn't actually trigger Battlercies like Brann does, he recasts them. So, his effect is closer to Shudderwock. Also, Brilliant Macaw doesn't let you pick targets if you recast something like The Lurker Below, so this OTK flat-out doesn't work.
That's really good to know about Brann and Siamat! Thanks!!!
Not saying the OTK is competitively viable (I certainly hope it's not... my favorite games of all time were Rise of Shadows Control Warrior mirrors), I'm just double-checking that it's possible. :) It actually doesn't include Brilliant Macaw... instead, it's based on the idea that whenever Bolner repeats Bru'kan's battlecry, you'll always be able to choose from among all of his hero powers. If that's true, then basically, every single battlecry you play that turn can include a Fireball to face (since the Fire Invocation HP always goes face), which means a ton of cheap battlecries that you play on the same turn as Bru'kan = a ton of Fireballs to face.
No, it is 6 face damage from Brukan, 6x6 face damage from Bolner (copying the Brukan battlecry for each minion) +2 damage from two Elven archers
So Dr kalimos...I approve.
I do hope this card is good and see play. Crafting in gold just because of how sick he looks.
What are they smoking over there at Blizzard this is beyond broken. The only problem is that the game doesn’t make it to turn 8 ever, but seeing how they are trying to push slower strategies this expansion, then yeah, time to dust off the old Tickatus because good fucking luck trying to do anything with cards like this aroun
Its certainly flexible and strong enough to basically exist in all shaman decks, courtesy of its ability to clear, heal or fireball face on play.
I just cant see much downside to just having this in the deck. The only existing problem is the same with Dr Boom, where you have no control over your hero power each turn, but unlike Dr Boom with its myriad of a thousand rushing mechs, if your whiff on your hp on a crucial turn you might just be screwed because shaman's clears and heals are fairly finite.
Still, this is one card that requires no setup or combo to be good, so there needs be a very good reason for not having this in your deck. Also its incredibly busted with Brilliant Macaw the following turn, assuming it works as I think it would.
Very sick artwork too Id have to say. That pretty much rounds up the near perfect card.
Agreed. This is a day 1 golden craft IMO. Especially cause shaman has always been one of my top played classes.
Wow, it's like reading a YuGiOh card.
Seems too much for 8 mana, but all of the options as a hero power are really good. I think the flexibility of this card sells it. Hopefully, we get enough good control card for this to see play because I love me some control shaman.
So Bru'kan is nuking tamsin in fire invo so does that mean its horde V ally and also Tamsin is there to kill?