A new Hearthstone card has been revealed on Bilibili - Ini Stormcoil!
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Step 1: Play Celestial Alignment
Step 2: Draw this card, plus Circus Amalgam and Mr. Smite
Step 3: some sort of attack buff?
Step 4: Profit.
Nooo... I was waiting for Ozumat as the last neutral legendary of the set. Miniset then; because that has to be Throne of the Tides, right?
Rush no charge :( ...
As a Wild main player, I think this will not be strong enough.
(Yes, I know I will get a lot of downvotes for liking charge.)
No downvote, but we really don't need Ini to give it charge. Even just a measly 3 attack mech would be like summoning Al'Akir the Windlord!
In theory this card is insane. But in practice it'll require a sticky mech or a turn 4 stealth mech like Coppertail Imposter to really reach its full potential.
A must have for mech builds, not because it'll often win the game, but by simply threatening to do so it has probably accomplish its wicked task. Sort of like a cheaper and better Battleground Battlemaster. I'd imagine seeing this mostly in paladin, mostly because I dont think mage's gameplan involves board as much as paladin does.
We'll have to see the full set of mechs, and whether magnetic comes back, to fully evaluate this card.
She's learned a thing or two from Dr. Boom it seems.
Also this card seems pretty fun. Probably won't likely to happen, but copying Gaia, the Techtonic is something to think about.
It's going to go in that deck anyway because Mech Mage is going to have plenty of targets for it.
Oh boy that sounds threatening but we haven't really seen most of the mechs yet so it's hard to judge.
But this should be decent in Paladin since Divine Shield stuff tends to stick for a turn. Probably good in Mech too.
It's basically a stronger version of M[Hearthstone Card (enagerie Warden) Not Found]. Whether that'S good enough is a different question.
Menagerie Warden was never played. You can have only one of this in your deck, so miňus for consistency.
Guess mechs are back on the menu boys and gals!
(Note: judgement of card may vary depending on core set mechs)
Yeah, it was clear to me since the mage sweeping mech from first reveal
Still didn't get what this character is... half gnome half murloc? Or it could be a gnomecyborg...
She is a mechagnome, a race of gnomes that stayed away from the others and augmented themselves to be more machine. Like Viktor in LOR
Alright probably gonna butcher this but it's what I remember. So at the tsart of time Titans threw a bunch of robots and stone people onto Azeroth to make sure it didn't explode (they failed horribly at this btw) Later Yogg saron makes the curse of flesh in his basement and chucks it at Azeroth. This turns all the robo gnomes into just gnomes and the stone people into fleshy things.
Later in a polace called Mechagon the gnomes there thought "I kinda want to be robot again" and so they started augmenting themselves to be CYBORGS. So judgding by her look she is indeed a cyborg but not a full mech as the mechagnomes arent full robot. However a card like Clockwork Gnome is since it from either A. Before curse of flesh or B. was built from scracth instead of being a fleshling to start with then adding robot parts later.
So to answer your question, Ini is a cyborg gnome who started as a normal gnome then got augments becaue improvements (I'm pretty sure)
Interesting lore, thanks.
The funny thing is I'm not a wow player, so I've just guess right about the gnome cyborg, yay!
Her eyes also remember me that character from the anime MHA
I think she's a mechagnome. There are a few different things that term applies to, but it always amounts to them being somewhere on the spectrum between fully mechanical titan creation to the fully biological 'normal' gnomes.
A bit of Warcraft history: gnomes, humans and dwarfs began as titan constructs and were afflicted by the curse of flesh, leading to the biological forms we're used to. But unaffected characters continue to exist, and some mechagnomes are part way between flesh and machine. My guess is Ini is one of those, so whether she is a mech or not is ambiguous.
Yeah I don't know either lol looks like a cyborg but it has no Mech tag
Now this is a fun card definitely gonna make some fun mech decks with this.