Double Combo Druid [SoU Theorycraft]

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

This deck is centered around two combos: Linecracker and Malygos. The Linecracker combo is easy, you play Linecracker and then BEEEES!!! it the next turn for 40 damage. This makes Linecracker a must-remove target.

The Malygos combo is a bit more complicated: You need Elise the Enlightened to hit either double Moonfire or 1 Moonfire and 1 Flobbidinous Floop. Then, you play Malygos. If Malygos gets removed it is no trouble, since the next turn you can play 1 of 2 combos, both dealing 33 damage:

1: Flobbidinous Floop + Swipe + 4x Moonfire.

2: 2x Flobbidinous Floop + 3x Moonfire.

If you hit Flobbidinous Floop and 2 Moonfire with Elise the Enlightened you can deal 44 damage. Play Youthful Brewmaster on Elise the Enlightened to generate a huge amount of Moonfires to break through a Control Warrior's armour.

The main draw card of the deck is Juicy Psychmelon, which draws Linecracker or Siamat, Jepetto Joybuzz, King Phaoris and Malygos. The deck's other draw engines include Nourish, Acolyte of Pain, Ferocious Howl, Overflow, Crystal Merchant and Keeper Stalladris + Wrath. This part of the deck is very flexible.

Drawing Jepetto Joybuzz before Juicy Psychmelon allows for some crazy combos, like getting insane amount of damage with playing 2 Malygos. Another fun possibility is Jepetto Joybuzz drawing King Phaoris, which allows for some crazy boards after duplicating them with Elise the Enlightened. 1 mana 1/1 summon a board full of 5-7 cost minions sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Playing Jepetto Joybuzz after Juicy Psychmelon allows him to draw Elise the Enlightened, Sunreaver Warmage, Keeper Stalladris or Zephrys the Great.

This deck runs double Moonfire because it is needed for the Malygos combo. Since there is no need to play Elise the Enlightened on curve, 1 duplicate should not be a huge problem.

The deck features a strong anti-aggro package including Crystal Power, Swipe, Zilliax, Siamat, Hidden Oasis, Anubisath Defender, Oasis Surger, Starfall, Wrath and BEEEES!!!. This package provides a variety of taunt, healing and removal.

A big spell package is included, with Starfall, Nourish, Overflow and Hidden Oasis as spells, which combo with King Phaoris, Sunreaver Warmage, Garden Gnome and Anubisath Defender. This also has great synergy with Keeper Stalladris, since 3 out of 4 big spells synergise with him and he adds extra copies of them to your hand to activate the big spell synergy cards.


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  • Thomback's Avatar
    185 61 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I'm not sure about Jepetto Joybuzz and Malygos in this decklist.

    Anyway, it will probably be the first deck I craft! Sounds fun!

    • Erodos's Avatar
      Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

      Malygos is essential combo, so why exactly are you not sure about him? [Hearthstone Card (Jeppeto Joybuzz) Not Found] is indeed a more debatable choice, but he has very few bad targets to hit and if he hits the right one it can lead to some insane combo's. You're guaranteed to draw him with Juicy Psychmelon, together with either Alexstrasza or Malygos, which increases the chance that he draws the other one. Although maybe he should be replaced with something more early-game, or another 8-drop to draw with Juicy Psychmelon.

      • Thomback's Avatar
        185 61 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

        Ah shiet, I meant Alexstrasza, sorry. And you're right, having additional targets for Juicy Psychmelon is a big plus, so they might be better than I thought.

        Thx for the explanation!

        • Erodos's Avatar
          Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
          Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

          After seeing some of the new cards, I decided to cut Alexstrasza, since King Phaoris and Siamat seem better fits for the deck and also provide enough targets for Juicy Psychmelon.

        • Erodos's Avatar
          Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
          Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

          Alexstrasza is there to help reduce the damage threshold against warriors, to allow combos with some missing pieces and to give Jepetto Joybuzz a higher chance to pull Malygos, since you won't necessarily pull both with Juicy Psychmelon. I don't think it will be essential though!


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