Should I include Lorekeeper Polkelt in my shadow raza priest?
Submitted 2 years, 9 months ago by
I came back 1 month ago to hs after 2 years and had some small updates to my raza priest list with some new cards. Already got to diamond 5 last season (and probably will be there again in couple of days)
Now I am wondering if I should craft Lorekeeper Polkelt? What do you think, will it help the winrate of the deck or be an extra "do nothing" high mana card? The dust is not a big issue as I have 11600 of it. What would you take out if you would include him?
This is the deck I use:
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I came back 1 month ago to hs after 2 years and had some small updates to my raza priest list with some new cards. Already got to diamond 5 last season (and probably will be there again in couple of days)
Now I am wondering if I should craft Lorekeeper Polkelt? What do you think, will it help the winrate of the deck or be an extra "do nothing" high mana card? The dust is not a big issue as I have 11600 of it. What would you take out if you would include him?
This is the deck I use:
Yes definitely, he is very strong to put your main combo pieces and Reno Jackson on top. I’d take out Soul Mirror to include him.
THanks for the reply, I'm testing him out and let's see how it goes. First couple of matches I was a bit unlucky with him (starting in my opening hand is not ideal as you don't want this before t8 typically. But let's see how it continues. I am wondering if I should keep Fordring in, but on the other hand it's a certain Reno pull, which should be able to save you t5/6 from agro...
Will update this once I got some more info out
Raza Priest used to be a personal favorite of mine before it couldn't keep up anymore. Definetely going to try it again, adapted to the current meta. Can't imagine it ever beating a Druid or Shaman though.
I suggest removing Soul Mirror. Having few cards between the highest cost card in your deck and Reno Jackson is very important when you run Polkelt. It essentially puts you turn timer before a full heal against aggro, and I doubt the average wild player will see it coming as it has been over a year since Raza Priest has been viable.
Your face is already dead
Yeah I personally like my list so far. The addition of Voidtouched Attendant is actually pretty good and allows for more flexibility and/or damage dealt when you don't have all your other pieces in place. Have won quite a couple of matches because of that flexibility. Actually shaman and druid are indeed not the best matchups (the moment druid pulls it's infinite armor combo and you couldn't stall it with rat you are death, same for Shaman). In those matchups play (as much as possible) as agro, ignoring as much as possible face damage they deal to you. It's winnable, but depends on the draw of both sides and can be difficult.
Yeah I did remove soul mirror although it felt good to have it. Polkelt will indeed draw you reno in (at least) 3 turns and foldring tutors reno the moment it gets killed, both making good tutor's. Actually dealing with heavy agro is not too bad with the decklist as mind spike allows you to keep some control over the board while stalling with the other cards. Probably a couple of different ways to go with the list, but I like this so far.
Well I actually feel this makes the climb a lot easier as people assume a different play style, especially when they see mind spike t1. After 2 years I had to get used a couple of days to the new cards (honestly the power creep is ridiculous, who thought giving pirate warrior this much draw was a good idea is an idiot ;-)) But most wild players I encounter (except for shudderwock shaman) seem to play with last 2 years of cards mostly so them getting used to me is more difficult than vice-versa I guess ;-)
If you start playing raza priest let me know what list you will use, curious about it :)
EDIT: just had the most frustrating game where literally my pokelt, foldring and raza (in that order) were my bottom 3 cards and it costed me the game. But that's rng for you haha (had some games were pokelt has helped certainly)
Well 2 "expansions" (expansion + mini-set) my current iteration is:
It now includes the 3 card draw Naga (it won't always be possible/easy to trigger, but a 3 card draw in this deck is just too good), the 0 mana legendary priest naga (it's a nice ping enabler and otherwise it can give you some board presence + mana Vs agro) And I replaced hysteria with Drown.
I have to say the deck has now a ton of answers and feels pretty refined. I had also written (a small) guide, so if anybody would like to learn more or wants to play it. Just let me know.