We've got a new Demon Hunter card revealed for Voyage to the Sunken City by Basgamer - Lady S'theno!
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FUN FACT: In Greek myth, Stheno is a gorgon and a sister of Medusa. (Her other sister is Euryale, pronounced you-RYE-a-lee.)
This should be fun to slot into Fel Demon Hunter!
Alright I don't understand why make this card for DH? Are they pushing DH in a spell direction?
Seems like they're just throwing any random archetypes at DH. Can we get an actual Control and Deathrattle DH archetype instead of blizzard changing the direction every expansion.
Demon Hunter already had Kor'vas Bloodthorn and that card sucked...Now they're giving demon hunter another 2 chip damage spam minion.
Also immune shouldn't be a theme they keep pushing all these weird mechanics in demon hunter instead of just using outcast.
Stop pushing immune and charge cards in DH every expansion. They're making this class a combination of everything.
Other than that this is a cool card if there is a spell demon hunter which is pretty boring with all the other spell decks and spell face hunter...Zzz
Immune does fit DH extremely well. They cannot take hits, but make up for it in other ways to avoid taking damage while tanking. Besides, Immune has been part of their identity since their inception. S'theno captures what DHs are.
Looked 100% like a shrimp zoomed out. That would have been awesome.
Wow I really like this card. The 2 attack on an immune minion seems pretty reasonable and fairly balanced. DH enjoys slinging spells as much as Mage these days. I see this legendary as the bane to all aggro/token decks
I feel like Demon Hunter shouldn't be so spell based.
DH should be a Aggro, Midrange, Control class
Not a spell slinger class. Combo decks are an exception though.
Youve got to be more specific, because your description of what dhunter should be more or less covers everything.
As for spell slinging, that's practically what the class has been doing since the start of darkmoon. The old il'gynoth dhunter had 5 minions tops. The current one has a little more. Its nothing new.
I mean I would rather them not use combo decks in DH.
If you think that's everything then nvm about the combo and control.
Tempo/Midrange and Aggro seems like the best direction.
DH has always been aggro and Midrange that so those are staples for it.
Warrior or DH?
This sounds kinda nuts if I'm being honest. Immune while attacking is actually insanely powerful and hasn't been used that much so far.
I mean as long as you have spells this is potentially a full clear on every board. Could be even crazier if there's some decent way to give it an attack buff. At the very least it's limited to minions only
I messed up! It's not minion, it's enemy.
Wait what? That's insane
Another thing, it also says warrior not demon hunter.
That's what happens when you copy-paste stuff. Can't fix it immediately, but it's not as urgent, it's pretty obviously a DH card.
The wording seems to imply that it can hit your own minions.
In that respect this card is niche. Very niche in fact. Because it'll only ever function in control or combo, such as quest and fel dhunter, where spells are aplenty and this card cant backfire. The last thing you want is this card locking you out of spells until it dies or your opponent plays a lower health minion.
Perhaps this is an indication that we wont be getting anymore AoE cards for dhunter, because the best one, Immolation Aura, is actually rotating, leaving them fairly helpless against token decks. And this card is supposed to be the answer to that.
Edit: Well with further revelations, this card turned from niche to OP. Assuming that there's no more corrections, this can also strike your opponent's face.
Its scary to see how much damage can be done with hero kurtrus and this card on board, because it also refreshes your hp. You might just destroy them from 30 with a few spells.
I messed up! It's not minion, it's enemy.
Mistake happens. No worries here :) Just have to adjust my wording from half-shit to OP. Guess being able to hit face really elevates anything in hearthstone.
Nirast messed up, it actually says enemies not minions
I messed up! It's not minion, it's enemy.