Shadow raza priest

Last updated 2 years, 7 months ago by
  • Casual

A further "evolution" of razakus priest. With the card draw of handmaiden in combination with the right tutors it makes playing the deck pretty consistent. I still really enjoy the highlander playstyle as no game feels the same. I have build the deck around flexibility, so that when you loose one (or two) of your main combo burst pieces you can still do (a lot of) burst damage.

The inclusion of only shadow spells and Benedict helps in controling the early game and to ping away some health to make you get your opponent into burst reach.

For the gameplan vs agro:

Do whatever it takes to stay alive. There is a ton of tools to heal you or destroy minions. Make certain you don't too quickly use your aoe as there is not too many in the deck (but enough). If you managed to stay alive long enough you'll get your combo and win. Be thoughtfull of your resources though.

Vs (other) combo decks:

It depends greatly what kind of combo deck, but typically you try to beat there combo either with dirty rat or get your own combo earlier. Psychic scream can be used to put 'trash' in your opponents deck, don't hesitate to use it when it gives you a couple of extra turns

Vs control decks:

Similar to agro, but you have to be more careful with your removal here, always expect they have one (or two) additional ways to generate a board out of their ...

If anybody is looking for more details or wonders about specific inclusions just let me know and I can add them.

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #2

Card changes 2 years, 7 months ago (Throne of the Tides)

Update #1

Card changes 2 years, 8 months ago (Voyage to the Sunken City)

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