I hope you enjoy your big stuff control & wombo combo meta.
Submitted 3 years ago by
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I see you!
Your face is already dead
I am playing demon seed warlock so yeah I am enjoying to face control decks.
Still noboby enjoying the combo control meta?
Me neither...
I see you!
I realy do not know what you are talking about!
I enjoy the meta right now - at least on European Server the Meta is pretty diverse - sure there are some decks you see more of than others (Pirate Warrior, Libram Paladin for example) but my last 6 Games right now were against:
Burgle Rogue, Freeze Shaman, Pirate Warrior, Guff / Ramp Druid , Quest Rogue ,Deathrattle Priest and OTK Warlock - 6 Games and every one of those were different.
Sure like i mentioned sometimes i met the same deck twice or even three times in a row but i still have fun because not every game is the same. Also i only play decks i enjoy and im at Diamond 10 so i mess around with lots of homebrew and fun decks - and i have fun with them even if i loose.
So, i realy do not see the forementioned WomboCombo Meta - yes some OTK´s i've met like the Owl OTK from Warlock but right now that is the only OTK i've seen. Maybe Guff C'Thun Counts as OTK?
TLDR,: I enjoy the meta and do not see many Wombo Combo Decks!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
What combo control meta? Everyone is playing burgle rogue right now which is anything but that. Looking past that the following decks are what I see at legend:
-Face hunter
-Pirate warrior
-Quest rogue
-Bolner shaman
-Mozaki mage
-Some druid and dh jank
-Libram paladin
-Hand warlock
The meta is extremely varied. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Think you spelled the title wrong, it's actually " hope you enjoy your boring, robotic meta" . I'm happy to proof-read any time
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
This is by far the worst Standard control meta since Warlock with Voidcaller + Voidlord was T1. x_X
There is not enough food for how much I could puke.
I see you!
Freeze Shaman has been doing me wonders so far: I'm the farthest I've ever been in Ranked - Standard and Wild - and yesterday I got the final tier "Win 12 in a row" achievement. Meta's been fine for me.
I hope in the next miniset this control meta will finally end!
About 3/4 what I meet on ladder is Control Warrior, Control Priest, Control Druid or other infinitive heal and removal decks. x_X
I see you!
Looking at the latest vs meta report 3/10 top decks can be considered 'control' (at top 1k legend). Hand warlock, fel demon hunter and quest shaman.
'control meta' indeed...
Do you want to trade dimensions with me? I'd love to go to the universe where people are playing control decks and not pirate warrior, token druid, and face hunter endlessly.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
I slowly come to the conclusion that this is the most cancerous control meta we ever had in Standard. :)
I see you!
Were you around during Wallet Warrior?
Twitch for those of you who care.
I think you got lost on your way to the salt thread...
Your face is already dead
I don't want to sound like a... "not so nice" person, but did you play during Rise Of Shadows? That Control Warrior meta 1000% was worse than this meta. If you didnt, imagine 30 minute to 1 hour games, and the wincon was purely "Whoever bounces Archivist Elysiana the most wins", and after the Archivist Elysiana nerf, the control warrior with the Coin insta-won because only they could still bounce Archivist Elysiana.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Can everyone please stop feeding the troll? OP is clearly butthurt about ... something? I don't know, but they're not engaging in a discussion here, just repeating the same complaint. Maybe we can close this thread, and start a new one where people comment constructively on whether or not they find the current meta diverse enough.
I for one am running into a nice variety of classes and decks. Losing to some strong aggro or combo always feels bad, but at least it's not the same thing every time.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted